ACSOL Phone Meeting on April 20

Please join Janice Bellucci and ACSOL President Chance Oberstein, a criminal defense attorney, for our next phone meeting.

The conference call will be on Saturday, April 20 at 10 am Pacific Time (1:00 Eastern) and will last from 2 to 3 hours.

Topics of conversation will include information about the domestic and overseas travel, the Tiered Registry, residency restrictions and other current topics as well as pending legal action throughout the nation.

Please Show up, Stand up, and Speak up!

Dial-in number: 1-712-770-8055
Conference Code: 983459

To ask a question, press 5*

This will be recorded and available on a future date on our website

You can let the moderator know that you wish to ask a question by pressing 5* on your phone (i.e., the “5”, then the “*”). The conference call system should tell you that your virtual “hand” is raised, and will note this on the moderator’s switchboard.

If you press 5* a second time, your hand will be lowered, and the moderator will no longer see that you wish to ask a question. Pressing 5* a third time will raise your hand again, and so on.

Unfortunately, the switchboard does not indicate the order in which callers press 5*, so please be patient while waiting to ask a question.



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“This will be recorded.”

Will a transcript be available?

Looking forward to it

Thank you again for the phone infosession, Roger and Janice.

I found it very helpful and informative; and decently reassuring.


Just listened to the meeting. I’m one of the unlucky stuck on NYs registry who doesn’t even live in the country anymore.

I am still concerned about the identifier as in another thread someone had said they had gotten a marked passport while living overseas. But he didn’t really elaborate more than he often visits the US and is now stuck there because he has a mailing address in the US where his passport was revoked when he came to visit.

You’d said you wanted to take on NY for keeping people on the registry. This was attempted in Doe v O’Donnell if I’m not mistaken and didn’t make it, but there was one case attached to it that was separated that did. It was regarding a man from Pennsylvania who’s offense didn’t originate in NY(which mine had not) and he was able to be removed as where he was living he no longer had to register.

Currently I am holding off renewing my passport as I really don’t want to get an identifier since I do not have to register in my current country. But I’ve been told by the registry in NY if I do not update my information with them including photo, email, home address, etc I face a felony warrant.

I am not sure how a state law can trump federal law (as I have no visible information on the NSOR besides my name and the words “out of country”) and then face criminal penalties for a state that I don’t even reside, work, or go to school. I have no ties to the state other than the registry.

Any family I have in the US already understand that I am not coming back unless it’s in a box.

This just gets me to the point that I cannot seem to function because if you google my name one of those watchdog sites is the first things to pop up giving my foreign address. In this part of the world it’s a very dangerous thing. It ruins careers, families, and leads to murder. Social media on this side of the world is a very dangerous thing and contributes to 90% of the news. A life can be ended in the matter of seconds and be known to hundreds of millions in less than 5 minutes.

I pray that any action taken either against IML or NY is swift as I live in constant fear of wha might or might not happen.