VOTE NO on CA Prop. 20! Stop Harsher Sentencing and DNA Collection


The November 2020 ballot measure in California that would significantly increase the number of violent felonies (from 27 to 51) resulting in harsher sentencing has a number: Proposition 20.  Of that total, the number of sex offenses would increase from 9 to 14.

“We urge registrants, family members, friends and supporters to vote NO on Proposition 20,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “This is the time to show up, stand up and speak up against the possibility of future injustice.”

The ballot measure would also allow law enforcement to collect DNA from some individuals convicted of a misdemeanor.  The ACLU opposes this ballot measure.  Law enforcement organizations support this ballot measure.


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Thank you, Janice. Hopefully the huge sticker shock is what will drive most people to vote NO on this. I don’t hold much hope that many people will vote against this for moral reasons.

I continue to hope there is a “special” place in hell for scumbag politicians and those that uphold their ideology.

You can count on me to vote against this horrid measure as well as spreading the word.

I wonder – was this measure put up before the Pandemic? Because the money might not be there to support it…

Is there anything out of state registrants can do to oppose this disaster in California?

Cops in my town take over 48% of 96.5 million dollar general fund.

And they want more felonies? To do what exactly? Scare more people into giving them money?

Yeah, probably that

I thought we were working towards criminal justice reform? Isn’t that what the politicians keep telling us they want? Well, not where I am from, in FL they can’t incarcerate enough and they don’t hide that, but I thought CA was on the forefront of this movement? Praying and good luck!

It’s happening because some of these law makers can’t NOT make laws. They can’t find anything else better to do. Everything else takes actual work, whereas the rso train runs without a hitch and nobody cares how much worse it gets for them.

Put it on the ballot and watch ignorant people still pass it based on “violent imagery” created by false narratives, not caring about unintended consequences since “Eh, it’s not my problem”.

That’s why people need to get the word out though people always see it as a lame duck cause since you’re trying to defend the indefensible.

Law enforcement needs to stay out of politics and focus on enforcing the law that taxpayers pay them to do. So someone that has committed a sex crime is not eligible to be released on parole? Wouldn’t law enforcement and government officials want someone to turn their life around and be successful? Sounds like the smog in California has affected their brain. At least California doesn’t have Lauren Spoiled Barbie Book and Daddy DUI.

In my opinion the best way to defeat this is to use the “cops do not need more control over us” approach. People are standing up to the police and we can use that as leverage. The big thing is DNA and government control. I wouldn’t focus too much on the sexual cases.

I had my blood taken from me way back in 2000 on my registration update, I was thinking there was a situation where I *fit* the profile of a certain situation, *not me* I felt a little violated but what can I do? in a way the DNA does help catch the ones that have committed crimes in the past by tracking/tracing * the ones that have alluded the police for many years, if there’s a person of interest THAN request that individual to check in the police station & than do what they do, but should not just say hey!!! now you have to give, how does one vote & where is the voting to be done? I ask because never voted before.
thank you

There is a great report published by the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice that includes many reasons to oppose Prop. 20. The four major reasons are (1) it will impose hundreds of millions of dollars i new annual costs to be paid by state taxpayers and local communities, (2) it will result in crowded state prisons and jails, (3) it will interrupt the ongoing record-low rates of crime experienced during the past decade and (4) it will devastate families and communities. There are many more facts in the report, including a chart listing potential annual costs to the state overall ($413 million) and to each county (up to $97 million for LA County). I used some of the information in this report recently when making a presentation to the Stockton Chamber of Commerce. You can use this information, too, when you explain to others why they should VOTE NO ON PROP. 20.

The article reads “The ballot measure would also allow law enforcement to collect DNA from some individuals convicted of a misdemeanor”. That “misdemeanor” by current standards includes prostitution with a minor. VOTE YES ON prop 20!

The progressive agenda should defeat Prop 20 as it is against rolling back prison reforms, furthering incarcerations and increasing funding that limits personal freedoms. This progressive vote recommends voting No.

Ballot came in the mail today, I have over 30 family and friends voting NO!

I hope this helps.