CA: Placentia to open homeless ‘navigation center’ Tuesday without registrants

[ – 3/30/20]

Placentia is racing to put the final touches on what city leaders say is a first-of-its kind facility that will offer emergency shelter, help finding jobs and housing and other types of counseling and aid to homeless people in north Orange County. The shelter is expected to start accepting people Tuesday, March 31.

(The centers will take clients by referral only, and no one with sex offender status, certain felonies or active arrest warrants will be admitted.)

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A more fitting description would be , not accepting those no-longer considered human beings. I hope the weight of the Registry financially crushes all those who support it. May they never recover and be hated wherever they go.

2nd class citizens

Wife beaters welcome; selling crack to children–no problem; arsonists–we have a bed for you; felony DUI–free hugs at the door; muggers, purse snatchers, armed robbers, car jackers–come on it; but if you looked are a picture of an adolescent on the internet, or you had consensual relations with your 16 year old GF then you just stay out in the cold. We only take descent, respectable violent felons in our shelter.

lawsuit time janice ! 🙂

somewhat related but i just found out that if you are a registered person that owns a small business

most likely you will not receive an SBA Loan small business jobs act of 2010 section 4107(d)(2) requires business receiving and to certify that you are not on the SOR


I’m so frustrated about this. I will be producing a YouTube video about this article in the next few days. I will also include tips and contact information (in Tampa) that can be used to put words into action.

And yet……the Registry is NOT punishment.
Society’s really gonna shit their hazmat suit when the Registry quadruples in size.

So who is a sex offender. In my paperwork I forgot to send Janice this link but I did send Vicki Henry and her Team this back several 3 or so years ago. I dont’ know at this time if this article would really make a difference in this serious crisis we all face today but all governors and judges should be aware of this today. I don’t know if Sandy or Vicki ever dwelled upon it much in conferences but makes a lot of since in many perspective way.

One may even use an article such as this to address a redress of opinion for a fair point of view for the many suffer on here unnecessary. Who knows maybe Janice has this also in her files. I’m not a lawyer so I don’t know how one would view this but in christian law it does speek the true and true value and ethics is also a turn for a better way.

I’m sure its time for many to step up. As soon as this virus confusion is over people are going to see a lot of changes for the good of the country. Hey I would even like to see some rules changed today in the constutition. So this sex registry is what it is until it is what is isn’t if that makes some sense. I’m sure Janice can make good use of it as well as others with certain viewpoints to consider.

@ Ready to Fight. A lot of this is not easy so we all need to do our part to get America back together again. Law enforcements and courts are just as guilty of being fair with much of this going on. Closing boarders and refusing those in tent city’s for medical treetment. Keeping people from getting medical car just because they hold a label of sex offender.
United States ought to be ashamed of itself so its up to all of us and Janice will do her part as I’m sure all of us will and thats helping each other in true spirited way even if government doesn’t look at it that way. One can either be a winner or a loser and I’m sure we all want to win the fight. I’m just glad Janice and many more are in there to help bring back justice to America again.

Travel restrictions? In the US? Thats against our constitutional rights!!! Oh wait……welcome to our world. Not sure I can summon much empathy. Stay home general public. Enjoy your rerestrictions

“Navigation center?” Ha! Sounds more like a selective empathy center.

Don’t fall for the “We’re all in this together” crap that the media and celebrities are saying. We’re exempt from that shallow, hope-inspiring platitude. Those forced to register will ALL still be in this nightmare and living in crisis mode forever long after Corona goes away. This is our permanent normal.

I’m confident that LEOs and politicians can’t wait for this virus to pass so they can go back to vilifying and witch hunting us full time again with new laws. Everything is on the back-burner right now, but watch have FAST everything resumes once we’re the number one boogeyman once again.

Knew this would happen. Remember the Hurricane shelters no sex offenders were allowed in? This pretty much cements the statement “shit outta luck”. Years of this kind of mental mindf**king is a sex offenders true sentence…not the website.

@ Facts. Being fair is one thing but going overboared in this sex registry ISSUE is another. People can’t even hang out anymore, getting a hair cut or anything can be a lost cause with a distancing law. Use to be three days or 24 hrs for drunk in public. Were are the old fashion filibusters in a court of law.

