Janice’s Journal: We Are at the Brink

The Cambridge English dictionary defines the word “brink” as the point where a new or different situation is about to begin. The word “brink” therefore accurately describes the current situation facing almost 1 million people in the United States who are required to register as sex offenders. There are three reasons this is true.

First, the United States is about to either re-elect the same President or elect a new President as well as countless other politicians on the city, county, state and federal levels. The results of those elections may or may not be known on Election Day, but they will eventually be known and when they are known there is sure to be a shift to either the right or the left. The question is how that shift will affect registrants and their loved ones. Will the newly elected officials see the mistakes made by their predecessors and stop punishing those who have already paid their debt to society? Or will they refuse to see that harm and continue to punish an increasing number of Americans?

Second, the proposed SORNA regulations are looming on the horizon. Will the current administration address the 618 comments they received? And if so, will that administration revise the proposed regulations based on those comments? Or will that administration issue final regulations without consideration of important issues such as whether the federal government may lawfully require an individual to comply with federal regulations that a state refuses to enforce? And what will happen if there is a new administration? Will that administration stop the proposed SORNA regulations using the Congressional Review Act or another law that allows a new administration to scrutinize and even halt regulations proposed during the final days of the past administration?

Third, will the COVID-19 virus continue to spread throughout the nation resulting in a growing number of deaths and greater harm to the nation’s economy? Although there are no known statistics on this topic, it is logical to believe that registrants and their families have suffered and will continue to suffer greatly both physically and economically from the harm caused by the COVID-19 virus. After all, it is difficult for a registrant to find a job in a robust economy. When the economy in less than robust, that important task is even more difficult, if not impossible.

While there is great uncertainty at this time for registrants and their loved ones, it is also a time for hope. We have learned a lot during the past decade as we challenged Halloween signs, employment restrictions, presence restrictions, and even residency restrictions. We have found our voice and in speaking Truth, we have made a difference in state capitols as well as state and federal courts.

There is no guarantee that next week’s election will solve all of the nation’s problems, including the problems faced by registrants and their loved ones. Given what we have learned and practiced, however, we know that we have begun to collect the resources necessary to reach the Tipping Point at which society will wake up, face the harsh reality of the harm that has been caused by the registry, and end the registry for all. Until we reach that Tipping Point, we must continue to increase our resources and our efforts. We must continue to Show Up – Stand Up – Speak Up.

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Regarding the SORNA changes: when I sent my letter and attached references I read through well over 100 of the submissions. I didn’t see any which were written by anyone in favor of the registry. A lot of the submissions wavered off the specific SORNA changes topic to include complaints about IML etc.
But, certainly none were in favor of it.

It does seem that some positive changes are taking place as we go through time. However some of the changes are simply the effects of the ludicrous laws which were passed which do not and cannot work.
I think the tipping point will be when something very public and newsworthy happens. The problem being most of the “newsworthy” stuff that happens to us is negative.
Monetary waste, reality and statistical data, moral values, constitutional rights, murders, broken families and kids on the registry has not woken up society.

The first paragragh is something me and my wife think about day in and day out as election day nears. If you were to search SO laws, you will find article after articles of agencies glorifying themselves on arresting and giving some poor RC 10 years because they failed to register, or articles on how to keep your child safe from SO’s this halloween. Mixed in the search inquiry are policitical articles on how one candiate bashes the other for not being tougher on RC’s, or if they’re elected what they will do to make life harder for us. It sickens me that of any other classification of crime we are the ones that are attacked, not the DUI driver that ran over a 80 old grandma across the street from my house, or the lady that put prescription drugs in a trunk or treat event last week. It’s me, I’m the villain, for a mistake any person could’ve made. I went to court yesterday, after 44 months of doing everything right on probation, my attorney is belittled by the judge and I’m told no we will not terminate your probation early. Before my attorney left he said, “in 30 years of practicing law, I’ve never seen or treated like that before, that right there is not Justice, that is not our legal system”. That made me think alittle, and made me wonder why the judge was so against allowing me to put this behind me, and it’s politics.

All I can say is buckle up and get ready SORNA and The DOJ are coming for every sex offender in America I feel sorry for anybody labeled a level 3 sex offender their
#1 on the feds hit list.
Level 2 sex offenders ain’t safe either if anything their in an even worst position because the outcome of their fate is so vague you never know what could happen after you completed your 10/ 20 years minimum mandatory time.
Can you imagine the Superior court in your jurisdiction relieves you of ur duty to register and here comes the feds no it’s 15 not 10 and 25 not 20 if you can make it past are new SORNA Law registration requirements which for anybody that doesn’t have a lot of money are literally impossible to comply with

Good luck

@This election,
Is no law but that which already exists. Therefore outcome of new or old is irrelevant to the current established law. President merely enact law. They do not write it. Sexuality will always be exploited by who eve for what ever. That is basic human nature. We see it everywhere. The people have already chose to use indentured servitude to database machine. The people have already chosen and there is no going back. Resistance is futile… you must comply.

