NE: Advocates call for an end to the public sex offender registry

[ – 5/20/20] A shooting in North Omaha has sparked concerns over the state sex offender registry. Following the death of Mattieo Condoluci, members of the National Association of Rational Sexual Offense Laws (NARSOL) are calling for the state to remove the public state sex offender registry. “If he was not on the registry I have no doubt he would be alive,” NARSOL Vice Chair Robin Vander Wall said. Vander Wall said the current system requiring sex offenders to register and make their address public is not effective in keeping…

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CA: Public Defender seeks removal of OC DA from sex offender parole violation cases

The Orange County Public Defender’s Office is seeking to have the Orange County District Attorney’s Office removed from prosecuting five sex offenders accused of violating parole after they were released early from local lockup. Full Article Related CA: 7 Sex Offenders Released Early Due to COVID-19 in Orange County Despite Parole Violations  

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UK: Vigilantes ‘set fire to home where paedophile lived’

[ – 5/20/20] A police search has been sparked after vigilantes in Liverpool reportedly torched a house days after a convicted paedophile was removed for his own safety. The sex offender was involved in a ‘dogging gang’ which groomed and ‘systematically’ sexually abused a 13-year-old girl in North Wales in 2005, it is understood. He was jailed for three years after admitting two counts of sexual activity with a child and taking indecent photographs of a child in a 2006 court case, according to the Liverpool Echo. A crowd of…

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Kat’s Blog: More Needs to Be Done to Help Registrants Re-Integrate

Upon graduation from a Sex Offender Treatment Group, a registrant made the comment that “some of the guys in the group will never graduate, they’re always afraid they’ll break some registry law, they seldom leave their homes or motel rooms. Most of them can’t find jobs, their PO’s “safety Plan” is for them to do their grocery shopping at 4AM. Every day for them is like “Ground Hog Day”, exactly the same, it never changes. What kind of life is that? Shouldn’t someone be doing more to help these guys…

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CA Supreme Court Denies Review of Challenge to In-Person Registration

The California Supreme Court issued an order today denying ACSOL’s challenge to in-person registration requirements by local law enforcement agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Court’s decision to deny review is based upon the fact that the Governor issued an Executive Order earlier this month that encourages, but does not require, local law enforcement agencies to remotely register individuals. In its short decision, the Court cited only part of the Executive Order which suspends the taking of fingerprints and photographs as well as the requirement to sign and initial the…

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