Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of July 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
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I sent email to PBS weekend newshour and suggested doing a report on the registry and it’s effects on individuals, families, and communities. I have offered to be the subject of an interview if they decide to move on my idea.
I will post any response here. Along those lines, and without knowing any possible parameters, let me know if anyone is willing to step forward and allow their story to be told.
I might be blowing in the wind, but considering we live in a hurricane anyway, what could it hurt.
Thank you,
Damn that is a long read I have to go through AJ…Definitely a good resource for when it comes time for appeal though that is for sure…So I was hitting up lawyers on AVVO and they are all telling me a judge has as long as they wish to respond to a motion to dismiss. They say the longer it takes the closer the case must be. Well it has been nearly two months now in my case and nearly four months since I filed my objections to the Magistrates F and D. Interesting…. ;l
Gov. Brown appoints six Court of Appeal justices
I stumbled across a pending case in the Middle District of Alabama (Doe v. Marshall) that provides some help to anyone wishing to challenge marked ID/DL laws and/or reporting internet/email IDs. The document is an Opinion from the judge for the case, and he does a fantastic job of detailing how and why marked ID/DLs are compelled speech and how and why reporting Internet IDs is a 1st Amdt. issue. He nicely shreds the State’s arguments. I downloaded it from PACER* and posted it here:
*I discovered that while most things on PACER are $0.10/page (max $3.00/doc), Opinions are free!
Another interesting case, this time out of Maine. A RC sued saying SORA is a Bill of Attainder, which the lower court dismissed. On appeal, the ME Supreme Court vacated the judgment and remanded for further consideration. In its Opinion, ME SC found ruled in Doe’s favor regarding two (inflicts punishment; without a judicial trial) of the three elements that decide a law is a BoA. What’s odd is they left the “easy” one for the inferior court to determine: applies specifically to named individuals or to identifiable members of a group. This would seem a no-brainer, and I suspect this case may end up being a win on the Bill of Attainder angle. Another first?
The case is Doe XLVI v. Anderson ( Doe XLVI! These Doe cases sure are piling up, aren’t they??
This is a personal health question.
1st, no previous history of anxiety or depression (at least not diagnosed). Now, pretty much daily depression and quit often at least 1 anxiety attack( mild) a day. It centers around my inability to progress in my self employment. I gave up answering offers and applying, since you all know what happens in the course of that. Especially since my profession puts me in front of people.
It is a day to day struggle that is getting worse. I often have suicidal thoughts 3 – 4 times a day. I struggle to make rent and pay even basic bills.
It has been 4 yrs of this and it has worn me down to a point where I wake up shaking and find myself wanting to cry.
I some how pull myself through the day, but don’t know how much longer I can do this.
I work out in my apartment, am a vegitarian so my diet is o.k , and I take a rescue dog for long walks in hills, watch ALOT of t..v. , and meditate.
I want to get past this because I know in my heart life has some plan for me. I am better than this. I isolate only because no money to go out, even to drive somewhere close.
I remember every time I have had a conversation with someone I used to know. Twice in 4 yrs, and it was same person for maybe 3 minutes in passing.
I have talents, am very intelligent with a high I.Q., and want to succeed in the life I have left.
What can I do? I am not equipped mentally at this point to be homeless. I will give up completely.
Any input is appreciated. This is an honest cry for help. I have helped so many people throughout my life, it is difficult to reach out for my own needs.
Question for the day
if the registry is civil and not like probation then why does the length of registration follow you across state lines from the original state you were sentenced in? (every state is different).
