Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of June 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
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FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
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Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
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New Arizona Law Just Passed:
H.B. 2466 extends the amount of time victims have to take civil action against perpetrators of child abuse from two years to 12 years, allowing victims to pursue justice up to the age of 30. The bill also allows victims who did not have the opportunity to take civil action for their abuse due to the previous two-year limit to bring a claim against their perpetrator until December 31, 2020. In addition, the bill allows civil action to be taken against an organization that knew or had notice of the sexual conduct (Like a church).
Hey so I just wanted to give a quick update I was caught in an online sting were I was on an adult website and when I got to the hotel they dropped the age to a 17 year old. I already took my deal went to jail ect. I was looking at getting early termination of probation and expungement and many lawyers I submitted my file told me that my lawyer did absolutely nothing on my file and that I got f*cked by my lawyer. I asked my original layer to file motions and I found the video of my arrest online on YouTube because I was apart of a tv show when I got arrested and the police lied on the police report and my lawyer kept telling me that the police are allowed to lie on police reports. My lawyer never filed any motions on my behalf. My new lawyer told me to file a complaint with the bar which I did, today I got a letter from the bar stating that my complaint got bumped up to the next level and now there is a full investigation against the lawyer. I am wondering if anyone has filled a complaint against there lawyers? I also want to know if the bar comes back and says that my lawyer didn’t do his job what actions do I have now? Can I use that to reopen my case? Any info would be greatly appreciated thank you so much.
Who says minors can’t think for themselves when it comes to sexual relations?
Louisiana lawmakers opt against setting minimum age for marriage
This is HUGE News!
A bill making it a crime to falsely accuse someone of a sexual crime was first read in the Alabama House of Representatives last week. They should also make a registry!
I was on the hotel was across the street from my office. There was no actual minors involved it was a police sting. I said no 4 times threw text about sex but then they called me and the lady in real life is 45 years old. I answered 1 question about sex and I was arrested at my car. They were filming a tv show so my arrest was on tv. The police lied on the police report. They gave me a misdemeanor 90 days in jail I did 40 days in jail. 3 years probation and 10 years on the registry. The DA didn’t think I needed to take classes they didn’t order me to stay away from minors. The restrictions they gave me were not to pay for sex dont have sex in a car dont be in a hotel room that’s not under my name and dont loiter in a bathroom. My lawyer didn’t file 1 document for me I requested to see the contract between the police and the TV show, I wanted to know whose equipment was used, I wanted to see the operation manual that the police had to follow during the sting ect nothing was given to me. On the police report it said when the news guy interviewed me that I admitted to the crime and said I was horny, I found the tape on YouTube and it shows the opposite. Why wasn’t that tape given to me during discovery? How can I get a fair trial if my name was in 8 newspapers and on TV? The video was uploaded to YouTube 3 days after my arrest but didn’t have my first court appearance for 30 days it should of been with discovery. Probation recommended 2 years in prison but they never interviewed me like they were supposed to. This whole experience seems shady. I lost my house and job. I am in the entertainment business I had an artist on a big TV show I got fired when I got arrested. I had an investor that was going to give me 10 million for my company but pulled the offer after my arrest. What else can they take from me all this for trying to have sex with an escort?
I was reading about el chap and his request for bottled water, earplugs, commissary access and outdoor time. No outdoor time I understand but the rest I dont. What I really dont get is the Judges response.
“I agree with defendant that his conduct was and remains exemplary, but that conduct is a direct consequence of the strict conditions of confinement in which he finds himself,” Cogan wrote. “His continued good behavior is not a reason to modify them. It is a reason to keep them in place.”
So, on that thinking, under what conditions would it show they arent needed? I can imagine a lot of registered people falling in under similar thinking.
Hi everyone,
I just found out yesterday that my father was tortured, killed and left naked on a road in Mexico by the group called “Los Zetas”, not sure if it is true. However, my wife called the DA in Mexico to verify if it really was my father and to my surprise, it was. They sent us the picture of his passport and the pictures of his tattoos to confirm. I never had a relationship with him but in many ways I’m in pain, and I am confused. I called Homeland security to so about how do I go about the proceedings of traveling to Guatemala where my father will be transitioned to( he’s from Guatemala). Knowing that I have to inform them about traveling 21 days prior, but this is an emergency. Does any one have n idea before I called them?
For all those that have been following,
“ORDER ADOPTING 46 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS in full signed by District Judge John A. Mendez on 06/03/19 GRANTING 37 Motion for Judgment on the pleadings as to plaintiff’s First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth causes of action. CASE CLOSED (Benson, A.)”
Off to the 9th………..
Never use a magistrate.. It gives a real judge to easy of an out. You know what is kind of peculiar? the court did not state with or without prejudice.
See Final Judgement @
Frigging 2 1/2 years and all the judge states is he accepts the recommendations…. Whatever….
Has anyone traveled to Europe recently? If so where? How did it go? Where did you stay away from?
Anyone else here take a plea 20 yrs ago because they said
“you can still have a normal life”
Yet 20 yrs later it’s anything but. And you literally feel like you must have murdered a family in cold blood to be treated the way society does? Can’t find a fucking job, can’t find a place to fucking rent, can’t hold a professional license to feed our family, can’t go here, can’t fly there, can’t stand there, can’t attend this, can’t refuse that, denied assistance, pushed out, broken up…..what’s it going to take to push back. I’m thinking.
Yeah honestly, I do not see it going anywhere in the 9th either. I know I’m usaully optimistic about it, but I am also not naive. If the district court used the cases it cited then the 9th probably will too. IDK, will not be holding my breath for damn sure. I’m going in state court next anyway.
You never know though as the 9th has more leway to intervene on their own conflicting cases.
