CA: 2nd California child molester dies after beating with cane

[ – 1/22/20]

[Note: This information is important because it demonstrates the dangers of CDCR placing registrants in the general population. ]


CORCORAN, Calif. (AP) — A second convicted child molester has died after he was beaten with a walking cane by another inmate last week at a central California prison, officials said Wednesday.

Graham De Luis-Conti, 62, was pronounced dead on Sunday at a hospital, three days after authorities said he was attacked at California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility and State Prison in the small central city of Corcoran, corrections officials said in a statement.

They said Jonathan Watson, 41, used the cane to beat the heads of both inmates. David Bobb, 48, died en route to the hospital.

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Reading the article and comments section reminded me of this quote by Fyodor Dostoevsky..
“The degree of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons.”

Yet they keep us on their public hit list. That could be anyone of us at anytime. It’s a terrible way to live.

“Molestation” is used to describe any number of incidents which may or may not have even been legitimate offenses including accidental situations where there was no intent. But people see that word among other key words and automatically think the worst. Not trying to downplay legitimate cases but there are definitely cases where people are falsely accused.

I hope the people who support “prison justice” realize that. Even people who did commit the crime they were convicted of should be left to do their time in peace. But I know the truth is that people actually cheer these kinds of vigilantes.

Many people are celebrating these two murders. Scary to be reminded that many regular people would celebrate my violent death because I’m on the registry.


You’re right that regular people would cheer for that sort of thing. That’s the scary disconnect of our society isn’t it?

And to think that all it takes is to slap a label, a Scarlet letter, a Star of David to institutionalize death and violence on a segment of humanity borne out of fear and ignorance?

And to think at one time in my life I was one of those regular people chills me to the bone that I was once disconnected and ignorant…

That is until my own persecution has opened my eyes and seen this hideous flaw in our system and our society. Only through this baptism of fire did I truly comprehend that …

A bald guy with a face tatt and a walking cane…. add a monocle and a top hat and you have Mr. Peanut. I say it was Mr. Peanut with a walking cane in the Prison Cafeteria, who dunnit!

I cannot find either victim on the Megans Law web site (checked right after the first incidence became public), nor on the CDCR inmate site. Did I simply miss their names? There is no shortage of registrants listed as incarcerated. Am I to believe the dead inmates / registrants were removed from the respective web sites within hours / days of their unfortunate demise? Am I to believe the DOJ and CDCR act that swiftly? Hmmmm…. not sure what to believe here…..

The thing that’s not really talked about is some of these prison guards that are putting the sex offenders business out there by showing inmates paperwork it’s supposed to be a PC prison but information like that is being leaked that should be investigated the crooked guards that are assisting in these attacks by showing paperwork two people they know will cause harm to the sex offender