Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of October 2018. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.
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I hope that, in an act of CYA he decides to defund certain SORNA programs…
No, he won’t do that. Despite what he says, Trump only cares about himself, and he knows he’ll never be subject to any SORNA laws.
Suggestions: I need to get some ideas from So Calif RS; I just retired and want to volunteer but I am finding that place like Humane Society do not all us to volunteer. My offense was attempted 288(a) back in 2001 and I did service prison time for 22 months. Nothing since then. The City of Rancho Cucamonga even excludes those with a 1203.4 I live about 30 miles east of LA and would like to not drive into LA to volunteer. Thanks in advance for any suggestions Thanks in advance
First it was no statute limitations on murder, then child molestation, now any kind of sexual assault in many states, which will soon be all of them by some federal order or law, next it’s jaywalking and no statute of limitations for any alleged crime, and you guity untill you can prove the impossible from 30-40 years ago. Gulags ring anyones bell. This is scary s##$ if it keeps up I am going to have to do whatever it takes to get my son and grandkids out of this country and just write America off as another failed democracy because the sheeple were to blind and just followed their fellow buffalo right off the cliff, while the hunters stood there laughing and waiting.
I have as sort of statistics question. A lot of the time when you present facts that recidivism for sex offenses is extremely low, someone will point out that sex crimes are under reported so that stats isn’t accurate. While I agree that sex crimes are under reported, I don’t see how this skews the stats. If lets say 100% of all sex crimes are reported, wouldn’t that just mean that there would be 3 or 4 times as many people on the registry, but the end result would still be the same percentage of recidivism? Like, just because someone is prosecuted that doesn’t mean they’re now more likely to re-offend than they were before they were prosecuted. The raw number of those on the registry re-offending would certainly be higher due to more people being registered, but the portion compared to the whole shouldn’t change, right?
@AO>>Reports concerning alleged under-reporting:
The following are governmental reports conducted concerning only alleged high rates of under reported of sex crimes, and even though not relevant to recidivism rates, they are relevant in that the authors concede the fallacies in such research because the methodologies use anecdotal and conclusory self-reporting for their statistics. These reports are relevant since the proponents of these laws often use under-reporting as somehow justification for these laws.
Michael Planty et al., Female Victims of Sexual Violence, 1994-2010, BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS (2013).
“The data in this report were drawn from the Bureau of Justice Statistics’ (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS). The NCVS collects information on nonfatal crimes reported and not reported to the police from a nationally representative sample of persons age 12 or older who live in U.S. households.” Pp 2.
“Many of the variables examined in this report may be related to one another and to other variables not included in the analyses. Complex relationships among variables in this report were not fully explored and warrant more extensive analysis. Readers are cautioned not to draw causal inferences based on the results presented” pp 10. [visited on April 7, 2018].
Concerning under-reporting only:
David Finkelhor et al., Sexually Assaulted Children: National Estimates & Characteristics, JUVENILE JUSTICE BULLETIN 8 (Aug. 2008).
“Using proxy interviews to obtain information on crime victimization and other sensitive topics has never been a preferred methodology and has sometimes yielded poor results” pp 10 [visited on April 7,2018].
The only things that was not covered in my suit is the double jeapordy c;aim which I shpould of went ahead and included but is not real important with all my other claims. Under-reporting is hearsay, and I will argue inadmissible in court….
Just wanted to throw this out there. Case filed with SCOTUS . Appeal in the 7th circuit residency restrictions.
Joshua Vasquez
Dockett #18-386
I have a question to throw out there. When registering, is one required to report their place of work?
Also, when it is reported, is there any verification process? If so, what exactly? I ask because there is obviously reasons as to why a registrant would be concerned. For example, the employer isn’t aware of the registration status, then some local PD calls to verify, etc.
Any experiences/input on this? Also, please don’t respond with: I don’t bother telling them, etc etc, because that isn’t productive to what I’m looking for/asking. Thanks!
Will there be people who actually start speaking up for due process?
Seems we’ve made slate.
