CO: Aurora middle-school parent mislabeled as sex offender when visiting son’s school

Staff in an Aurora school office staff mistakenly flagged a man as a registered sex offender when he and his family went to his son’s middle school for a recent event. Full Article

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What Mr. Michael need to is get a lawyer and sue this school for many millions of dollars. The school hired the screening company, therefore, the school is responsible.

Just more evidence of how dangerous the registry is. Zero evidence that it helps, tons of evidence that it is dangerous and life damaging.

I guess every other felony conviction is deemed safe and doesn’t need to be checked. What about checking if a family owns a gun and if somebody in their family has a diagnosed mental illness?

And how do these schools have the money to pay for this expensive system? Are they allowed to spend tax dollars this way? That money could be used for books, school equipment, and maybe better pay for teachers.

Article can’t even find a legitimate reason why this system was put into place to begin with. ‘Just because…reasons’ I suppose.

I sincerely hope that policies like this are taken to court and deemed unlawful and unconstitutional.

……AND ‘T H I S’ is just a perfect example of ‘W H Y’ the BS registry exists (……and will ALWAYS exist) because of the Billion Dollar company’s that Profit off of it.
Like other Groups and Organizations, they are heavily involved (behind the scenes) pushing money and fighting to ‘keep’ the registry; because after all, if it would be abolished, their ‘system’ would no longer work.
I personally have experience myself here in PA with an exact type system, but from a competitor. I couldn’t get “in” for my child, but contractors ……and others were able to get ‘checked’ , and continue on into the school (……and NO metal detection equipment).
Seems to me, i’m always reading in the news somewhere a sexual incident involving a teacher or other school employee …OR… an incident involving a weapon in the school. Neither of which this system protects against.
And hardly ever (none that I can recall) of reading a story of a registered person going into a school, snatching a kid and raping them.
So the schools spend money on a system; to solve a “problem” that doesn’t really exist. Instead of metal detection equipment, which DOES frequently occur across the US.

Looking up the Word “SCAM” in the dictionary, ……and this system would be an example.

We all should add OUR FAVORITE POLITICIAN as a ALIAS to our profile !!! 🙂 ahhahah

So if someone is not on the registry, it’s humiliating to be labeled and that humiliation is not acceptable, but if someone is on the registry, the humiliation is considered no problem at all.

Father wants son’s school to apologize after he’s mistakenly identified as a sex offender

The apology should be in the court room IMO

What’s the big deal? Being a registrant is no big deal. It’s like a Price Club membership so he should not be ashamed feel like there’s a cloud hanging over him.

I can’t go on my kids’ campus and I doubt he feels sorry for me or supports my efforts to end these humiliating restrictions. F him and the school. I’m unsympathetic.

So each school spends $90k+ to procure 4he Raptor System and $30k a year to operate it. And “Neither local school or state public safety or education officials could point to data showing how many registered offenders try to seek access to schools, or if a registered offender visiting a school has ever harmed a student in Aurora or Colorado.”
Jeez, Colorado, it seems you’re wasting a bucketload of money for a feel good technology to protect against something there is no record of ever happening. (But falsely labeling a parent has happened, Colorado.) Bully for Colorado – the only offense was their own.