Action Alert: AB 884 and SB 145 hearing on April 9 [4/8 UPDATE]

4/9/19 UPDATE: the Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will still be hearing AB 884 at 10:00 am on 4/9–announced they are changing the room number to Room 4202.

4/4/19 UPDATE: the Senate Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing SB 145–announced they are meeting at 8:30 am. That means we will meet at Starbucks from 7:30 am to 8:00 and walk over at 8:00.

Both the SB 145 and AB 884 hearings are still meeting on April 9. The Assembly Public Safety Committee–which will be hearing AB 884–is still after 10:00 am.

We have a new service that you will love! Tell us you are planning on showing up by sending an email with your name and phone to, then we will call you on your phone if any last-minute rescheduling occurs.


This is the biggest battle of the year! Since AB 884 was just rescheduled for April 9, that means we will be fighting AB 884 the same day we are supporting SB 145!

We have all felt the inconvenience and frustration of broken plans as these bills have been rescheduled.

BUT this is normal for how bills are made. If we want positive change, we must be willing to sacrifice and be inconvenienced. The alternative is terrible indeed.

PLEASE SHOW UP ON APRIL 9. Yes, that means YOU: registrants, family members, and other support. I cannot overstress how vital your participation is. Don’t assume others will show up. Out of the over 110,000 on the registry, only a small number will show up. That is you and the rest of us who want change!

Hiding, denial, and refusing to break our routines could result in over 40,000 registrants serving a life sentence on the registry if AB 884 passes!

Even if you are not affected by these bills, we need you to be willing to be inconvenienced for our fellow registrants, knowing that they will support our issues when the time comes!

For maximum impact to fight AB 884 and support SB 145, we need over 100 people to show up!

SB 145 will be heard after 8:30 am [ON 4/4 THEY MOVED IT 1/2 HOUR EARLIER–ORIGINALLY 9AM]
Senate Public Safety Committee
Room 3191
California State Capitol building, NEW wing

We will meet at Starbucks, 1123 12th St, Sacramento, from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. Then we will walk across the street at 8:00 and be seated in Room 3191 by 8:30.

PARKING: There is a parking garage next to Starbucks in the same Hyatt Regency building. Enter on 12th Street.

The hearing for AB 884 will be after 10:00 am:
Assembly Public Safety Committee
Room 4202 [changed on 4/8/19]
California State Capitol building, NEW wing

We will be monitoring the status of AB 884 as we sit in the SB 145 hearing. We will change rooms as needed.

We have a new service that you will love! Tell us you are planning on showing up by sending an email with your name and phone to, then we will call you on your phone if any last-minute rescheduling occurs.

CARPOOLS AND HOUSING SERVICE: To help those who will be hit financially by sacrificing to come for the hearing, click here to find out how to get carpools and free motel rooms.

Keep calling and writing. It makes a big difference. They count your calls and letters, as you noticed in the bill.


We will call you at your phone number if the bill is delayed! To take advantage of this very cool service, all you have to do is send an email to the following email address to let us know your name and phone number:

Be sure to sign up for our Action Alert emails or texts so that we can notify you of any last-minute changes!

If you plan to fly or take a hotel, please buy insurance so that you are covered if they change the date.

Please don’t blame ACSOL if a change is made. We don’t control the committees. We don’t control the author of the bill.

Before you start out on your trip, check your email or text to see if we sent an alert about the date changing! You can also to see if the bill is delayed by going to this website and clicking the History tab:



Click here to find out how to call and write to OPPOSE AB 884

Click here to find out how to call and write to SUPPORT SB 145


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could this be a way to split crowds? Even though the timing may be good in some perspectives, could it be hard to be at both places at once if input is at the same time.

Once my van is up and running, perhaps I will live in a town along the Interstate 5 corridor, somewhere between LA and Sacramento. Anyone with a suggestion of a good town or location for me to stay in my custom high top conversion van (Class B), i’d be interested to know. I need to make myself available for these situations.

If you want a ride and share a room which I will cover let me know. I’ll help you get to SFV and back.

I have booked my flight to be there and hope to see many others. This is a great opportunity to support one bill (SB 145) and see another one die in Committee (AB 884). It can’t happen without people being there. Assembly Member Melendez has jerked us around on the hearings for her bill; twice cancelled. She can’t do it again for this bill, or it automatically is dead. But to have it end at this hearing requires us to be there in mass. Senator Weiner’s bill also needs support to pass. We can help those people affected by these laws regain some hope. SB 145 helps remove people from the registry, and the death of AB 884 helps keep some from being kept on the registry for life. These may or may not be you, but I am all for getting a double hitter on April 9th. It is one step in the right direction. We matter, but only if we are there to be heard in numbers. It would be great if we had a 100 people show up to say they oppose 884 and to say they support 145. If you made plans to be at one of the other two hearings, and had them cancelled like I did, and you really would like to seek a little revenge for Assembly Member Melendez cancelling those plans, help her bill to fail, by showing up, standing up, and speaking out.

Show up!!! Gather as many people as you can. I know it can seem very frustrating with all of these date changes but we must be flexible. We have to show them that no matter what we will be there to fight. We will keep coming back. Rescheduling of a hearing will not keep us silent. It means we can rally more people. I’ve been to Sacramento a few times for hearings. I never knew how powerful my voice could be. Now imagine our voices together. We need as many people as possible. Let’s be lined up out the door and down the hall, ready to walk up to that podium and say our name!! Together we can do this!!! Please, please, please SHOW UP!!!