Many won’t even recognize a law suit or a challenge or change of venue by the people to some stop and desist or suspend this cruel overbearing punishment that each offender holds. Basic honesty is like an underground railroad saga of a new age era death trap or making an exaample out of each person. One would believe its time to picket get organized in a way to let public know how the offender is being treated and outcasted and many ways discriminated against in this unfair law and order BS of mankind. Being denied liberty and justice is very injust. So what has man wroght. Government oppression and callous indifference in their scheme in many of these guidelines.

Civil rights are rights, so the offender plaqued today in many ways it seems. The registry or injustice today is hurting everyone.

Iv always thought it was hypocritical of the Rescue Mission’s in the state of California preaching about God and forgiveness not to judge one another and Love Thy Neighbor but if your a sexofender you have no place in GOD’s house your immediately judge and left in freezing cold no matter what your situation is how GODLY is that ..smh

If one looks at this type of injustice is it an unjust measure or measurement, or were is the compairson. Even USA makes a good point and plus all you folks. One wonders who is high risk or low risk offender or who measures the line of distancing today or that line draw in the sand with some labeling as Janice’s article points out to give insight. I’m glad that was brought up on one of the many issues we all face. Who’ is trampling over that line? Should we all go back to the golden rule or does love cover a multitude of sins today.

Who presents an invisible snare to trap with a bait or is this a bit devilish type of clean up. Now it would seem all are under an invisible line in all this truth or who is confounding another in America today. Looking at all this one has to wonder who is the prey and who is the victim or where is the true justice in this devilish ordeal. Justice can be a bit much today and court systems need to cleaned up their act in many ways.

Its not just in the sex offender but many other ordeals today. Even Janice or any other lawyer of civil rights will tell you that today. Sure these internet money schemes are as bit much. One article on the internet talks about God being left out in schools and other things. Yes the pledge of aligence is still in force and yes ole glory flag is going to wave but the backbond of any society is true justice for any type of crime in society. Overpunishment is a bit much.

Much of this registry issue comes down to a switch and bait ordeal that is so off color it is pathic. Sure helping out in this civil type of issue with this detestable overreach ordeals on mankind is a bit much but its the course of action that one takes that bring positive results and government is wrong in many ways

We all seek values but today what values do you get out of a courts of law today or for that that matter government today. This shut down is effecting everything even the wine industry in VA and also CA not to mention small businesses or independant services. Oh and if I rememer right the first gold rush was in Placentia.

Question: does anyone register in more than one location? If you read PC 290.010, you must register per. Comments? Questions?

@ TS its going to be hard on some people for the next three or four weeks all would think all to make the best of it. In my view Janice has already won and that means we all have a part to play in each area also to win. Sure many don’t need to be in prison or even slapped with this sex registry ordeal of extra stipulations, etc. as Anonyous used the word precedent and that opens up a whole new meaning to me One wonders who had presedent in the lady caught in adultry so were is principal. is it all in the flip of a coin or who know’s the true intent behind all this masquarade. Guess thats something to study on.
TS Governments at times can’t even see beyond the pen and paper they use to write laws. Even many don’t know where to turn to to get some answers or all we all vain and a bit paranoid about this. Hasn’t God chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise and God has chosen the weak things of this world to confound the mighty or do we still wrestle with flesh and blood today. I hope Will Allen can write a hundred page report on that.
I would say basically Janice and her team have already won but we as individuls have to understanding and to press on to win true justice. Janice your doing a fine job and actually who wants to lock horns with Janice and her team. I better stay silent on that one.

Cal. Penal Code Section 290.4 comes to mind:

(d) (1) A person is authorized to use information disclosed pursuant to this section only to protect a person at risk.
(2) Except as authorized under paragraph (1) or any other provision of law, use of any information that is disclosed pursuant to this section for purposes relating to any of the following is prohibited:
(A) Health insurance.
(B) Insurance.
(C) Loans.
(D) Credit.
(E) Employment.
(F) Education, scholarships, or fellowships.
(G) Housing or accommodations.
(H) Benefits, privileges, or services provided by any business establishment.
(3) This section shall not affect authorized access to, or use of, information pursuant to, among other provisions, Sections 11105 and 11105.3 of this code, Section 226.55 of the Civil Code, Sections 777.5 and 14409.2 of the Financial Code, Sections 1522.01 and 1596.871 of the Health and Safety Code, and Section 432.7 of the Labor Code.