Arguably Chicago’s most notorious figure in the national Roman Catholic priest sex abuse scandal was committed indefinitely Wednesday to a state facility for sex offenders.
In refusing to release ____ ____ under strict monitoring, Cook County Judge Dennis Porter noted that the defrocked priest had never cooperated with treatment or even admitted to a problem. Full Opinion Piece
She wrote a good article.. the word is out! Recidivism for sex offenses is very low after release! yay! 🙂
The evidence that “treatment” works is not based solely on the Psychology Today article written by Karen Franklin. Rather, treatment’s inefficacy is based on this paper:
Kind of strange when we also have CASOMB saying that treatment is effective, with the tiered law having a judge look at whether someone has “successfully completed” a CASOMB ‘treatment’ program. So CASOMB says ‘treatment’ is effective, when other evidence indicates not. There is also one study that I remember reading that showed RSO ‘treatment’ actually CAUSES recidivism. Anyone have a link to that one??
So are we supposed to believe CASOMB? CASOMB — as well as its SARATSO auxiliary — has peddled endless lies, conflicts of interests, and junk “sciences.”
The article fails to point out some completely innocent men have been not only punished wrongfully first for a sex crime then had the punishment to increased ex post style twice by a FED.
Public interest indeed!