MI: Lawmakers ordered to revise the Sex Offender Registry Act

A U.S. district court judge is giving Michigan lawmakers 90 days to change the state’s sex offender registry law, almost three years after it was first ruled unconstitutional by federal appeals court.

U.S. District Judge Robert H. Cleland issued an order that the law must be changed on Thursday.

The ruling stems from an August 2016 decision by the U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati which found that Michigan’s Sex Offender Registry Act was unconstitutional. Full Article


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This is wonderful news about Judge Cleland’s temporary order. HALLELUYAH !!! Does anyone have a link to the Judge’s actual order? I’d like to download the written order to have it in my possession. Thank you ACLU and The Oliver Group for all they have done so far on our behalf. PEACE BE WITH ALL OF YOU.

@ Josh…I agree with your assessment of the situation. And I am praying about it. There is a long way to go yet, before any “new” law is enacted. I do not believe, for one, that Judge Cleland is going to take a back seat to some law that does not cut “constitutional” muster. The State is screwing around with him, as well as us, and the Judge knows it.

@John….I am on GPS tether while on parole, and was paying $13.00 per day until March 1st. Then some new law kicked in, and I now pay $60.00 per month. BIG SAVINGS! I still pay the supervision fee of $40.00 per month, but I am paying out about $340.00 a month less with the new law. I am blessed to be able to keep my payments up to date. I believe that shows the parole board that I am trying to exercise financial responsibility, which is a part of being a returning citizen, in my opinion. My heart goes out to everyone that is struggling financially with the State imposed financial obligations. Peace be with all of you.

I haven’t spoke for awhile … just waiting to hear anything out of the Michigan legislature, house judiciary committee, on the alleged “NEW” SORA legislation. Anyone have anything new to inform us about. With Gov. Gretchen extending her emergency orders, I haven’t hear much about SORA legislation revisions. I am truly hoping Judge Cleland will get tired of all this “cr-p” and issue his final judgment, so we can get on with our lives. I believe the Judge is a fair man. As with so many of my fellow brothers and sisters out there in SORA land, we just want this done. Peace be with you all.

I myself never took a look at the SORNA laws that started in 2006 when I got into this mess in 2012 Two years latter after SORNA they approved guidelines to this Sex Offender Registration Notification Act. This SORNA Act or orginazation sounds like a second fiddle with unbias and unconstutional strings in this white wash internet game in many respects. SORNA is an unguided power of painting something black. Who’s legilation is guiding ones’ mind control with this SORNA Is it the man behind the wheel putting much of this in motion.

Believe it or not their was a kid in 1999 in an Okahoma high school who flashed a gal jokenly and jailed for 4 months and than put on 10 yrs probation. He commited suiside before his 20th birthday. So are these laws or should these laws begin to change. Well a U.S District judge in Michigan say’s much of this is unconstutitional wants to see it change. Seems America is always amending something about human rights and sex offender laws.

Is their is no orginal sentencing guide to go by or should SORNA make up the guidelines. So who is making up the guidelines. I’m sure one is not interested in who’s “sleeping with the enemy” today. Thats up to their own conscience. This judge in Michigan said they need to bring the registry into compliance as it is as deregulates one’s understandings. Guess authorities don’t know one’s left hand from his right is good. So tell me today what hand does satan stablize his pitch fork in. Where is the love thy neighbor today. I’m sure we appreciate Judge Robert Cleland and his statement action to rid much of this offender registry as it is a money scandal and I’m sure many on this registry understand that. One has to seek out and reach out today. Other states should take note also.

One should always correct vague ordeals when unconstitutional law’s go against knowledge that overcomes. It seems public safety and protective and serving are a clash and mix effort or who climbs a ladder with the intention to fall or who drives a car with the intention of colliding with another driver. Guess one needs more truth in law than evidence laws or who assumes anothers thoughts and intent.

Authorities don’t even know where this virus came from or how to stop it who it will effect who next or why is it here. Guess they are looking for the evidence when its plain to see its smothering those involved in these vain catch ordeals that are as cunning as any devilish behavior in authority today. Now they are back to lethal injection and the Floyd issue wasn’t good behavior today either.

Seems everyone wants evidence well here is evidence, We are all carnal by nature and yes everyone was borned sin. One wonders who dishes out transgressions today. Who is the judge today or who doing this role play today. We are all borned into sin and its not a choice by any means, as its a biblical fact. Remember this: For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Is the registry doing that

@ Guy….thank you Guy for the email info from Tim P. of the ACLU. As it was spelled out, I figured that was what was happening. One bit of info I did find helpful, is what Tim P. stated about the SORA bill in the House Judiciary committee…..”as we (the ACLU) understand it, the bill is dead in committee.” I do pray that is so! All the opposition to the bill must have paid off. BRAVO!! Let all stay alert and help where we can. Peace be with all of you.

@ MC …. I agree with you COMPLETELY. I was convicted in 1997. I plead guilty, ( because I was & I wanted to save my victim any more trauma by going to court), with the knowledge that I would only spend 25 years on the registry. It WAS part of my legal calculations to except my conviction. Like every one else pre-2006 & 2011, I had no idea that that government would come back and act in an unconstitutional way toward us. I saw my legal proceedings as an agreement between myself and the State of Michigan. MY BAD!!! Peace be with you all.

@ Guy … Thank you so much for the info from ACLU Tim. I do believe Judge Cleland has had ENOUGH of this “dragging of the feet” by the State of Michigan. I do believe he IS going to lay down the LAW finally to the State. This may be over by the end of this year!!! I pray that it is. I have 23+ years on this thing and in 20 months, my 25 years is up. Hopefully sooner! Peace be with you all.

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