Please SIGN this petition for restoring ALL felons’ voter rights in Florida:
Spread the word. They need all the help they can get before a discriminatory law is passed that will restore rights to all EXCEPT sex Offenders. This should be posted on all websites related to this cause.
SC used to take names off the registry. I know because my name dropped off after 5 years. I saw in the code of law that offenders names were to be removed upon death, leaving the state etc. The last time I looked in 2016 I could no longer find that subsection.
Then there was a big issue with it. They tried to move away from a subscription service and use a state service but the data bases were corrupted. after they sorted things out my name popped back on the list.
See this article from a local newspaper.
“After experiencing issues with the new sex offender registry software, several counties decided to use a paid subscription service to supplement the state’s mandated option”
I just feel sorry for the poor schmuck who lives at the address in VA that SC has me listed on the SC SOR.
So sad that the ACLU has been politicized just as PBS has been as well. Those institutions used to be off limits when it came to partisanship, but now it is all about the $$$$$ for everyone. I have sent PBS messages, but for personal reasons I have yet to attack the ACLU. If they do not submit an amicus brief in support of my case once I get to that point then they are going to be hearing from me, not like it will matter.
“This is a very important time in our country. Due Process, Fairness and Common Sense are now on trial!” -President Trump (twitter)
Oh, the irony.
Here is the summary for the request for writ of certiorari for Supreme Court docket item # 18-386 :
“Illinois law makes it a felony for people who have
been convicted of certain offenses to “knowingly re-
side” within 500 feet of home daycares and other facil-
ities. 720 ILCS 5/11-9.3 (b-5), (b-10). The ban does not
exempt residences that were established before the
opening of a new daycare, meaning that whenever a
third party decides to operate a home daycare within
500 feet of the residence of someone subject to the law,
that person must move out of his or her home or face
arrest and criminal punishment.
The question presented, which has divided the state
and lower federal courts, is:
Whether, as the court below held, the constitution-
ality of laws that impose criminal penalties for blame-
less action or inaction—such as maintaining a family
home—is controlled by this Court’s decisions uphold-
ing laws that impose registration requirements on
those with prior convictions.”
And one more thing,
“This residency restriction on child
sex offenders cannot be called irrational.”
Well, tell the CA Supreme Court that is the case. They found an even weaker version completely irrational. And that was for paroles so I imagine that it could be safely argued that it only goes to reason that “FREE” citizens enjoy at minimum the same protections as parolees……….Even if you get some hacks that do not want to win it would be pretty hard for CA SC to rule any different and justify it some how.
I guess I need to restrain my decorum and reign in my personal attacks on attorneys. I was really disappointed with the attorney in the case in question. They were not even capable of knowing that the city in that case was not the proper defendant and the court did not have subject matter jurisdiction in that case. This is disturbing and should raise concerns about the competency of the attorney representing the individual. Even I, as a Pro Se, am aware that you cannot sue the city for enforcing a state statute in order to get relief from that statute. I really hope this case does not move forward and SCOTUS lets it stand as is. It will not hurt us either way in any serious sense but it may make it a little harder for SCOTUS to take up another challenge on similar issues if they take the case. I do not believe it was properly argued (as usual) and once again does not address the elephant that has loomed over the sex offender registry for over 15 years. Recidivism rates, judicial notice with gov docs, and the misinformation (I say straight lies since it is inconceivable that the solicitor general, and every attorney or law clerk, or anyone could be that incompetent) submitted by the solicitor general in McKune v. Lile and furthered subsequent cases.
Since this was mentioned here previously, here is the follow up (but he does remained jailed on his other charge for marijuana according to another article):
No porn charge for Kentucky man who ordered child sex dolls
🇺🇸 Disappointed. 🇺🇸 Well, after my exciting welcome in France (please see my Sept. 21-24 General Comments), I’m have to report that I received no special welcome when I returned home today through LAX. CBP told me to step aside and wait (for Secondary), but then the officer got a phone call, called my name, handed me my passport and said “You’re okay to go.” As I was exiting the luggage pick-up area, the CBP officer there looked at my paperwork and said “They cleared you to go?” I nodded and he just shrugged, “Okay”. That was it.
