nnsylvania lawmakers insist they have fixed problems with Megan’s Law that threatened to allow thousands of sex offenders to avoid having to register with the state.
Not so fast, say defense attorneys.Full Article
nnsylvania lawmakers insist they have fixed problems with Megan’s Law that threatened to allow thousands of sex offenders to avoid having to register with the state.
Not so fast, say defense attorneys.Full Article
Don’t forget to layer this with Gundy vs United States…. nondeligation.
Tweak the Registry anyway you like, it’s still punishment!! 😡
I just ‘enjoy’ (extreme sarcasm; of course) how the news reporter wrote this story in a “Psychological – Negative Way”. (As an example to explain my ‘meaning’; would be like, a new person (John) has been hired for a company. Another employee (Tim) has been on vacation, and upon returning to work, speaks to a different co-worker (Steve). They both have a conversation and Steve tells Tim all kinds of ‘negative’ things (like his attitude, hygiene, etc.) about the new hire John. Now; all of the sudden, Tim’s has a Psychological Negative thoughts about John. (Which may possibly be absolutely incorrect; as John is a kind and decent person). So when Tim finally does meet him, John already has a ‘negative’ “First Impression”.
So; hopefully my just one example, makes sense.
Anyway, as I was originally saying, I love how the reporter wrote the story; however, only mentioned very minimal details regarding the new Law. As opposed to actually writing the story with extensive details and data that actually explains why it is ‘considered’ Unconstitutional. Plus, using (2) individuals cases who are of younger and more severe in nature (which intensify’s the emotions of public); as opposed to the other cases that are involved such as 15-17 year old person who had ‘consensual’ relations with someone older (and its only a crime because of being a minor).
So this story casts a ‘Negative’ Physiological Image in the public; which in turn, creates more/added hysteria.
“I am proud to sign this bill, which helps to keep Pennsylvanians safer by maintaining a comprehensive list of sex offenders,” Wolf said Feb. 21 when the fixes took effect. “We must maintain confidence in our judicial system, especially for victims of sexual abuse crimes.”
Judicial system? Wait, I thought it was a civil, non-punitive regulatory scheme. How does that involve the judicial system…unless perhaps it’s punitive? Hmm….
And when/if this law gets struck down, another will be passed. Hence keeping sex offenders under the thumb of the state. All because the judicial branch doesn’t review legislation to ensure it is legal.
“They’ve told us that this cures the deficit in the prior law, so we’re trusting they are right about that,” Wilson said, adding: “At least until they tell us otherwise.”
That has got to be one of the lamest excuses I’ve ever heard. So, if the legislature told Wilson it wouldn’t hurt if he jumped off a 10-story building, he’d jump?
I like the comments at the bottom, is that the only word these ignorant fcks know how to use, pediphile? pediphile is not a person, it’s a mental illness, so these people are calling people a bad cold in essence, because they are so stuppid, WOW….
Rinse, wash, repeat, rinse,wash,repeat,rinse,was,repeat.
Just keep challenging and fiighting, As we know, people are listening, we’re not being loud enough though, we need to make a lot more noise… we need More people like Terry Brunson and others like him to challenge these ridiculous laws, people that don’t have to use lawyers because they know how to decipher law!!!
Only way to fix this! Is to keep fighting. Registry’s are a very Clear Evil way to Punish and Shame people. For a one time Mistake or A Romeo and Jul love. Registry’s Only make the police Money. That Why All the 50 state’s legislation is trying to come up with anyway too hold on to This Money maker Scheme Like Saying we track 19,000 sex offender each day. That is BS next time Ask a cop? Where was The so and so sex offender lamb chop 15 hours ago. They have NO clue AT all where lamb chop was or even if he was in the USA! They only know your home Address and work. Yippee!!!! My family and friends All know where i live! But None of my Family and Friends Know What i am Doing 24/7 each min Same as the cop’s don’t have A clue TOO! For the legislation to post My Info On the web Is A Danger to Me And All People. Registry’s Can NEVER Stop Sex Abuse. Even If it wasn’t Abuse in the first place! Kids want to learn from their Parents for question’s about sex! But with Over Half of marriage Couples fall out of love And the woman get the kids. Man are struck to try and tell their kid about sex and How it works! I will tell you NEVER EVER Talk to your Kids About SEX she will turn it around on you! Just Send it Back to The witch!! I fell in to that trap so giving you all a heads up over that! So get use too not bein a parent. Anyway keep fighting This Useless Reg That does No good But Harm People of The USA \
“They’ll all legal until they’re not.”
Right! AlexO!. All laws, no matter how blatantly unconstitutional, are legal … simply because the legislature says so … until they are not.
This is why I’ve mentioned a few times in this and other PA threads that NO ONE who as ever been convicted (or plead guilty to) a sexual offense can EVER let their guard down. YOU WILL NEVER BE FREE. Why? Because that is how our legal system works. The legislature need only pass a law, and it may apply to you, until (if) it is struck down by the courts. And even then, the state may not comply (what are you gonna do, judge? sue me?)
Relieved of a duty to register in PA? Do you want to go to annual Jazz Festival in Chicago Illinois? Forget about it. You can NEVER, for the rest of your life, set foot on any public park property in Illinois! If you do, whether you are registered in your state or not, you will violate an Illinois law that makes you subject to arrest and felony charges.
Wait, what? Do you mean that for the rest of my life, I have to check the statutes of every state and county and municipality of every locale I travel to in order to ensure I am not violating one of their laws, regardless of whether or not I am still required to register? Well, the simple, and complete, answer is YES.