how is that even legal
and they can’t say that’s what you were sentenced to cause they change that at the whim
has there ever been a case at the high courts or men wearing fancy black dresses where the length of time on registration changed after the plea agreement? I’m thinking there was
Hey ! WTF….. be strong and courageous! We are the salt of the earth ! You are loved and thought of more than you realize ! Life is not always to the strongest or fastest , but to those that endure ! Everyone has trials ! You know many in this world suffer greater and are worse than us ! We can show the world ….! We are the REAL SURVIVORS ! There is a greater plan and purpose for all our lives ! We must believe in the greater good to humanity ! We are a part of life ! Everyone has a role to play ! Feel free to say hi anytime! Sincerely……
Things can be tough, and stress over things that you have no control over is draining. One thing that I have recently been trying to work on in my own life is this idea that happiness is to be found if I can just get this or that thing. If I can just get off this registry, or move to a place where I’m not considered a 2nd class citizen, then I’ll be happy. I think that’s a wrong way to look at life. I think that even people who are not on the registry spend their lives thinking that happiness is just around the next corner if they can just get X. You fill in whatever in the X. I have been trying to concentrate on being thankful now for what I do have, and for my life where it is right now. Contentment is a hard thing. I’m not saying you should be satisfied, or never reach forward for a solution, or to better yourself, but I think we’re lying to ourselves if we think that getting what we want is a solution to our entire life’s problems. One thing you can console yourself with is that suffering is only for a season. That at some point you’ll feel better, just as each day sometimes we feel better and sometimes we feel worse, life if just like that. I have though of ending it all several times before too, but later after that has passed I have realized how stupid it was to think that.
Honestly I don’t think you’re alone in feeling lonely and isolated in this world. Even people not on the registry are experiencing that more that ever. We live in a very detached and divided nation. I think it’s helpful to not watch too much news or get involved in too much political stuff. One thing you might do is get a bible and start reading and praying asking and seeking God to guide you in how to look at life. At least that’s my advice for you, take it or leave it.
Check it out, this is what I am hitting the CA AG up with tomorrow…She is going to like this I can tell you that.. Make her work a little….
What the h)(*&*^ is this statement in that case?
“Although we agreed in State v. Letalien that the constitutionality of the retroactive application of
SORNA “depends on a facial examination of the statute, and not on an as applied analysis,”
They still struck it but that statement in a footnote is disturbing….
“Virginia man sentenced to 23 years in prison for traveling to Haiti and engaging in illicit sexual conduct” “Arbaugh admitted that in 2016, while in Haiti, he engaged in illicit sexual contact with a minor under the age of 12 by touching the minor’s genitals under the minor’s clothing.” “This case was brought as part of Project Safe Childhood, a nationwide initiative to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse…”
When America telegraphs her intentions through the performance art (that is what it is, right?) of Alex Jones who threatens to shoot “pedophile” Robert Mueller… “Jones’ nearly 3-hour July 23 InfoWars broadcast ranged from rants about Hollywood pedophilia to social media “shadow bans” (and apparently he shares our dislike of Mark Zuckerberg) to outlandish allegations Mueller was personally involved in a child sex ring composed of left-leaning political figures. “”It’s going to happen, we’re going to walk out in the square, politically, at high noon, and he’s going to find out whether he makes a move, man make the move first, and then it’s going to happen,” Jones said as he pantomimed shooting at Mueller.
“It’s not a joke. It’s not a game. It’s the real world. Politically. You’re going to get it, or I’m going to die trying, bitch. Get ready. We’re going to bang heads,” Jones continued, pretending to fire a gun at Mueller.” Shoot, I guess, just embrace the new discourse, I suppose.
Here’s a New Jersey court case about a 14 year old boy “Alex” accused of sexual assault of 7 year old “John”. The case shows how idiotic NJ prosecutors are.
New Jersey in the Interest of A.R.
Interesting article from Reason on requiring Government permission to live our lives. Tell me about it 🙄.
For those that like to read cases with solid arguments against registration, I recommend this one that I mentioned above after following some cases AJ helped me find:
It is from 1995, so way before Smith V Doe and Connecticut DPS V Doe became the new precedent.
It is interesting to read not only because it is mostly rational, but also because it does a good job of explaining law and the reasoning behind decisions as well as defining some legal jargon that most of us would otherwise not understand.
It is a good resource of the cases prior to Smith V Doe that should probably be referenced in any chances to overturn it. It also touches on recidivism and the claims on both sides, but unfortunately fails to look into any of it as it deems it unnecessary as it already reaches the conclusion that public registration is punishment any way you look at it. It even goes over the martinez-mendoza factors and shows how overwhelming they are toward proving the registry punitive both regardless of intent, and spells out how it is even somewhat intentionally punitive.
