Women Against Registry: Pushback Again! Sept 24 Denver demonstration to change America’s sexual offense registration laws

[womenagainstregistry.org ]

Last year WAR organized a massive media campaign with a focus on Halloween the impact to registered citizens and families. That campaign went to over 9,000 outlets.

The DOJ Rule 72 recommendation was released mid-August asking for public comment prior to October 13, 2020. We are concerned with the pattern that is developing to further punish our registrants and families.

In Millard v Rankin, 13-cv-02406-RPM (USDC 2017), a US District Court determined Colorado’s sex offense registry laws constituted cruel and unusual punishment. But in the 10th Circuit Court Millard et al., v. Rankin, No. 17-1333 (10th Cir. 2020), published on August 20th, 2020, overturned that decision, proclaiming Colorado’s sex offense registration scheme is non-punitive and could not implicate 8th Amendment constitutional protections. Furthermore, the Court found that CSORA did not violate substantive nor procedural Due Process.

Oklahoma Attorney General Mike Hunter called this decision “a major victory for public safety advocates”; for those of us who have endured hardships as the result of inclusion on the public sexual offfense registry, this decision is an insult and a denial of real-life struggles. The registry looks like punishment and feels like punishment. American society considers the public registry as a part of the punishment. The US District Court in Colorado declared it was punishment. The 10th Circuit, however, denied the registry is punishment.


On Thursday, September 24, 2020, the lives of two persons convicted of sexual offenses will be decided within the 10th Circuit courthouse.

On this day, Women Against Registry and others dedicated to change in America’s sexual offense registration laws will be in front of the 10th Circuit Appeals Court building, 1823 Stout St, Denver, CO 80257, from 8 AM to 2 PM to protest the 10th Circuit’s ruling. The message is simple – the registry IS punishment. As we know it has altered the lives of human beings who merely want to have their lives fully restored.

We invite each and every person experiencing the punitiveness and stigma of registration to join us. Each man, woman or child can make a difference. Begin right now making plans to be part of the demonstration and/or donating to the initiative to help with travel, lodging, materials and brochures which are being designed as we speak. It will be a great time to meet others from like-minded organizations and be a part of something BIG!

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Thanks for everything you do Vicki. It is so much appreciated. I would be there but unable to attend.

Vicki is a true hero to us on the registry! She truly cares. I have had the pleasure of speaking with her on the phone several times in the past.

Indentured servitude is punishment, but some prefer to spin it differently. Free men are paid to upkeep machine properties – even in prison. Property owners in the South fought to the death to protect slavery as a civil regulatory regime for those incapable of self governance.

Utilizing ex post language by congress was forbidden and blatantly ignored, but why? The broad covert use of the database without due process and fair notice.

The joke will be on the people themselves.

Speaking of the registry being punitive, the negative buzz on social media from the passing of SB145 clearly indicates among other things that the general public sees the registry as such.

I am definitely looking into attending this Denver protest/awareness action. 🙂👍

I will admit their are some topics that Janice present that I shouldn’t even touch but we are only human and we are not perfect. Of all the people involved in this sex offender ordeal and this databasse theory, is it all about database or true wisdom and understanding.

Their was no database in biblical times yet we say many men fall and we also saw good leadership and true Justice in the form of Grace and truth. Yes we should all chose our words wisely and understand about this good and evil or this mask of the Red death if you would like to call it.

Wish I could be their for this little protest/demonstration gathering in Denver as much of this registry confusion and is perverse in many ways. Don’t get things wrong protecting is good and serving is good but inciting to prevent is not so good . What servant gives another the opportunity to sin or stumble? David I hope if you go to this meeting keep us posted as I tend to beleive there is always good that comes out of something bad.

Thank you for standing up for us. Thank you so much. I can and will donate some money.

The 10th circuit court ruling was lazy and didn’t rely on any new data, but just trotted out the old precedents that are quickly becoming irrelevant.

Go get em war

Thank you so very much for all the work you do!