Absolutely can argue every claim on appeal Chris. Thanks for everyone’s support, I know a lot of the old schoolers on here have been following my case and we are not done yet, that is for sure. I think we kind of all expected it to fail in the lower courts as they are well, just the corrupted lower courts. It takes a brave soul to uphold justice and not just follow the status quo… You would like to think that each and every judge is supposed to use common sense and the constitution when deciding a case, but it apparently does not work that way.
@Feeling Sad??? Hey I cannot find you email it is buried way back somewhere so hit me up, I can tell you details and I just want to hear how you are as last time we talked it was not going very good for you guys.
Per Gundy before the Supreme Court…. Apparently if Gundy wins democracy will die, everyone will starve, nukes will go off, time will stop, and the universe will explode into a trillion little pieces. The article doesn’t actuially say all that, but you get the point. It’s the latest apocalyptic predictions surrounding a progressive sacred cow, the sweeping interpretive power of the executive branch. This is how they get stuff done in a limited power government, they interpret things in a way that allows them to do whatever they want from the executive branch. To hell with separation of powers, unless they can enact their agenda we’re all gonna die. This is the America we live in now, it’s corrupt and everyone is moved by whatever Pavlovian-bell the media tells us is the latest imperative that MUST happen, or in this case MUST-NOT-HAPPEN! Gundy can not win or else the evil separation of powers and limited government that is the America that half Americans hate might continue to exist in some form. That America must go away if we are to have our utopia… Utopia is just around the corner everyone… If only you’ll elect this or that person….
I got laid off from my job with a trucking company after the local route I was on was canceled by the company we were contracting with, and there weren’t any other routes in my area. I was pretty much told “good luck” by my driver manager. I didn’t think it would be so hard to find another job in an industry that is supposedly experiencing a driver shortage, especially having a CDL and a few years of experience. But I have gotten nothing but rejection after rejection so far and it’s really killing my morale. One company specifically stated over the phone that they couldn’t hire me as long as I had to register. I fail to understand how my conviction and status is in any way relevant to the job of hauling cargo, a job I am otherwise well-qualified for and have PROVEN that I can do. It’s not like I’m trying to drive a damn school bus. I’m glad I had some money put away, or I’d be pretty much hosed. With my bills, though, it’ll be gone in months unless I manage to find another driving job soon. Trucking is about all I’m qualified for, since I never obtained a degree of any kind nor do I have other relevant work experience to do something else that isn’t low-paying labor.
I live alone so I have no moral support at home and I have too much time to contemplate how meaningless and empty my life seems. No real social life either, unless the occasional meetup counts, which rarely results in making any connections despite my efforts. Trying to build a social life at 40 seems nearly impossible, but the alternative is more soul-crushing loneliness. My emotional state is very tenuous and I can only distract myself so much and I’m probably drinking too much.
Not really sure where I’m going here; just needed to vent. I’m just getting tired of it all and increasingly wondering if it’s all worthwhile.
Do you think there would be a difference if you were an owner operator? I asked this because I thought if anything ever happened with my job I would buy a truck and be an OO.
I thought this was a cool petition from a desperate family: Unregister a Sex Offender that deserves a 2nd chance. Only 3 have signed. Care to make it 4?
So I recently obtained an MBA and now I’m in the hunt of a job…which has become somewhat stressful. Trying to find a job that wouldn’t really put me in the “spotlight” is hard and only brings up more anxiety and depression when I think too much about it. If ANYONE has any ideas…I’m all ears.
Not registration related, but interesting legal issues:
I am a huge supporter for gay rights…however, on this one issue I would have to side with the florist.
This issue is not simply an artist refusing to provide their created work to someone that is gay. This is about an artist being asked to create something new specificly for a gay wedding. A wedding is usually a religious event. You cant force someone to create something to assist with another religions beliefs that is against and in conflict with your own religion. If this ruling stands then that means you should also be able to force a Muslim cartoonist to draw a cartoon of Mohamed. Does that sound like an extreme exaggeration? Well, it sounds extreme to me to force an artist of a particular religion that may vehemently deny a same sex marriage right to create something supporting the opposite of their belief and the ceremony for it.
If it get to SCOTUS, I am sure they can narrowly tailor a decision to allowing an artist to refuse to create new content aimed at supporting a conflicting religious ceremony without setting a precident that allows any other acts of discrimination.
BOY! This fact says a ton! That is precisely why law existed in WI to prevent ” unauthorized information disclosure “. (174.45)93. These privacy protection assisted and benefited ALL PARTIES, thus they were originally enacted!
For the domestic flow of information to the benefit of big data brokers to flourish all laws ( in every state) restricting or criminalized( personal information flow) had to be obliterated. ALL federalist activities operate in this fashion. Thereby in effect creating a fiat situation in a state’s right to self determination in statutes soverignty! SCOTUS pointed to this issue via Norma Grace Constanteneau.
While the record shows each state adopted the act in a self determined means – via legislative act AND admin. promulgation; It was still an inverse to formally adopted constitutional disposition. A fiat!
The Wetterling Family again pays a price for that which was already protected prior to the 94OMNIBUS containing the act that solicited her private information to begin with. Ironically the FBI & SURVEILLANCE saints are also parties named in the article. Remember child murder investigation ALWAYS BEGINS WITH FAMILY!
SOR was never about family it was about ” database USES by state actors. “
So this is kind of cool thing about my case though, it is on my site and an example of a complete case from start to end pro se in the federal district court system. Frigging 2 1/2 years and many filings.
I still think it was presented as best as it could possibly be in the end there. Mainly both the Objections to the MFRs were really spot on. That is where the meat of my appeal will come from. Been a hard long ride I can tell you that.
LA reverses course here, says if you’re three years or older, you’re a predator.
Louisiana will have a minimum marriage age after all