CASOMB Reports “Biggest Jump” in Number of Registrants

The number of people required to register as sex offenders in the state of California continues to grow at a rapid case, according to the CA Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB). That total number peaked at 109,379 as of January 8, 2020, which represents an increase of about 1,600 in only two months.

“This is the biggest jump in several years,” stated CASOMB Vice Chair Brenda Crowding of the CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.

Of that total number, CASOMB reported that there are 78,981 registrants not in custody of which 16,809 are in violation for failure to report personal information, including but not limited to, their home address. CASOMB also reported that there are 6,761 registrants who are homeless and therefore required to register monthly as transients. Further, CASOMB reported that there are 6,554 registrants on parole of which 3,521 (about 54 percent) are considered high risk.

These reports were made during today’s public meeting of CASOMB. The board’s next public meeting will be held on Feb. 20 in the Board Room of the Board of State & Community Corrections, 2590 Venture Oaks Way, Sacramento 95833.

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I wonder what the numbers would be if they tracked this kind of information for individuals convicted of other crimes. I’m not solely talking about the recidivism rates…

Wow! The number out of compliance is staggering! The number homeless is staggering as well! This is clearly why Judges should be looking for reasons to grant those petitioning to be removed from the registry! Very disturbing

I thought the list was supposed to stop crime. It almost seems like it’s pointless to oust people *after* a crime is committed rather than focus resources to *prevent* crime.

Uh…I don’t think the registry is…uh…working. I don’t think the numbers are supposed…you know…like…explode.

Extended out, that’s roughly a 10% increase per year and a doubling of the Registry’s size in 10 years’ time.
But let’s double another number as well: 30,000+ non-compliant (FTR). Wow.

(Just imagining…… at some point, on a designated day, we should all stage a massive, peaceful act of civil disobedience……. On a designated Sunday morning [when there are no children present and when we cannot attend a church of our choosing (because there may be children in a Sunday school there)], we should all peacefully congregate in protest on the grounds of designated local schools throughout California and all be simultaneously arrested for violating one of the many restrictions imposed on us.
How would our California Justice system deal with an instant 100,000 person increase in arrests? …. What if such a Registry protest were Nationwide…… on one single designated Sunday, in every community … while the “good folks” are all in church [from which we good folks are banned]…. a million people across the country, all arrested one quiet Sunday morning in a peaceful civil disobedience protest against the Registries…..)

So according to them, approx. 3% of registrants are actually considered a risk. Is this not proof that the registry is a for profit industry? 106,000 people not considered a risk to public safety, but still required to suffer mentally, financially and physically in order to maintain a perverse justice system.

Well, it just means time to do more trimming. While the new tier system is an improvement, it still makes it worse for others…specifically those convicted of cp offenses. Move them down to tier 1 and reduce their time on the registry. Athough we eventually need to get rid of the whole regime, the state can still keep taking steps instead of complaining about a big jump in registrants….like oh I thought we took care of the problem with the upcoming reform

Maybe we should do something EPIC on our Lobby Day on Tuesday, February 11, in Sacramento to bring attention to this matter.
Maybe create a headline
Mass RC protest Megan Law in Sac.

We could go to the Capital and hang out there after our Lobby Day. Maybe we have couple speakers like we did at Carson city hall.

I am not sure if a small protest will work. but something to bring attention.

Really? Make an example out of “him (not her)”. Well, I wish someone would’ve said that to Orange County because I am most definitely a her and my name/face smeared all over the news and convicted.

I know quite a few people posting on here that are very anti-woman because they think this is only happening to men. No. It’s happening to us all.

I wonder how much of the increase is because of those CP entrapment stings. Betting pretty significant.

“High risk” my ass. You can thank the Static 99R scam for the HRSO label. As for CASOMB: I would never trust them one bit!

I’m wondering who even thought of this registration process. I can maybe understand the process for someone who committed a heinous crime, but many people are being required to register for misdemeanors! This is nuts. Worst case scenario, there should be a simple process for getting off the registry if you fulfill certain parameters! The one thing I would suggest is, if (I processed my own/it’s not too difficult) you can, get your charge reduced to a misdemeanor and expunged! Furthermore, LE might be a bit more aggressive this year with compliance checks in order to keep you registering! My last (I verified via the phone/asked questions/OC/very professional) compliance, they simply called me. I think the entire process is a mess. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t support registering, but you have to give something to get something in return. Register while on probation? Parole? Ideas? Also, I was under the impression Static 99 was invalid after 10 years?

Oh don’t get me wrong. I’ve done very well for myself. I went to graduate school, earned my MA, I have a great career where I’m earning much more than I did before I was charged and convicted. I also bought a house. Of course it helps not being on a public registry, but the articles are still out there.

Where I’m lacking is in a relationship. I just don’t trust men at all. I have been sexually harassed so much due to my status as if I’m somehow deserving of that treatment; as if I don’t have a right to complain about any type of sexual misconduct. Very ironic as well. My status has created RC type behavior by those not on the registry.

But hey, I guess that’s refreshing for you to hear, right?

@C, we are similar. MBA, home etc. I have a few crazy neighbors and I’ve bit my lip a few times. With a COR, they interview neighbors. Do they do this with a SB 384? I live in an upscale area where one nice guy drinks and likes to start confrontations! The other is narcistic/stares you down and flips you off as you drive by! Neighbor (I’m not online) knows I’m on the registry. I just ignore them. Had I not been on the registry, I would have taken legal action. I know handle things differently: I’ll stand outside (with 2 female neighbors) and just watch as he (narcissus) falls apart and goes inside (rather then blow his debris all over my lawn! Not happened again. You have to out think him

Yes, investigators questioned a few neighbors about what kind of neighbor I was? What if I had a neighbor issue? What if a neighbor disliked me? What if I have gossiper neighbors? What if one made up a story? What if I had a bully neighbor? Can they bring them to court? Will this be the norm with SB 384? This new law clearly requires updates!