GA: The Jolt: On Stacey Abrams’ ‘08 vote against banishment of sex offenders

[ – 9/11/18]

On Monday, the Georgia GOP again plunged deeply into the legislative record of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, launching an ad that assailed her vote against a sex offender crackdown as “too extreme for Georgia.”

The 30-second spot targets her opposition to a 2008 bill that reinstated a range of restrictions that limited offenders from living, working or loitering within 1,000 feet of a broad range of places where children gather, including schools, churches, community swimming pools and bus stops.

The Republican measure was pushed as a public safety necessity to safeguard children, and was designed to answer a 2007 Georgia Supreme Court ruling that struck down even broader restrictions that were hailed as the toughest in the nation. The lead author was David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, who is now the House speaker.

The measure faced stiff opposition from some Democrats and civil liberties groups who argued it was too onerous. The locations of school bus stops, for instance, change from year to year. Ultimately, the legislation drove many offenders to desolate areas where few services were available. At one point, a tent city of homeless sex offenders was discovered in the woods behind a Marietta office park.

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This strong conservative will be voting for Abrams – thanks to Georgia GOP for showing which candidate is my reasonable choice.

Been fighting 2 years to be removed from Georgia’s registry. Georgia does not register misdemeanors, but my California misdemeanor is the exception.

Every person who lives in Georgia should vote for Abrams. Unless you want more of the same old, immoral, anti-factual, anti-American “$EX offender” stupidity that has been a cancer all over the country.

Brian Kemp is a big government lover. That is very clear.

We are told that Brain Kemp thinks “$EX offender” residency “restrictions” are American and useful. If that is the case then we all know that Brian Kemp wants people who have shot children with guns to live near schools and be in them. That much we know.

Man this is interesting. The lengths that these people will go to in order to defend themselves. They must feel really bad about the age of consent in Georgia being so low for so long. I believe it was 14 until 1994 or something.