I sent my letter again by fax and mail to the Chair, Vice Chair, and all of the other PSC members, which is more than what I did last time before the hearing got postponed and rescheduled again. I even contacted a legislative lobbying firm, California Advocates, to get more tips on how to voice my support/opposition. The lady who answered my phone was very pleasant and gave me a lot of good tips and suggestions regarding how to get my voice heard as a constituent should the results of these hearings become undesirable. If need be, I will request facetime with my reps. I’ve never been this involved before in the political process, but I kind of enjoy it. As far as making it up there, I am looking for ways to be there without actually being there.

I must ask: during the process of postponement, did some of the letters and phone call records get discarded?

Mrs. Melissa Melendez is as hard up, bible thumping, right wing advocate as they come. Been reading her twitter account lately and found her gun AB bill was defeated last week. From a prior tweet it appears her mother was a victim of domestic violence and she had access to her gun to control the situation. She loves to comment on all the child murders, abductions, every old crime you can think of. We are dealing with another fear probing public politition that focuses on the ugliest types of criminals and their crimes, then nicely blends them to match all other sex offenders. If your smart Mrs. Melendez, you would know this is not true. She obviously is blowing off the Ca Sex Management Boards facts about this bill and just gunning for the fear vote again. People, rise up! 78 letters was pathetic. It takes you 3 minutes to write a Letter from your heart. Janice bleeds for all of us, stand up and show this woman how much you appreciate her endless hard work, that many of us don’t pay a dime for!! Better yet, stand up to these legislative bullies and fear probing liars and prove to them that many registrants are one time offenders over decades without another offense! Stop hiding!! Stand tall and proud!

I did go to Sacramento to oppose 884 on the 2nd (too late to cancel travel arrangements) and will be there on the 9th. Caution: I did purchase airline insurance for the 2nd — American Airlines — but was informed it was only good for illness with a doctor’s note! Perhaps I did not check the policy carefully enough.

It is crucial that you call and write your opposition to AB-884, even a one-line faxed letter: “Hello, I oppose AB-884.” Call: “I request the senator to oppose AB-884.” They will ask you your name and zip code, address, etc. If you do not have a permanent residence, or do not want to share your personal info, they can use your name and/or a phone number if possible. (I got this information from Senator Skinner’s office.) They say, “Thank you for calling.” That’s it. Takes about 30 seconds a call. Do not be afraid to call. You can fax letters from Fed Ex or UPS for approximately $1.50 per page. You can fax from a computer for free from Please also call and write to support AB 145.

Lastly, Assemblyperson Melendez has withdrawn this bill twice now; it is obviously teetering and ill-advised. We need to show up. If you can’t make it, send someone in your place. Send a loved one, a trusted friend, donate $5. If you are just frozen and can’t do anything, I will be there for you. You are not alone.

Interesting. They keep changing the dates and times of these hearings. While the constant changes are very inconvenient, I think they mean one thing: They Fear Us. And this is a good thing!

The purpose of this comment is to confirm that the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee will consider Assembly Bill 884 tomorrow (April 9). The committee hearing will be held in Room 4202 (new room) and begin on a different bill. Consideration of the other bill is expected between 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. We will meet at Starbucks (corner of 12th and L) at 7:30 a.m. and walk across to the Capitol at 8 a.m. We will start at the Senate’s Public Safety Committee hearing to support Senate Bill 145 and then move to the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee hearing.

Hello, in case I miss the group, can someone give me a rundown of which side is the ‘New wing’ and ‘Old wing’ of the Capitol bldg. Thank you.

For newbies like me, this is my very first time going to the Capitol and if you want to do something for the first time and make a huge impact, this is it. I hope to see hundreds of you there.

Anyone know if these hearings will be live on the internet?

I made calls, but somehow feel impotent in that I can’t be there. This bill has nothing to do with me directly, but either the wall will crumble, or the slope will become more slippery. I hope for the former, but fear the later.

I’m currently in line for AB884, just heard that it might get pushed out to this afternoon as there is another controversial bill in session that will take awhile as plenty showed up for that as well.

As of this writing, it has not yet begun. Here’s the webcast for those who want to tune in.

I’m in line for AB 884 and just overheard that it might get pushed out to this afternoon. As there is another controversial bill ahead of us in session and plenty of people showed up for that.

I just left after the Sb 145 hearing even though 884 affects me, I have an appt at 7:30p tonight and need to get home, but wow impressive to see an entire hearing room stand up and support 145. It’s was good to meet a few people and see how the process works live. Fingers crossed on 884.

Can anyone tell me the outcome to AB 884 yet? Very anxious to hear how this outcome will affect my family as well as many others families.

Watched the vote on the feed thank you to Janice and everyone who showed up to oppose this bill. Where did Melendez get her research from? It all seemed incredibly false and on one extreme

AB 884 It did not pass.

One thing I can say about this is: Melendez did NOT see this coming.

How the hell is she allowed to lie..the average child molester has 200 hundred victims? I don’t condone violence or hitting women but I would love to punch her in the mouth.

I thought I counted 3 to 2 in favor of passing. Two were absent? When do those votes occur?
Came away a little confused.

Hopefully the committee members who haven’t voted yet were part of the original bill getting passed. The one democratic woman who voted yes is a name I don’t recognize.