FL: CrimeNews Ocala sex offender arrested for failing to update license

[ocala-news.com – 6/8/20]

An Ocala sex offender who recently got out of prison was arrested after he failed to update his driver’s license information within 48 hours of registering his new address.


On May 26, ___ reported to the Marion County Sheriff’s Office and updated his registration after being released from the Department of Corrections and said he would be living at 10685 W. Hwy. 326 in Ocala. He was reminded of the registration requirements, which include reporting to a Division of Motor Vehicles office within 48 hours to update his license or ID card. West signed a form acknowledging he understood the requirements, according to the sheriff’s office report.

On Thursday, ___ came back to the sheriff’s office and reported to a deputy that he intended to move to New York. He said he did not report to the DMV within 48 hours because he didn’t have transportation, although he lives at a residence where a car is located. When asked why he didn’t call the sex offender unit to discuss his violation, Higginbotham said he didn’t have a phone, although his roommate has a cell phone. He later said he had no excuse for not going to the DMV besides not having transportation, the report said.

Westfall is being held without bail in the Marion County Jail and is due to appear in Marion County Court on July 7.

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Well this seems like an excellent use of time and funds. I’m sure the court loves dealing with these technical cases. They’d be bored without them to fill the time.

Sounds perfectly clear and understandable after all the Public may be in Grave danger since he told the sheriff his current address and relocation to NY, and all and all the other personal information….
Why he might have sped away and not given more pertinent information and dodged being without id before he left town in less than 48 hours and created a National emergency that would surley put not only the state he currently lives in at DEFCON 1 NOT TO MENTION NY and the whole world would be on fire if that 48 hr dead line was not strictly adhered to …thank goodness the laws outstanding RULES MADE ALL THE DIFFERENCE TO STOPPING A VERY VERY VERY DOUBTFUL CRIMINAL ACT !
They almost had to put out the
“Total Sarcasm” ….end !

Wow, good thing they caught this “criminal”. Look at all the harm his “crime” did. Look at all the danger he caused. I’m sure they saved a lot of children.

It is a simple fact that no actual American can think this is acceptable. The Registries Hit List must be destroyed. Otherwise we will constantly have criminals like these law enforcement criminals (LECs) who are arresting people for things like this.

This is an outrage and very, very possibly could lead to actual, serious, harmful crimes. These LECs are idiots. But the criminal legislators and idiot public forced them into it. All must pay consequences.

I pray that this guy retaliates in a very harmful and destructive way. I’ve already made a promise to myself about what will happen if I am ever arrested for anything related to the Hit Lists. An arrest will be viewed as the act of war that it is. The dummies that think the Hit Lists are just fine and only harm the families who are listed on them are obviously wrong. But they don’t care. They are stupid and arrogant. They love jacking off with their Hit Lists and getting off is what they actually care about most in the world. All the talk about public safety and protecting children are obvious lies.

Defund the police. Everywhere and in every way possible. That doesn’t mean eliminate police. It means keeping as much resources away from them as possible – $$$$$, time, information, everything.

Will Allen I would hate to come To your house and throw the good book at you. Talk about brass knockles ( sorry knuckles) . The guy gets out of prison and is moving and hasnt’ updated his Driver’s license. One wonders how many bars of soap you need to clense a cop.
Yes I’ve did some stupid things myself. Just last week I got a traffic ticket in my county. I even told the police officer I was a sex offender. Why did I say that I really don’t know. I will agree with you its about the money but its also about character. Sure I told the police woman that gave me a ticket that I was going to court over this but I changed my mind. Why go to court in front of the unjust. If I decide to go to court on it it will be in mid Oct but I’ll just pay it off little by little.

Will, dont’ you think God can fight your battles or what is this contrivirus is all about. My sister and I got in a little argument over that one several years ago. Has mankind gone a bit above standards and means or do states understand even their human make-up and their brass tactics. Sure one could kick them in the balls. I could of even slapped that police womans’ face but what would that prove, even though I had my turn signal on and she was right beside me in town at a stop light but she said she didn’t notice my signal. It will all come out in the wash. We all get a bit confussedBest thing to do is let God fight your battles and yes prayer works if you work it.

While this Florida ordeal is a bit much after the guy just got out of prison who is over extending on this man’s intent or is the sex offender some bad behavior of American Government. One even wonders who’s Commander and Chief today. Yes rules are rules but being put in a position is a bit callous for any authority to dab on another or is that the love thy neighbor today in the good state of Florida. One even wonders were free speech is today.

Wow i cant believe this is real what a waste of taxpayers money but we all know the consequences of not properly completing your registration its stupid and pointlessness i know but its what you gotta do to stay out of jail .
Everyday you wake up you have to stay mindful of your surroundings constantly stay on guard not only from your neighbor’s but also law enforcement. Obviously this whole system was design to keep sexofenders off the street and back in custody