(At least I am someone special to the French! 😊)
Looking for a new place to live with my family. I need to be moved by the end of the month so we are ready to move any time between now and then.
I have been renting in Glendale, CA for the last two years and am in good standing with the current landlord. She is willing to give me great referral.
In the spirit of complete transparency I need to let you know why I have to move. When I filled out the original rental application I chose no on the question of felony. It has recently come to the attention of my landlord that I was in fact a felon from 2011. I was bullied into taking a plea being threatened with much more time if I lost trial and my lawyer said there was no way to win. You see, I was accused of arranging to meet a minor for lewd purposes and in the end charged with the crime. With that being said I would like to tell you what happened. I came to California working for a company that installed gps and rfid technology into vehicles. I was home only one weekend a month and major holidays. I began to talk on chat site and one day I received a chat request in which I accepted. We talked for some time and agreed to talk more and exchanged Skype handles. She told me she was 20 and we continued to chat and then eventually text. I should not have been doing this as I was married. I had never previously cheated on my wife and when she asked to meet I agreed. I was laid off work and went back home to Florida in Feb 2011. On may 19th 2011 I was woke by a knock on the door and was arrested for a sex crime. I did not fight extradition. Once in LA I was assigned a public defender and every time I tried to push them to research and acquire chat logs etc. the government would change my lawyer. I went through 3 of them before they pushed me into taking a plea because they said the state was not playing nice and would really come after me because I did not settle early. My lawyer told me they took the offers off the table and I would have to go to trial. I went to first day of trial and my lawyer was not there and I had a sub. He came to me with one last deal of 4 years with half time and said if I don’t take it the state would try to give me 10 years and the odds are for the complainant in these cases. Since my lawyers never acquired the evidence I asked them to get I knew I was in bad shape. I took the plea. I served a little more than 2 years and got out on 1 year probation, ab109, and was released. My wife and kids moved here in 2013 and we lived in hotels for 2 years because no one would rent to me. We have credit challenges due to this mess and now having to register as sex offender no one would rent to me.
Finally we had to lie on application and I was able to rent an apartment where I have never been late paying and no complaints. The landlord likes us but says she has to ask us to leave due to other residents and has given us to the end of the month. She said she cried about this and does not like to do it but has to.
I have been completely honest. I don’t have time to lie on any more applications and need a stable place for my family. I have a wife, two daughters and my 23 year old son who is in school and two small dogs. I am a Technical manager and my wife also has a great job and we always pay on time. If you have a rental please help.
We are eagerly waiting your reply and we thank you for your time. Please email me at
You know I have not been treated well by our government but this still rings true for me and should for every American today that believes in our great country and respects our founders and all our great warriors that have shed blood to protect our freedoms.
“And I’m proud to be an American where as least I know I’m free
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land, God bless the U.S.A.”
I believe every word in that song and that is my favorite song of all time. Anyone that doubts our country or is some how ashamed or resentful of our country needs to learn that song and it should actually be taught in every school in America. Same with Ted Nugent’s “I love my barbecue” Love that dude…
Justice will always prevail in America but only after America tries everything else first…LMAO….We will prevail as well and it is coming soon….