I still have your 10-year pdf link as a favorite sharing that registrants have a low recidivism rate! It’s a shame that the courts willfully ignore science. It’s akin to the complete shutdown of the nation in the eighth month of the COVID-19 despite the science revealing there are only 6% of COVID-19 only deaths and if you’re under 35 years old, you have over 98% chance of survival if you are symptomatic.

link to WAR 10-year study pdf: https://womenagainstregistry.org/Resources/pdf/CASOMB_RECIDIVISM_STUDY_10_YEAR_w-Graph.pdf

Is there a way you can update this research pdf to extend to a 20-year study, 1997 – 2017, or longer? And if it stays similar or lower recidivism, then it can be a second 20-year study added to the arsenal because NJ did one as well, 10-year study of recidivism before the registry compared to 10-year study of recidivism after the implementation of the registry.

Again, thank you so very much for all your work! Every glimmer of hope represents a huge doorway of a life line.

@ Say What? By now I am sure everyone is curious about the word I used which can be misleading. I am pretty sure that one can be a bit confused also about the word incite. If you take the time to look up the meaning of the word the word would make things a lot clearer.

Now Vicki wouldn’t incite anything or anyone in a protest/demonstration type of movement but what is a protest all about. Is it looking at the factors or the human justice violation or the divine violation in much of this. Sure one can say nothing wrong with a protest if it is clean and polished well. While sex offenses are a bit different than other protests and I’m sure everyone looks for true justice.

In your description Say What you mentioned about black lifes matter, well actually all lives matter. Speaking out is good and so is standing up also. Now you may not like what I am going to say but you guys are off the wall.

Why do I say that well look at what kat and Janice are trying to accomplish. Look at what Derek is trying to accomplish. Sometimes their is too much confusion on this forum of Janices and everyone has their own theory about these carnal offenses but what offenses are we talking about.

Lets see their is carnal violence which is about the worst you can get that involves an actual victim. i. e. such as rape, murder. You also have internet abuse by those that suppose to protect and serve or who’s security are they trying to secure? You also have social injustice along with criminal injustice, and I’m sure their is a whole fild and stream of charges to much of this hoopla.

Now Vicki’s doing good and yes when she first came out with WAR I’m sure many men were shaking their heads. Well believe me women can do a lot more than men. I myself was taken aback that a woman has compassion for a offender and it doesn’t have to be sex.

Course we are all in the same boat but the bottom line is the criminal Justice system needs to be revamped and even the prison population or should we all hear a pray from Paul Harvey which I will share with you next time.

The Preacher’s Prayer That Stirred Protest In the Kansas Legislature

Their is an article I would like to share with you all. It was sent to me several years ago and I’m sure everyone knows who Paul Harvey is. I have this article that was e-mailed to me by a Pastor pastor friend i met via the internet. At the end of this article I included another little viewpoint from Paul Harvey which says change should come or is this virus here for a wake up call. I am sure many people still remember Paul Harvey.

In this email and article it says that a session of the Kansas State Senate was opened in prayer by a Pastor Joe Wright. His prayer was a sizzling one and prompted controversy. The story says that several members of the Senate got up and walked out and that Paul Harvey aired the text of the prayer and it prompted the largest response he’s ever had.

This event actually happened in the Kansas House (not Senate) in Topeka on January 23, 1996. Joe Wright is the pastor of Central Christian Church in Wichita and was guest chaplain that day. He prayed a prayer of repentance that was written by Bob Russell, pastor of Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, Kentucky.

According to an article in the Kansas City Star from January 24, 1996, his prayer did stir controversy and one member of the legislative body walked out. Others criticized the prayer. The controversy didn’t end there. Later that year in the Colorado House, Republican representative Mark Paschall angered lawmakers by using Joe Wright’s prayer as the invocation. Some members there also walked out in protest.

Paul Harvey did air the story and the prayer. He got such a large response that a phone number was set up to handle the calls. He’s aired it a couple more times since.

Here is another tid bit I’m sure one would have to understand about todays ordeals in America.
