Ronald L. Book: I thought sexual abuse only happened to other people’s children. Then I woke up.

[ – 12/10/18]

Nearly 17 years ago, I woke up from a nightmare I didn’t realize I was in. If you’re a parent whose child has suffered sexual abuse at the hands of someone you know and trust, you will understand what I mean. Sitting in a family counselor’s office, the world as I knew it came crashing down as I learned that my eldest daughter, Lauren, had been sexually, emotionally and physically abused nearly every day from the ages of 12 to 16.

I worked hard to provide my family with a wonderful life and to create a loving and safe environment for my children to grow. I made sure to get references and background checks on everyone interacting with my daughters or son. But I was unable to protect Lauren from the monster living in my own home.

It never occurred to me that sexual abuse could happen to my family, let alone to my children. That is the message I want to send to every other parent out there: Don’t think this can’t happen to you or your children. Child sexual abuse happens in every ZIP code, in every religion and at every socioeconomic level.

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He’s stumping for money…..Lauren’s Kids. The last paragraph tell it all.

Need to dig up the TV interviews he did recently where he was bombastic in his cavalier attitude with the interviewer and recirculate them.

Ron Book states:
“Lauren, had been sexually, emotionally and physically abused nearly every day from the ages of 12 to 16.”… “But I was unable to protect Lauren from the monster living in my own home.”…”The person who destroyed my daughter’s childhood was not a stranger”…”But rigorous vetting, references and a background check couldn’t protect Lauren from the monster living in our home”.

Then he goes on to say:
“What we didn’t talk about were the exceptions to that rule, about unsafe secrets and unsafe touches. I wish I told my kids that no adult should ever ask a child to keep a secret from their parents. I wish I told them more directly that their body belongs to them, and that if anyone ever touches them in a way that feels uncomfortable or confusing, it is always OK to say no and to come to me.”

Yet he keeps thinking putting all sex offender on a list and restricting their every movement until they become homeless and jobless a solution. “Stranger danger” accounts for maybe 5% of the new sex crimes, yet 100% of criminal actions against sex crimes result in lifelong shame and ruin.

Where was Ron Book during those 4 years Lauren was abused? Put that ass in jail for child abuse and ruining the lives of 912,000 people and their families!

Oh to hell with Ron Book and his daughter. Are they really still at it? There’s nothing unique about their suffering. They resort to using manufactured outrage in an attempt to keep the dust stirred up. They never WERE relevant to preventing anything! Damn fear parasites.

Apparently Book never thought that after so much effort of making registry life a living hell, he never thought the day would come when he’d get some blowback from the non-registrants whose lives he seeks to destroy as well.

I for one don’t believe that the Books really care about preventing sex abuse among anyone. I think all the grandstanding is simply to silence opposition, particularly in the Florida legislature. I refuse to give them any modicum of credibility on their claims to be child advocates, particularly in the wake of Lauren’s silence in the wake of the high school shooting in her district. Left me with the impression that she’s perfectly okay with with kids being mowed down by gunfire as long as they’re not having sex – an idiotic position, IMHO.

Really wish I had the means to look into what other legislation the Books are into. Willing to bet there’s a good bit of less-than-ethical activity there. A lifetime of observing politics in general has taught me to hold my wallet a little tighter whenever any politician starts talking about children and families.

This is actually a pretty inflammatory opinion piece, IMO. He labels the nanny as a pedophile, which is not cited as a medical diagnosis in the article. Interesting comments at the end of the article.

The Florida chapter of the SOL movement has a nice rebuttal to his opinion piece, which I recommend to be read.

This idiot cannot even keep his story straight. Did he not say in that stupid documentary that the abuse allegedly started when she was age 10? Or at age 11? Seems to me this whole narrative just adjusts to his whims of the day.

I wonder if Laurens Kids is quietly losing money like her NY counterpart PFML is doing right now. Maybe that or they are having to get those private prison funds indirectly now that they are being more closely scrutinized.

There is nothing special about this, and Ron Book is full of it and needs to let it go about his daughters abuse unless what happened never did happen. Doesn’t it seem strange that he keeps talking about this?

Every time Mr. Book opens his mouth he become irreverent