Megan’s law or rather the act for which it is primarily named was misused for the perversion of justice. Rather than focus on the worst aspect of her case (murder) the focus was on the sexual conduct that happened before. If anything this is the legislative fix required for the law. Change it from sex offenses to murder.
The good news is thousands of people in PA have been relived of the burden of being a registered sex offender and the majority of other states are in line with the their constitutional rights because their law only applies to people that have to register in their home state. The other states will soon fall to the reality that it is unconstitutional to criminal charge a person if they do not have to register in the state they committed their crime so soon the laws they have passed will shit the bed too. That is the real facts love it or leave it.
yea they are fixing things alright. and at the same time, we see an example of this:
just another example of the pa government, and the hypocrisy that knows no bounds. so while they are all gung-ho in public about SOs and getting things right for “public safety” all the while behind closed doors, trying to figure out how to sweep things under the rug, so as not to “tarnish” the almighty, all knowing pa government.
heres another fine example of our “government officials” at their finest. can you say hypocrite? wonder if this bastard will ever end up on “the list”?
the problem with all these asshole government officials is, they forget that they put their pants on the same way everyone else does, and what goes around, eventually, comes around….
The laws we have in place for many things are an outrage to me. I think about Megan’s Law registry and I wonder if any one ever thought this through. The consequences to those on the registry are far greater then anyone it protects. Do your research. The numbers just do not add up. Megan’s Law does not help stop sex crime or any other crime. There are more people on the registry that don’t belong there – then there are that do. This law was intended to monitor violent predators. What it is now, is a misused weapon. We have everyone from someone who pee’s on a tree, to someone who rubbed a belly without permission. While both in the wrong situation could be uncomfortable and annoying, not sexual offender worthy.
What happens when it is you? How do you feel when you are the one faced with the consequences so many others are faced with? Walk a mile in a pair of their shoes, you may fully understand what it means to do the time on this registry, because it is very easy to get labeled this way. All it takes is you peeing in public. You may have had a relationship with someone under age, but had consent. You may be a prostitue. There are many reasons why you could end up there. All of which are not violent actions. How do you wish to be labeled if any of these happened to you?
Our laws contradict themselves.
In one breath we will say you are not old enough to have alcohol and in the next breath state you are old enough to give up your life for your country. Just be sure you don’t have a drink before you go, you would be breaking the law and give up the right to die for your country.
At 14 a girl kills someone, you want her tried as an adult because she knows the difference between life and death, but let her have the right to choose who she has sex with, now that is ridiculous. That she can’t understand the consequences to.
Laws are meant to help control violence and not help create it. When you are sentenced, you are sentenced in accordance to your crime. When the sentence is over, you have cleared your slate, at least so we were always told so. You are supposed to have paid your debt to society. If your crime warrants lifetime monitoring, why was your sentence less then a lifetime. This would be because your crime was not worthy of a lifetime sentence. You don’t get to say after the fact, this is how we will continue to put you on display. There should be no after the fact punishment, especially limited to only one specific crime.
I don’t deny that there are so many sick people out there. I know there are and I fear for my child every day in this sick world we live in. For those cases that are true sex crimes and any other true crime, punishment should be great and should be determined in a court of law. However, I still don’t believe once they have fulfilled the sentence given in a court of law, they should continue to be punished after the fact. Everyone has the right to change, even if your heart was affected by a criminal act and you can’t open your mind to it. We all have rights, regardless of your crime.
You expect them to move on and obtain a normal life. How? That is my question. Jobs won’t hire them, they don’t want their names displayed on the site. They find someone they love but they have kids. Everyone calls child services on them. It is just a constant public display. I am sorry. If I need to know who is living near me, I always have access to that. I don’t need a registry to tell me.
Very good breakdown of the SORNA 2 – unconstitutional ruling!
Right now the lower court has until July 22 2018 to get the appeal filed with Commonwealth court or the Superior Court, unsure what court follows. But there is no possible way to overturn this. When it reaches the PA Supreme Court it will be again shot down in the FAVOR of the REGISTERED CITIZEN.
The fight begins, I believe this person had to register for life under ACT 10.
As of right now everyone ACT 10 that was forced to be on ACT 10 by May 21 2018 is on it illegally.
And therefore the PSP is violating yet again another RULING!
Despite of the New Law Sorna II is illegal in all ways. All they did was water stuff down like the policitians do. I really see this Megan’s Law or Sorna as a HATE CRIME. Pennsylvania only hates on one specific group of people that’s SOs. They dont care about drugs that takes people’s lives, or alcohol, or opioids. I think we need to fill suit as a HATE CRIME.
Take a look these two links. One is the order of the court pertaining to legal questions, hainsetworth, nase, muniz, etc. and the other is the desenting judges, they want no part.
What it is saying is that, if hainesworth v commonwealth attacked the plea agreements and plea agreements were to be followed per contract, then hainesworth, nase, etc and others effected by the hainestworth, martinez and nase decision concernring plea agreements and Pre Sorna requirements, and there NAMES ARE NOT ON THE REGISTERY because they are complying with the TRUE MEGANS LAW TWO LAW.
Then why in Muniz, when we signed back up to Act 10, are we still on the internet, I took a plea agreement and should not be on the internet, and others like me PRE SORNA should not either.
I am checking every day (sometimes a couple of times a day) doing Google searches (……and checking this Website, etc.) looking for any news updates relating to the Appeal of this “fix”, etc. It has been so long since I have seen any news/ updates regarding the Appeals status for people challenging this “newer” (crap) Legislation “fix”. It’s so frustrating, ……and disappointing (however the recent judge’s rulings in other states have been somewhat uplifting encouragement that hopefully other judges across the country to start to “grab their ba**s” ……and push- back that it’s unconstitutional/punitive.