When a sex offender calls, she’s there to listen

Vicki Henry sits at the desk in her two-bedroom duplex on a recent Sunday morning and adjusts her phone headset, which she has nestled on hair with a deep magenta tinge, a rare bit of pizazz for the 72-year-old grandmother of three.

Everyone else in Henry’s working-class neighborhood of Arnold, a southern suburb of St. Louis, is probably at church or finishing up a pancake breakfast with the family. But Henry is on the clock for a job that pays her nothing.

She wears a baggy red T-shirt with “Women Against Registry” and the acronym “WAR” embroidered on it in white thread. Henry runs WAR, an organization whose goal is to abolish the public sex offender registries that exist in every state. Full Article

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“Book told Vox that he finds the organization’s family-focused messaging “obnoxious and insensitive to the individuals who have had their lives destroyed by their loved ones.””

Hey Mr. Book, how about the people who have had their lives destroyed by DRUNK DRIVERS?
Nah, they get a pass, don’t they, Ron?

The true nature of the regime is readily apparent. It does not promote safety nor harmony in the community. The article here evidenced quite the opposite outcome than was intended according to its preamble. Human servitude to an almighty “registry database .” As if a gov published database of known bad people will deter without affirmative restraint upon at least one party first occurring.

Citizens are at war with each other and our former President, Bill Clinton got it all started. How many often unionized DOC, AG, DOJ officials have made wages for registrants via the job? That fact explains it’s passage by the Ds, but for the Re to make law “big business” must also automatically profit. There isn’t much bigger business than the internet giants and data brokers.
What is worse is the dereliction of duty in upholding an ex post facto regime by denying retributive intent and trivializing human subservience to database machine that works anti liberty and corruption of blood, by the Rehnquist Court. All the Catholics approved, how incredibly beautiful that fact is as apparently they’d be the experts in the topic of child sex deviants. All the Jews on that court understood better the nature of demo socialist workers and their historic track record and naturally dissented.
W.A.R. arose out of a mother’s love for her child’s best interest. If a child is taking a longer rout to school based upon avoiding registrants, the parent’s advice may actually increase with every step the danger.

What I find disturbing is how the Mental Health Association just steps back and takes no responsibility for their part in creating this horrendous mess.
For a body devoted to the health and welfare of the community, how can they stay silent and allow the misconceptions which propel the registry to continue.
Have they no compassion for those oppressed by an out of control public registry championed by hate and revenge which includes innocent family members brought about by bogus mental concepts?

For example:

1. Most victims are doomed to live a lifetime of misery so it is only fitting that the offenders and anyone supporting them should suffer the same fate.

2. Most sexual offenders remain a danger to their community regardless of their punishment and/or treatment when decades of empirical evidence clearly show otherwise.

3. Likewise, public announcements and programs to curb victimization are mostly ignored in favor of lucrative punishment and treatment programs.

In my opinion, it’s high time the Mental Health Association step forward in a strong voice and denounce these ridiculous beliefs which promote needless pain and suffering.

Thank you for providing this much needed and wonderful ministry! I’d never heard of it before, but will share it with others! God bless!