MI: Michigan’s top court kills lawsuit by wrongly imprisoned man

[washingtontimes.com – 7/30/20]

DETROIT (AP) – The Michigan Supreme Court has stopped a man from suing the state after he spent more than a year in prison for a crime that wasn’t a crime.

The man was behind bars for 17 months for failing to provide accurate information for Michigan’s sex offender registry. The Corrections Department then discovered that he actually wasn’t required to register.

The man sued the state, arguing that his constitutional rights were violated. The Supreme Court heard arguments in April but dropped the case in a 4-3 decision Wednesday.

It means a 2019 appeals court opinion in the state’s favor will stand, killing the lawsuit.

“The citizens of Michigan would be surprised indeed to learn that Michigan law provides no recourse for blatantly lawless incarceration,” Chief Justice Bridget McCormack said in a blunt dissent.

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The Da’s office, the politician’s and the like, live by a separate set of “rules”, so no worries.

Like, how? How do the people absolve themselves like this? People recalled Judge Persky for not being hard enough in sentencing. How about recalling these 4 POS judges who are saying you can have everything taking away from you wrongly, yet there’s zero recourse for this gross violation?

May the Fed case provide the resolution he deserves

“‘The citizens of Michigan would be surprised indeed to learn that Michigan law provides no recourse for blatantly lawless incarceration,’ Chief Justice Bridget McCormack said in a blunt dissent.”

And the wonder why people are pissed off and burning shit down. Just sayin’.

Blatantly lawless .
That being a precise definition of the status of both major political parties.
All they’ve accomplished is creating debt.That is all they’re good at. The prosecutor should be publicly admonished and perhaps removed from the state bar.

A land of crooked politicians, killer cops, wrongful convictions, DNA exoneration and 25 trillion of national debt. Doomed to failure.

Hey Tim don’t you know that women always win. And if its a policewoman or a judge your just wasting your time. Point is being bias or being of the opposite sex. Women in law enforcement or government capacity tend to take it a bit too far so your never going to win. Even judge Judy has some weird things to say way back when…

He should sue for libel. He was treated as a registered sex offender by the stated when he wasn’t. In fact, he was imprisoned as a registered sex offender for failing to register. That has ruined his reputation.

When you do something wrong the state comes after you full throttle even if there isn’t enough evidence; yet when the state screws up your lawsuit gets dismissed while you get 70k. Corruption at its core and society needs a wake up call a long with a swift kick reality check.

Not bad for the land of the free. Oh wait it isn’t free that’s just an illusion!!

@New Person,
I agree. G s best bet now that legal claim has been rejected, he needs explorers & MI registrants to stand with him and publicly shame the court and the rest involved. He needs to make them wish they had provided a pathway to accountability from the wrong done against him.

This reminds me of when my appeal was rejected simply because the DA’s office asked for it the appeals court to do so. They even admitted that was why it was rejected.

Scary that’s why when you’re a sexofender you must document everything.
This poor guy did 17 months thats along time to be in jail for nothing he’s lucky he wasn’t killed by one of those prison gangs for being a sexofender in prison

How very sad that what was our great state of Michigan, now is a vacation to probation state like Florida. This man should be paid for his jail time. How very sad the judges haven’t spent time in prison to understand. I absolutely guarantee our children will change this, in future, every lawyer wanting to be a judge, must spend 90 days in jail. IT WILL HAPPEN !!