Is this a trap? US Marshals Service puts up IML Complaint form

[ 4/24/18]

As part of the International Megan’s Law, the US Marshals Service has been notifying receiving countries when a registrant is traveling. You can imagine how the immigration officials in a country you are traveling to will react when they receive a warning from the US Marshals that you are arriving.

Travelers have been intercepted upon arrival, interrogated and turned back on the next flight. In most cases, they are denied entry, unable to attend to business, visit family, attend a loved one’s wedding ceremony or simply see the world. The effects of IML have been devastating.

But is it possible that the US Marshals service has a complaint form where you can tell them about your ruined travel plans?!? A link on their site indicates they do:

Why? What are they going to do with this? Use it for entertainment? Send thank you notes to countries who reject registrants? I’m skeptical.

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It’s already a trap that under the IML that registrants have to give 21 day advance notice for traveling abroad for business or leisure. They’re getting set up to be turned away and sent back with extra screening given by US customs with vacations ruined, and a person suffering from job or business loss because of a reckless law claiming to protect children from international crimes. Let along the IML that is specifically targeting registrants that had a criminal conviction involving minors

I’m eager to see the statisitics of how many sex tourism crimes were committed after IML has been active foe a year and compare that data to sex tourism crimes committed in the years leading up to IML.

Considering almost all international sex crimes are committed by people never before convicted, I fear IML has actually emboldened perpetrators to commit crimes since they know they’ll fly under the radar (pun intended) of authorities only screening people for past convictions.

I just tried to access the form our of curiosity…THERE IS NO FORM!

The IML sure is targeting only registrants that had criminal convictions involving minors, and people just get foolish ideas of how to prevent international crimes against minors by keeping these type of registrants exposed through these mandatory notifications to make everyone think they’re the ones to watch out for, and thinking they’re dangerous.

In 2018, I was briefly detained by French police upon my plane’s arrival at a Paris airport. I submitted a FOIA Request to the USMS for any documents related to the situation. When reviewing the documentation USMS provided, it appears that they inaccurately identified me as a “fugitive”. (Oddly, throughout the 60+ pages of internal documents and emails they provided to me, there was a concern repeatedly expressed that subject [me] not file a formal complaint.)
In any case, I did submit a formal Complaint about the USMS/NSOTC/Angel Watch/IML inaccurately identifying me as a fugitive.

(Maybe I’ll be “extraordinarily renditioned” to a beautiful Caribbean oasis never to be heard from again!😲 I hope they have Piña Coladas!🍹)

@ R M: LOL 😁 I probably would not have filed a Complaint had it not been for their own internal emails making such a fuss about avoiding one! 🤗