New ACSOL Challenge for Donations

There is a new ACSOL challenge for donations.  A registrant who asked to be called “Anonymous” is offering a 2-for-1 challenge up to $2,500.  That is, he is willing to donate $2 for each $1 donated by someone else.  Donations are to be used to oppose the recently proposed SORNA regulations.

“We greatly appreciate Anonymous and his offer to donate up to $2,500,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “We will not receive that donation, however, until and unless others donate a total of $1,250.”

The recently proposed SORNA regulations attempt to require all 50 states to adopt SORNA as their minimum requirement for registrants.

“If the proposed SORNA regulations are adopted, more than 40,000 people in California alone, that is, those convicted of a Penal Code 288 offense, will be required to register for a lifetime, not once, but four times a year,” stated Bellucci.  “If the regulations are adopted, those individuals will no longer be eligible to petition for removal under the Tiered Registry Law.”

Additional requirements under the proposed SORNA regulations include, but are not limited to, notifying local law enforcement if you will be away from your residence 7 days or longer, disclosure of all “remote communication identifiers,” identification of all professional licenses, and disclosure of all cars, boats and aircraft.

Responses to the proposed SORNA regulations are due no later than October 13.  ACSOL is leading a group of legal professional from multiple states to prepare a substantive response to those regulations.


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@ Annonymous…very cool, donating now.

This is an issue that hits tens of thousands of us!

I won’t just sit back and assume other people will fight this for me, so I just made a donation.

And my donation was doubled! I like that.

Join us in the fight!

Just donated for the first time. Wish I could do more. We owe you so much for fighting this madness on our behalf!

So for ALL of you who are unable to contribute due to current life circumstances (and/or due to the SOR), I am sending in a $200 check.

I will not sit back and ‘take it’. Here’s another $50 for this new challenge. Thank you ‘anonymous’. This is a fight for our very lives and the lives of our families.

Thank you anyone who is willing to stand up to the mindset of evil that wants to further perpetuate these destructive policies for political gain against people trying to do the right things and live their lives as best they can.

SORNA and IML should never have happened in America and should not be allowed to infect any more deeply than it already has.

I love it that very generous people are encouraging us to donate. It creates momentum.
It got me to donate!

Just donated $100. We can do this.

You guys are justice warriors! We’re all in this together!

Thanks Anonymous! I just donated $50

@David: Ditto to your comments on your generous donation, I am putting a check in the mail today for $300.00 towards this challenge.

Thank you Anonymous for issuing this challenge.

Everybody: No donation is to small, with close to a million of us one dollar each goes along way in the fight for our freedom and now one dollar equals three. Let’s not leave money on the table

Another 25 doughnuts have been dunked. And thanks to Anonymous, that means 50 more. Thank you.

Just donated. Wasn’t much but every bit helps.

Donation sent! Keep up the great work.

$250.00 sent PayPal.

$250 sent via Donate link.

Donated to fight the proposed SORNA regulations.
Registered citizens, please know that you are not alone.
This kind of affront to constitutional rights affects ALL of us.

Opposition to new SORNA regulations is an issue that is perhaps one that is the most urgent in my opinion and it is good to see so many actually rise to the occasion and give what they can to help with this effort. We all must do our best part for this issue and other issues going forward if we hope to achieve real change to these ridiculous laws.

Thank you everyone for helping ACSOL meet the generous challenge provided by “Anonymous”! The goal of $1,250 has been met and “Anonymous” has happily agreed to pay the $2,500 he pledged.

I’ve gone ahead and submitted my donation. It’s time that we all unite and show them that we will not allow them to continue to let them strip us of our human rights.

ACSOL, Strapped for cash as are all unemployed Registrants due the long term repercussions of being a Registrant (Misdemeanor conviction) …damn hard to find or keep a job in this PC Country. I have been without a job for 8 years now. Living on luck. That being said I will find $5 bucks for the cause. Best Tom x

I’m very proud to work with all of you justice warriors who sacrificially give to fight for hope for our future!

Sensible what? Actually you make a lot of sense. At times I can’t even understand the rhyme or reason for much of this internet sex registry jargon. And your right its not always about quoting scripture but it is about understanding and knowledge.

One ordeal I had on here was my e-mail that had the word magic in it. I was communicating with a preacher on here and yes he gave me the one two. Chewed me out a bit and I had to explain why it was in my e-mail.

Now when my dad passed away we were looking at his books and things of that natrure. Yes he donated to some various causes and churches. Thats why the scipture in the bible says don’t let the left hand know what the right hand is doing in many respects.

See giving comes from the heart and yes if one can afford to give thats good. Charity comes up in a lot of issues. Look at Danny Thomas to give you an example and I’m sure many have see that ad on TV back in the 60’s. Myself I don’t believe in brocasting a donation.

See their is a difference in giving and donating out right to any cause that comes along. Sure if one can spare than thats good. Look at Jerry Lewis. Now if giving to help fight the registry is of value than its all good. Look at what Vicki Herny is doing with her group and even many other groups. Its what you feel in your heart and many times some people do make sacrifices for causes.

When I first got involved with all this I was somewhat in the dark about much of this as many are. Yes I wanted to try the spirit and I also knew those on the registry were in a panic also and needed some help as Janice and others are doing to fight this battle for many. See helping others is good deceiving others is not.

Sure biblical understaning is good and yes we can all get swayed many times by this computer issue and other governmental issues. This group wants to justify their issue, that group wants to justify their issue but much of this registry .. pardon the expression… is like a see thru bra. Yes many of us can be hard headed but who wants to be imprisoned by their thoughts, thats why we all have to reason and understand and stand up to enlighten in all this kayos and yes much of this is kayos and bitterness.

Thank you Janice for you and your team fighting this egregious attempt to further punish SO’s. I just made a donation even though times are tough after being furloughed from my job in June. This is IMPORTANT not only to me but to so many others who don’t deserve to be continually punished unfairly!!!! Keep up the great work and I will be encouraging everyone I know to donate as well. THANK YOU!!!!

Donated! God Bless you Janice and all of your helpers and workers!

The federal court ruling is just wrong! Donated $100! I’ve worked with Janice in the past and she always makes a full court press (no pun intended!). I would like to encourage others, if you have the means in this tough economic times, to do their part to help in this very worthwhile endeavor. How are we doing on reaching the matching donation? Thanks and best wishes, Keith