Why a convicted child molester is likely to be chosen in the MLB draft

[sports.yahoo.com – 6/5/18] Sometime over the next 48 hours, a Major League Baseball team is almost certain to ask a convicted, admitted child molester to play in its organization. It’s likeliest to happen Tuesday, during Rounds 3 through 10 of the MLB draft, or perhaps Wednesday, over the draft’s final 30 rounds. And on the off-chance that the handful of teams with Luke Heimlich on their draft boards opt against selecting him, the chance that he goes unsigned is basically zero. For more than a year now, teams have grappled…

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Older teens less likely to think sexting would get them in trouble

[journalistsresource.org – unknown publishing date] Older teens are less likely than younger kids to think they’d get in trouble for sexting, new research finds. The study, to be published in a forthcoming issue of Computers in Human Behavior, also indicates boys are less likely than girls to believe sexting can have serious consequences. For example, girls are more likely to say sexting would result in trouble at school or hurt their chances of getting a job. For the purposes of this study, the researchers describe sexting as “the digital recording…

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NV: Giunchigliani responds to criticism over sex offender reporting bill as ‘untrue’ and ‘offensive’ in new ad

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Chris Giunchigliani is calling an attack over her involvement in exempting teachers from a sex offender reporting bill while she was an assemblywoman “untrue” and “offensive” in a new ad released today. In the 30-second spot, Giunchigliani shares that she was sexually abused for over a year as a child and that her sister was kidnapped, held in a trailer and raped for three days. She also highlights five pieces of legislation she helped pass as an assemblywoman to increase penalties for sexual predators, make information concerning…

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CO: Hickenlooper vetoes bill to reduce conflicts of interests on Colorado’s sex-offender management board

Gov. John Hickenlooper on Monday vetoed legislation that would have barred members of the Colorado Sex Offender Management Board from being able to profit from multi-million-dollar state contracts related to their work. Full Article Related Colorado governor vetoes bill that banned conflicts of interest on sex offender management board

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Janice’s Journal: Voting Rights Act for Registrants May Be Required

Today is election day. Today California voters will cast their ballots in a primary election that determines the nomination of candidates for offices from Insurance Commissioner to U.S. Senator as well as the outcome of several ballot propositions. Because it is a mid-term election, the percentage of people expected to vote is low, perhaps as low as 30 percent. Missing from the number of people who vote today, however, may be many registrants, some of whom have been misinformed and told that they are not eligible to vote. For example,…

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