New York’s top court upheld a law Monday that allows the state to keep sex offenders confined under some circumstances even after they have completed their sentences.
In three decisions handed down Monday, the state Court of Appeals said the law didn’t violate due process guarantees, and did not constitute cruel and unusual punishment. Full Article
Their affter SVP’S and will stop at nothing to destroy their lives by any means necessary
it’s sad imageing what the future holds for people who got stuck with that label especially now that California’s Top Cop is vice president you can guaranty SORNA will be mandatory law retroactively applied to every state in America and the law she fought so hard to pass banding sex offenders from using internet will be reintroduced to legislation.
Good luck
Hate to say it, but the first case reported was probably correct. Parole is technically still prison – a parolee is still in custody of the DoC and subject to their rules. I would ask why they granted parole in the first place, only to deny them based on inability to find housing within the state’s restrictions (which are stupid anyway, but still…).
The other case, however, is wrong. If his sentence was completed and not on parole or probation (I would think it would have been pointed out if it were), he should be released, period, whether or not he has somewhere to go.
I would also question the court’s/state’s authority to mandate “treatment” simply because he was convicted for a sex offense. It’s pretty disingenuous to say “he committed a sex crime, he must be nuts and need treatment” when the law explicitly presumes a person is of sound mind when crimes are committed. I’ve never run across a case where that kind of circuitous logic prevailed.
Can’t tell from the article, but were the men in these cases convicted prior to the law that’s being used to justify this?
What a bunch of crock.
Michigan has already removed almost all sex offenders whose offense date predates October 1, 1995 from the registry. Does I removed all offenders whose offense date predates July 1, 2011. Michigan is requiring all pre July 1, 2011 to petition for removal even though removal is mandatory. Michigan updated it’s petition to reflect that all pre July 1, 2011 are now required to be removed from the registry. You can download the petition by googling, “406a Michigan sex offender”. Once Does II becomes final, all offenders whose offense date predates July 1, 2011 will be removed from the registry and those who move to Michigan will not be required to register at all. One court order stopped Michigan from enforcing the registry against pre July 1, 2011 offenders and a second court suspended enforcement of the registry against anyone until the covid crisis is over. Read the court decisions and the ACLU’s recommendations at
If I were a registrant in NY, I would vote with my feet by moving to Michigan and getting off of the registry. NY is nothing but high rents, high taxes and an overly punitive system for registrants.
Biden and Harris can pass all of the laws they want. Through a series of federal and state court decisions almost all registrants whose offense date predated October 1, 1995 have been PERMANENTLY removed from the registry in Michigan. Once Does II becomes final, all registrants whose offense date predates July 1, 2011 will either be PERMANENTLY removed from the registry or receive a date certain for removal PERMANENTLY in Michigan. All registrants in Michigan whose offense date predates July 1, 2011 can petition for removal TODAY. For most, removal is mandatory. For the remainder, they will receive a date certain where removal is mandatory.
You most likely are not required to register in Michigan. The weather is extraordinarily nice in California and I most certainly would like to live there but I can’t afford to pay $3,000 a month in rent. You can rent a 3 bedroom in Michigan in a decent area for $900 a month. January and February are bitterly cold in Michigan. The remaining months are from tolerable to quite nice.
You can remain in a high rent area where the weather is nice and remain on the registry or move to a low rent area and suffer through 2 months of cold in the winter and be off of the registry.
Rest assured, if you lived in Michigan, you would not be worried about any legislation passed.
Well kiss my Grits? So what is do unto others in this whole demonic affair. This needs to stop and I even wonder why they even have this sex registry or are we all mutations of Wayne’s world technology. Its funny that those in authority can be like Catherine the great or some president that listens to “Cry like a baby”. Guess in todays’ age its either don’t give up the ship or every man for himself.
So who’s being punished or selfish about all this registry rig a monroe. Are they playing basic instinct via a computer to be another millionaire or who’s wanting to cut everyone’s tongue off is the sex offender the ultimate demeanor of society. So who’s murdering who in this “Murder the state wrote with many of these issues.
Actually when everything is said and done those in law enforcement are doing these internet things to stop adults from talkking to little kids on the internet in a sexual way. In this pretense they are wanting someone to come down and get naughty with them. Thus the situation I was in with my internet ordeal. Sure I used a dirty mouth but I didn’t set someone up and tempt one.
That right their Janice says it all and when law enforcement tricks someone than two wrongs don’t make a right.
Guys this article brings up a good point and Detroit your comment makes since in many ways. I worked with a Michagiander when I worked for a summer job out in the canyon and and that was about twenty years or so even before computers became a main element in many homes, and the guy said to me, the police are crocked in Michigan. And now this internet comes along. Guess everyone wants a piece of the action in $$$dollars$$$ and sense. So who is using common sense when they are conned by those that protect and serve their own ways and means.
Janice correct me if I am wrong and I don’t want to be right or some Enstin type. One can either play headgames or skingames but common law is based on the commandments or are the courts a law by themselves in this human ginnie pig game of justice. One might as well go ahead and seek a great escape from this type of justice which is inhumane in many respects.
Now I’m sure you people are tired of paying fine’s, etc. And yes I’m sure many have had some jail time or prison time out of these ordeal depending on the circumstances but I’m sure we all have a voice even Will Alen does as well and many more on here.
I do not understand how these things can legally be applied to just one set of individuals. Why is it not more broadly applied to people such as those convicted of violent assaults, domestic abuse, arson, etc? All of those groups I named have much higher reoffense rates than those convicted of sexual offenses.
Why is it always and only just sexual offense inmates??
I don’t understand how they get away with this and I don’t understand why a judge can’t say “Okay, that’s fine – but you must apply to all these other individuals as well!”
Truly frustrating and infuriating!! 😡😡😡