Senate Committee to Hear SB 1143 on April 24

The Senate Public Safety Committee is scheduled to consider Senate Bill (SB) 1143 on April 24. If passed, SB 1143 would require registrants convicted of an offense involving a minor to disclose their requirement to register to both potential landlords as well as those who have a house to sell. If a registrant failed to make this disclosure, the landlord or seller could lawfully cancel an existing lease or contract.

“This bill must be stopped,” state ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “If the bill becomes law, there will be a significant increase in the number of homeless registrants and that, in turn, will reduce public safety.”

The committee hearing will begin at 9:30 a.m. and be held in Room 3191 of the State Capitol.

Registrants, family members, and supporters are encouraged to write letters opposing SB 1143 to Senator Nancy Skinner, Chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee.

SB 1143 – Oppose – 5 April 201804052018 Sample Letter

SB 1143

CA: Vidak authors measure to prevent sex offenders from secretly moving in next door to schools, parks and child care centers


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Election years produce the worst kind of laws. Really, the only law that I want to see passed is one that would require the legislature to actually produce data as to why a law is required instead of the current “sounds right, so it must be right”. I have a feeling we’d have far less new and old laws if the burden of data was actually on the people who create all this BS.

Wow, this is incredibly stupid law.

Too bad there isn’t a similar bill for domestic assault felons, or those convicted of pushing opioids. (Or for politicians convicted of corruption. Oh I forgot, their convictions are usually overturned, or quietly expunged)

Wouldn’t this be found unconstitutional because you are compelling speech from one private person to another private person, thus violating the First Amendment? The Legislature and voters have moved away from this forced disclosure of criminal records, notably by “banning the box” (questions about criminal records) on job applications, which became effective this year (see AB 1008). In addition to being unconstitutional, this bill conflicts with existing law, specifically Section 290.46(j)(2), which “expressly prohibits the use of information disclosed on the [Megan’s Law] website for purposes relating to health insurance, insurance, loans, credit, employment, education, housing, or benefits, privileges, or services, provided by any business establishment.”

Tell a person that is selling a house that you want to buy, WHAT?

Now that would be discrimination at its worst. Really the same goes for landlords too being there are no longer restrictions on where you can live in CA now. This seems to be an attempt to put that law back in play just using a different approach, no?

These fires will continue to pop up until the registry ends. I just hope our DEFENDERS can get rich off the numerous lawsuits until that day comes. Thank you Janice, Gail and All who are invoved with me in this nightmare.

Im confused. It it saying that the rso would need to tell a seller that they are rso? Any seller?
Or if the rso is selling a home he needs to tell buyers?

besides isnt that info public already?


I am lucky to still have my job and make a pretty good living. The criminal court and DCFS process cost me my life savings and our house. 4 years on and I’m almost back to the point where I can afford to buy another house for my kids.

No way in hell I’m going to tell anyone anything.

I was able to rent where I’m living now but if I had to tell the landlord I might not have been able to.

I’m getting sick and tired of all this crap. I want to be able to do anything all other people can do. Sure I probably couldn’t ever afford to do much of it, but I understood that. Money, that’s all. But to be held back by arbitrary rules (IML, etc) is wrong. The game is rigged.

I can’t imagine this bill ever getting anywhere, but we have seen more stupid laws being passed just to get overturned. What a waste of money yet again. This is discrimination at its best and would definitely spike a lot of lawsuits ( I would hope ). Family members and the children of registrants would be discriminated against and treated unjustly. It will be either all “criminals” or no “criminals” will have to be objected to such an idiotic and unconstitutional law. Ban the Box was the beginning. They can’t just pick another law at random, just because.

Well, I think this is a wonderful idea. Ca is presently broke and we have an incredible homeless problem at the moment. So, this could or would certainly help! I think it could create a homeless epidemic, destroy families, ruin a child’s life and the list goes on and on! Great idea. This is probably one of the most disturbing and thought provoking ideas I’ve ever read. It’s very hateful. I guess murderers, wife beaters, drug dealers and prostitutes can now buy a house anywhere they desire!

Wasn’t it already ruled unconstitutional to deny a person housing based on a prior offense?

My letter to the senator was mailed this morning…

Janice, is this something you want us to show up for?

