South Africa: Making Sexual Offenders Registry Public a Recipe for Disaster – Legal Expert

[ – 9/24/19]

Following the high prevalence of violence against women and children in the month of August, the question over whether the sexual offenders registry should be open to the public has been brought to the fore.

Social movement Amandla.Mobi has petitioned Justice Minister Ronald Lamola to “make the sex offenders list publicly accessible online and on mobile platforms that anyone can easily access”.

The petition was created 18 days ago with the goal of garnering 8 000 signatures. To date, the organisation has collected 7 842 signatures.

This followed a series of protests under the hashtag #AmINext, after the tragic deaths of young women in South Africa, including Sinethemba Ndlovu, Uyinene Mrwetyana, Leighandre Jegels, Meghan Cremer and Ayakha Jiyane and her three siblings – all acts of gender-based violence, News24 reported.

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Out of control violence against women and children is only part of what is happening as Mandela’s Rainbow Nation deteriorates into anarchy from warring factions of corrupt government “leaders.” Roving groups of bandits are robbing people with total impunity. So can you imagine when the list is public. The bandits can just scour the list for their next home invasion victim. The police are now so corrupt in South Africa that a person has to hire private security if they want an armed guard to protect them. It is just incredible that South Africa can even waste resources on something so ridiculous as a registry when they have so many more severe and impending crisis. But then again, It isn’t too much different then what I see here: massive homelessness, drug addicts lying in the street, housing shortage, traffic, crime, yet that registry keeps on growing.

A recipe for large public debts as well. Good old USA claiming to be ‘nation builders’ when in reality our leadership by the two parties promote debt building. Creating debt that is our congresses proven results.

This article describes a certain outcome from adopting public SOR & DOC websites on the www. S. Africa should head with caution.

Let your leadership convince you of the virtues of the big brother electronic blacklists. Homelessness among registrants in WI has caused the SOR form to have a hotline in case registrants find themselves homeless. I will make issue of that in my pro se(WE) FTR.

It will be interesting to see how S.Af chooses.