It’s a good read for how to fight future and present demons using past logic. It is just a preliminary injunction against the enforcement of the registration requirement of Megan’s Law in the NJ US District federal court, but still very relevant.
So just wondering if anyone has any advice. I have tried calling and emailing Janice but I am sure she is extremely busy. So someone has taken my Megan’s law page, taken a screenshot of it and posted it all over facebook. He has stated the wrong information about the details of the case. Also, has said what I do for work, I am self-employed. He has also posted my mother in laws name, where she works, and where she can be found. He has also stated that I have wife and kids and that we are all one sick family. He has encouraged ones to get me out of the neighborhood. Some of the comments even say that since they have the address they are going to find me and murder me, stab me etc. This is very concerning since my photo and address are posted in plain view. He also talks about our church and where I can be found. He states that everyone is hiding it and letting me be around children which is the furthest thing from the truth. I tried reporting it to facebook as well as some other family. I have also filed a police report. Anything else that I can do. It shocks me to think that citizens, elected officials, cannot see how the registry promotes violence and vigilante justice. How can I protect my wife and two small children from persons like this that have the upper hand? The fact that this goes on, and I am sure I am not the only one, is truly gut-wrenching. We believe we know who it is since he is able to know details about other family members that is in no way linked to the registry. I have printed out and saved all the posts so at least I have proof. If something does happen maybe my wife can be taken care of from some settlement from a legal case brought for Facebooks negligence and promotion of violence…… Thanks for any encouragement or advice on further steps.
I think these RFAs are going to be interesting in how the AG plays it. I think this can be devastating for the AG if she has to admit or deny with evidence. If she admits it is not going to look to good for their side….
1. that the California legislature did not specifically consider any California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sex offender recidivism rate data during any legislative process specifically relating to California’s Penal Code § 290.46;
2. that the California legislature did not specifically consider the efficacy (the term efficacy used here is defined as the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of the California Megan’s Law Website during any legislative process specifically relating to California’s Penal Code § 290.46;
3. that the California legislature did not specifically consider any California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation sex offender recidivism rate data during any legislative process specifically relating to California’s Penal Code § 290 et. seq.;
4. that the California legislature did not specifically consider the efficacy (the term efficacy used here is defined as the ability to produce a desired or intended result) of public notification of sex offender registration data during any legislative process specifically relating to California’s Penal Code § 290 et. seq.;
If she admits and this is correct it only bolsters if not seals the arbitrary issue, also it will kind of look as though the legislature had other reasons in mind for enacting these laws besides public safety………That is how I am seeing it and how I will argue it…I wonder how many laws are passed without the legislature considering fact finding at all?
Does anyone have an opinion on if the new law classifies one a Tier 2 or Tier 1 does that mean at this time the registrant is still currently considered a registrant for life until the DOJ issues the Tiers?
Does anyone know anything about what’s going on in Nevada — specifically, is the enactment of the AWA being challenged?
Brick Turner’s lawyer is appealing the sex assualt conviction on the basis that it was outercourse, not intercourse. Essentially saying that he was attempting the assault while fully clothed, ergo penetration was impossible, ergo no rape. I wish I could have afforded this guy for my legal defense. Money goes along way and his appeal can keep him off registry for many years.
Two amici curiae were filed today in the Millard case. They can be accessed at the following links:
17 scholars who study sex offenses:
One line from “17 scholars” made me chuckle: “even a properly computed average re-offense risk across all registrants is no more likely to fit the individual registrant than would a shoe of the group’s average size.” How true and spot on!
Later in the same document, they mention, “Minnesota’s website lists only 3.1% of its registrants.” Sounds like anyone wanting to escape public listing should be moving to the Great White North. Of course those in FL, NY, etc. won’t get relief since they’ll still be trapped on their former states’ registries.
What are the rules for how many days you have until you need to register when traveling in California? I am a California resident but a relative is getting married in Fresno and need to know how long I can stay there until it triggers the registering process.
Also, would be nice to know in general for the future. I want to take opportunities to travel with the kids within the state before they get too old.
Um, really?
TEDx speaker argues that pedophilia should be accepted as “an unchangeable sexual orientation”