CA: Sex Offender Management Board Reveals Current Statistics

The California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) today revealed current statistics regarding registrants during its monthly meeting. According to the board, the total number of individuals required to register in the state of California is 106,915.

Of that total number, there are 77,451 registrants living “in community”, that is outside of jail, prison or state hospitals. Within the group of registrants “living in community”, there are 16,353 who are currently in violation for failure to register.

Also living “in community” are 6,649 individuals who have registered as transients. Of that total, there are 1,495 transients who have failed to register.

There are a total number of 6,112 registrants who are on parole and are currently required to wear GPS monitors. Of that total, there are 3,245 who are considered high risk. Also of that total, there are 5,349 parolee registrants who are currently undergoing treatment that includes counseling and/or polygraph exams.

There are a total number 955 registrants confined to Coalinga State Hospital of whom 510 have been determined to be sexual violent predators. There are also 442 registrants confined to Coalinga State Hospital who are being detained for probable cause.

Coalinga State Hospital currently has a total of 18 registrants who are being prepared for conditional release into the community. Of that total, four have received court approval for their release and are pending placement in a county.

A total of 46 registrants have been conditionally released from Coalinga State Hospital thus far. Of that total, only one registrant was convicted of a subsequent sex offense and that offense was possession of child pornography.

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So the statistic of very low re-offense seems to be on par with the information given here. Even the super-duper-sure-to-offend-again Coalinga residents are at about 2%. And the vast majority of “re-offenses” are simply failing to comply with otherwise 100% legal activity.

“A total of 46 registrants have been conditionally released from Coalinga State Hospital thus far. Of that total, only one registrant was convicted of a subsequent sex offense and that offense was possession of child pornography.”

Of course the definition of what is considered child pornography is very vague.

Does report make mention of how much “treatment” or ”therapy” those on probating are mandated to receive? Me=10 years proba =10 years forced weekly treatment = crazy expensive = extremely disruptive to my career & family is suffering. My lawyer says nothing he can do.

Interesting statistics. This is a lot of people! The scary part is that more and more are put on the registry daily!!!! I keep hearing mentions regarding the new tier system? If you can get your charge reduced to a misdemeanor or expunged, it will help! This could be the difference between Tier 1, 2 or 3! What if your offense is reduced to a misdemeanor? Expunged?

Am I seeing this correctly?

Out of a total of about 107,000 people, there are virtually no people with re-offenses? Are we reading this right? This is way below 1%.. Please confirm.

How many of the FTRs are no longer living and have no need to register? Asking for the deceased and their family who may not know to notify LE of their passing, including an transients. Would hate for the stats to be inflated based upon a deceased registrant still being counted after they have passed.

I think the total number of registrants is deceiving. When I had to go to court required counseling, it seemed like everyone in the group I attended were only required to register while on probation. I don’t know if that is something the judge in Long Beach was doing or something judges are doing through the entire state.