CA: City of Commerce Repeals Local Residency Restrictions


The City of Commerce, located in Los Angeles County, has repealed its local residency restrictions. The repeal took place during a City Council meeting held on September 3.

The City Council’s actions took place after its residency restrictions were challenged in Los Angeles Superior Court in a lawsuit filed April 22. This lawsuit is 1 of 37 lawsuits filed thus far challenging residency restrictions adopted by cities and counties in California.

Prior to filing of this lawsuit, ACSOL warned the City of Commerce in a letter that the city’s residency restrictions violated both the state and federal constitutions. The repeal of the city’s ordinance will become effective on October 2.


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Great job Janice! How many cities are left to repeal their residency restrictions?

Janice for Govenor!
She will uphold the constitution!
Even against a wave of popular demand.
Such tasteless actions as residency restriction are LAWLESSNESS by local ” officials! ”
It truly is.
Moreover, as a practical matter, unenforceable without registration & public notifications in place.
That is but one inherent and readily apparent effect flowing from the development of the electronic blacklists that provides both the ” clearest proof to suffice” & an increase of lawlessness promoted as RRs are tantamount to vigilante activity undermining state authority. That is precisely why courts reject them in California.

Tyrants at every turn; also primarily made possible via the adoption of the precursors to SORNA.

Wow! Janice you rock!! One by one these restrictions are falling. This also signals that the mindset is changing because judges and city counsel members are siding with these verdicts or they wouldn’t be happening.

Wow!! Thank you everyone for your dedication and fighting so hard to uphold the constitution. Thank you for speaking the truth. People are starting to get it. They really are. Brilliant.

Great news and your hard work is so, so, so appreciated!!!!!!

Thanks Janice and team!

Not to minimize the struggle or the fight… but how is it that these “residency restrictions” are in violation of constitutional rights but everything else that comes a long with Registration is fair game???
Can we at least pull together in a way that empowers us and our families? Create a list of current employers that do not use ML against a potential hire, and take it a step further and draft a bill that would ban using that form of “public information” against someone unless they are going to have direct contact with children, and even then give people an opportunity to be evaluated on an individual level before they are denied ANYTHING. The Registry was the Cancel Culture before the Cancel Culture had a name. Something needs to be done about the Label too! The word alone SEX stirs the storm of emotion. Registered Person sounds a hell of a lot more Humane to me and I believe it gives someone an opportunity to have a conversation rather than immediately being Dismissed. Being denied Housing….that needs to be stopped Now, not 10, 20, 30 yrs from now. We are American Citizens and deserve to be treated as such.
Don’t wait till 1 million people decide to take things into their own hands.