CA: DOJ Executive Order N-63-20 Regarding Sex Offender Registration

[ACSOL] The California Department of Justice has issued an Information Bulletin directing law enforcement agencies how to remotely register individuals convicted of a sex offense.  The information in the bulletin is being issued to provide guidance regarding implementation of the Governor’s Executive Order issued on May 8. According to the Information Bulletin, law enforcement officials are to confirm all data fields on the registration forms.  They are then to sign the registration form noting that the form was “completed on behalf of and with consent of” the registrant.  The Information…

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CA: Oakland police suspend sex offender registrations during COVID-19 pandemic

Due to the threat from the coronavirus, the Oakland Police Department has closed its registry unit where many of the city’s sex offenders are required to check in every month, officials said. Now, the city of Oakland has no up-to-date addresses or other important information on hundreds of offenders – particularly transient sex offenders – raising concerns from victims’ advocates and offenders who are trying to register alike. “We’ve put a whole population at risk and I find that very, very concerning,” said Nina Salarno-Besselman, an attorney with Crime Victims…

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NC: Registrants Win in North Carolina Court

[ACSOL] A federal trial court in North Carolina has ruled in favor of registrants whose out-of-state convictions were determined by law enforcement to be “substantially similar” to sex offenses in North Carolina.  As a result of this decision, registrants who were convicted of an out-of-state sex offense prior to December 1, 2006, and who also moved to North Carolina prior to that date are no longer required to register. The foundation of the Court’s decision was a violation of the substantive due process provision of the 14th Amendment.  Specifically, the court…

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