You know this confirmation has been the most unfortunate spectacle that could ever be played out in our senate ever. but also unfortunately it has occurred right at the appropriate time in our country and I just hope that this will put lady liberty back into motion and help turn this country back around to the vision that the founding fathers envisioned. Sure they were racist, bigots, misogynistic, and I am sure even hypocritical and scandalous at times, but that was the world they lived in at that time. They were brilliant as well. I had faith that our country and liberty would prevail eventually and today I can never be more sure….Thank God and thank the warriors that have shed their patriotic blood to make this the greatest country on Earth…….. You know these great warriors would be disgusted with what has occurred but they are also standing proud wherever their spirits may be, and know that their sacrifices may actually not have been in vain…
Not me, I love the country I was born into. I am not talking about the loser politicians and our messed up parts of our country’s past, I am talking about the grit, perseverance, and resilience, the frontiersmen and their pioneering women, how about the native Americans and their awesome courage, love of the land and their fighting spirit. What about those Japanese warriors that fought for their freedom from our oppressive Gov. The Chinese, African American, LGBT, and all the others that were oppressed and fought and won their liberties. What about both world war veterans, Korean veterans, Vietnam warriors. All them people fought for their, and our, liberties. When people bash on our country and say crap like some of you guys it makes me sick. Your attitudes and vision of our country means that every single one of those people that have fought and died in all those battles were in vain. I am not going to do that, My great Grandfather died fighting for this country. I am going to do everything I possibly can to further their visions and show pride and gratitude for the country they fought for and that we all live in. Like I have stated in the past, if all the precious “special” butterfly in this country do not like our country, kick rocks. If you have not went to war or done battle for your freedoms somewhere somehow than you pretty much have not paid for it. At least have respect to those that have. The people that I just talked about are what I mean when I say our country, not the scumbag politician and the people that are trying to destroy the country from the inside. My entire point was that this is the first time in my life that I seen a politician, or any elite so far, stand their ground and fight. And you could see it in them, it was not for them or Kavanaugh, or even their constituents , it was because it was the right thing to do. Hopefully this is a new era and these people start following the country’s leader’s lead and fight for the people and their country instead of for themselves and as much power as they can get. These guys showed heart in the face of extreme backlash and against public opinion and that takes gonads in this day and age. This is exactly why I love Nugent, he is who he is and if you do not like it, oh well. And his music has always been awesome since I listened to him in the 80s. And I am not that far right either, I believe in gov. that works for the people and has safety nets for those that fall on hard times or have some disabilities, I am also for low taxes, low regulations, small gov., and I have said it before, I am a strict constitutionalist and feel that the meaning of that constitution should be strictly held to. We would have the vision “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, [and] promote the general Welfare.” I do not care what anyone thinks about the Founders those guys had a brilliant vision and they set it in writing. To do all this you would have to require SCOTUS to decide any law that limits rights should have to be unanimously upheld or they do not pass, if the law gives more freedoms, than it has to be unanimously shot down or it becomes law. This would stop any misinterpretations of the constitution and eliminate any polarization in the court or the congress. If the politicians stuck to the constitution this country would be the vision they had. I know I am a little bombastic at times but I have passion for our country and like I said all you people that hate our country and do not respect the Founders, all the generals and war heroes that have fought throughout the country’s history, then move to another country or do something to change it for the better, and honor those that have fought and died for it. Hate me or love me, I speak truth…
Ordered my new passport 2 weeks ago (Not a renewal brand spanking new) and it came with NO identifier. So now I guess I get to have a very nervous departure day, which isn’t until next June so lucky me, I get to stew on it.
RM, I feel your anger and I completely understand. I have felt that way many times, but I don’t know, I just do not see it that way anymore. I guess fighting my original case where I got screwed over because I let them screw me over changed me. All the history and political science and world geography classes opened my mind to the world and our country. And all the legal research, all the collaboration on here to prepare my case, and learning legalese changed me. Especially as soon as I filed my complaint I just had an explosion of pride in my country and the system. Where else in the world could a nobody walk in and challenge the government like that and actually have a chance of prevailing. I never felt prouder of myself and the system than when I was in front of these people in court and they have to take me seriously, and especially watching the AG squirm a little because she knows if she blows this case it is not going to look good on her professional resume’. I understand that and I do not mean to begrudge you for that, I just cannot do it if there is any hope whatsoever for this country I will fight. If Kavanaugh would not have got confirmed, and like I said I care less if he is for or against anything, if he would not have been confirmed I would feel the same as you and I was actually looking for other countries to go already. All their efforts and standing their ground should give hope. Like I said, McConnell (I used to think he was just some lame), Grassley, Graham, and all those that stood up there in the press conference angry as hell were there for one reason, they believed what they were standing for was right and had to be done in the name of justice and our country. That gives me the hope I so desperately needed and I am going to fight as hard as Kavanaugh did once I get in court. If we just abandon the country to the lunatics that just makes all the blood that was shed in vain man. It is that simple. That includes the Native Americans that died, the African Americans, Japenese Americans, Chinese, and the American lives lost, and all of them that came here or were here.