It never ends

Hi. What happens when your not the one on the lease? Another family member is? How will this hold up? Anyone know?

And here I was having a pretty good day…looking to move into my dream house very soon. I guess that is on hold.

This is about the stupidest law ever…what a F’ing waste of taxpayer $ for a lame bill….. like a HOUSE seller would even care ? he wants to SELL.

If I was selling a house and the guy said he was a convicted murderer… would I sell it to him ? yepppp
same as if i was on a jury trial, regardless of the crime…. id find the perp.. NOT GUILTY !

Anyone know the details on WHO started this bill ?
name and email ?

I seem to recall hearing at one of the Saturday meetings that use of the information from the registry was not lawful for purposes of employment, housing etc and subject to penalties (I forget if it was criminal or simply civil)?

Obviously, I’m not a lawyer, but wouldn’t just about any court find that language sufficient to find this bill (if passed into law) as unlawful?

Well stated. Many people are online for all to see? Yet, they want to continue to tack on more and more? If this continues, let’s all file for disability? I can’t find a job or housing because? It’s very thoughtless and we have bigger issues here in bankrupt California. Why doesn’t someone submit a bill that would help rehabilitate? Create job skills? Help with employment? Very narrow minded. These things never work.

So true! In summary, none of this really makes sense. I suggest one of these lawmakers spend a day in a court room and hear some if the case loads (3rd offense//2nd probation violation/new charge while out on bail). I suggest we continue to move forward and prepare for 2021. I imagine we will hear more about that new law as well. I suggest getting your charge reduced (everyone) to a misdemeanor and expunged if possible. What Tier are you in with a expunged offense? Summary probation? I personally think the courts are going to have difficulty denying this motion unless you have more arrests etc.

Once again, the words from Smith ring in my ears: “…offenders subject to the Act are free to move
where they wish and to live and work as other citizens….”

Watching the Zuckerberg senate hearings is a goldmine of learning how the law makers actually feel about protecting privacy. particularly informative is Kathy Caster, R. Florida and Senator Durban who adamantly stress the absolute rights to privacy and that “The American people do not want to be monitored and should not be monitored,” and “There is a need for legislation to protect the American people’s privacy and from being monitored.” Those are quotes from the law makers. Now I accept that when I was on probation I was monitored. But that is over. My incident happened 12 years ago. I have since met every single requirement of the justice department. I have passed polygraph tests, psychosexual exams, had my computer and phone monitored, and was on supervised release. I satisfactorily met all conditions. Yet I am still being treated as if I am engaged in the crime, and although I had a non contact offense, I am being treated as if I am currently suspect in contact crimes. I am on a public registry, I have police come to my home unannounced, I have to register, I cannot stay over night at my girls house, I cannot get fulltime employment, and I am discriminated in housing all because I am being monitored and my privacy is on public display even though I completed all the requirements. I was a sex offender. I am no longer one. I have not engaged in that activity for twelve years, yet I am monitored as if I am still suspect. If I would have shot someone in a drug deal I would be able to lead a normal life by now. How do our law makers explain this in the sacrosanct view of right to privacy?

This is the state’s version of IML. They aren’t saying don’t rent or sell to us, but by disclosing our past, they are allowing the landlord/ seller to make that decision. A chickenshit way to discriminate.

I am going to leave the biggest pile of💩on the carpet when I pass threw my final airline check out of this dump of a country!

I looked at his in district stats. He is in a weakly held Republican seat.
I believe this to be political grand standing at it’s best. He is a Republican
senator in an over 60% Democrat district up for re-election. check the link below:

In an adjacent issue, SB 1204 ( iI think that’s right) is a pimp and pandering bill that wants to expand the laws to make anyone that “supports” sex workers guilty of a felony and subject to registration. That would make a drug store cashier that sold condoms to a prostitute a sex offender. OMG! The legislators have become the defacto Sex Police!
I listened to a very good interview on 94.1 Berkeley and it made my want to blow up the state legislature! Half those guys get handjobs after work! But they are dictating our lives? This state and country are hopeless. I eas going to wait for my reduction before moving out of country, just for my own peace of mind. But with all this crap, it is obvious that ” the pendelum” will never swing back, and any kind of attempt at a quiet peaceful life here is futile.

Someone needs to read PC 290.46. We can’t be denied housing it’s already a law.