Kat’s Blog: Wakulla County, Florida Discrimination Case

This news out of Florida is one of those David and Goliath type lawsuits, the little guy against the giant. City Walk Urban Mission in Wakulla County, Crawfordville, Florida, a small faith-based ministry whose motto is “every saint has a past, every sinner has a future” has come under fire by some of the town’s folk and law enforcement. Since 2013, this tiny non-profit ministry has worked to help rehabilitate ex-offenders, provided food and shelter, assistance in procuring employment and for some, reconnection with their families. The ministry’s address, a…

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NE: Suspend In-person Reporting During the Pandemic

[nebraskansunafraid.org – 5/14/20] he Nebraska Criminal Defense Attorneys Association (NCDAA) and ReConnect, Inc., have teamed with Nebraskans Unafraid (NU) to call on Gov. Ricketts to temporarily suspend in-person reporting requirements for registered people during the pandemic. The request was made in a May 11, 2020 letter to the governor. The letter was signed by Joseph L. Howard, president of the NCDAA Executive Board; Jeanie Mezger, NU Board member; and LaVon Stennis-Williams, Executive Director of ReConnect, Inc. ‘By mandating in person registration during this pandemic, the State forces its citizens to…

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