We are certainly on the brink of something. I found this article on NPR. I’m not sure if it’s making a case that the registries are useless, or making the case that they need to be strengthened to the point where there is no turning back. I think that in all reality, we are on the brink of the latter.


It’s hard to gauge which politicians will be better for registrants. My knee jerk reaction is to vote Democrat, but we must remember it was Obama who signed the IML into law. Republicans are the tough-on-crime party, but they also support (or used to support) small government and individual liberties. Unfortunately the registry makes for strange bed fellows, even in this polarized political climate.

Most of the time I just hope for neutrality, or people who won’t try to make it worse. Unfortunately public opinion still promotes the false narratives about registrants and so when the rare politician does take steps to help registrants, such as California’s Senator Wiener did with SB-145, they get harassed, threatened, and called all the names registrants are too often called.

Most politicians are weathervanes directed by public opinion and public opinion is heavily influenced by media reports. As long as media outlets promote the scare tactics, the public will consume them. There are some signs of change, such as stories about people, especially young people, being victimized by the registry and zealous prosecutors. I hear a lot of people empathize with and agree that certain people should never be on the registry, including youthful offenders, people who have sex in a car at night or who urinate in public, etc. so there is some leeway to start a conversation. BLM has brought an increasing awareness about the disparate treatment of certain demographics within our justice system, exposing additional injustices and the brokenness of plea negotiations. The public conversation about police and courts is changing. Right now is a good opportunity for registrants and their families to say me too.

To the average ley person the US Constitution do not support the “registry”, period.

While I agree that the registry and associated regulations are way out of control. They serve no useful purpose and only make things more difficult for those who are working to build a healthy life.

But, I’d suggest that people be very careful when drawing comparisons to other movements or struggles for justice. We may see the similarities, but to many on the ‘outside’ of the registry situation things are not at all similar.

There are of course exceptions, but nearly everyone on the registry did something which landed them on the registry. That ‘something’ likely left others hurt and in pain. I know it did in my case. So to me, drawing any comparison to situations like racial or religious disparate treatment and injustice just doesn’t work. The people on the receiving end of that type of injustice did nothing to put themselves in the situation.

Again, I’m not defending the registry and would love to see it ended. I’m just saying that I believe for us to be successful in pushing back against it we have to be very careful how we do things.

I’ve been on the registry for 3 1/2 years. My time on it began ticking in Connecticut, but I now live in California. My crime occurred in CT and I was given ten years on the registry and fifteen years on probation. I was incarcerated for twenty-one months. I’m currently battling the duration of probation in CT and beginning to legally combat my conditions in California. Here’s what I have discovered: Outside of immediate family, friends and ACSOL, there is no general grass roots movement or sympathy for Registrants. Prior to my incarceration, I spoke to a therapist who was profoundly insightful. He told me that when my prison sentence was over, my life would be comparable to that of one who survives a bombing during war; he said that my home would be gone, possessions would be gone, certain family members and friends would be gone. And if that news wasn’t gut-wrenching enough, he pointed out the one major difference: A war survivor evokes sympathy from the general public, whereas a Registrant evokes outrage. I’ve come to realize that my therapist wasn’t being crude in relaying this accurate comparison , but rather helpful. He discussed with me tactics to employ to take control of my life and to fight those that stood in my way when my “re-birth” began. We spoke for two years before my incarceration began and he came to understand that while I did commit a crime, I still possessed a passion to contribute to society. He maintained communication (via letters) with me while I was in prison until he was suddenly diagnosed with cancer; three months later he passed away. His final correspondence to me explained his dire physical condition, but he spent most of the letter imploring me to stand tall against all adversity. And, this is the final sentence: “You’ve never let the bastards wear you down.” That was June 15, 2016. And, I’m not about to start now. It’s not easy and at times it’s understandable to feel helpless. However, find a way to keep throwing punches and contribute in any way possible. If it’s not in the courtrooms, write a letter to local or federal representatives. It’s imperative to never forget that you have a voice. Stay Strong, and “never let the bastards wear you down.”

Government have fooled the public with their lies turned fear on registrants; but they haven’t fooled me or the other anti-registry supporters. A system designed to keep people down based on lies and fear, is a system of big government and victim rights agencies. Time for a brick to break the damn showing the public the truth about the registry. They might not want registrants by them; yet I bet they know some that haven’t been caught yet all around them. “ Americans you can’t kill the boogeyman!!”

Janice, I absolutely agree we must continue to Show Up – Stand Up – Speak Up.

Every people group throughout history has needed to do this SACRIFICIALLY to gain civil rights and justice.

Oh shoot I’m watching Halloween does that mean I’m at a high risk to stalk people tomorrow.

I’m sure many are at the brink and yes seems people will run over anyone if they get an edge, is that what grace and truth is all about? What about a person’s liberty when one sow’s to reap evil. We could all look at this election of who’s mocking who. Is that how a leader of our county is or could we even say judges are a bit flaky in their ego of this injustice.

Maybe we are all wrong in this situation and they (authorities) have a right to play the prostitute via this internet or this call of the wild if you would like to call it. Remember sex sooth’s the savage beast…Oh wait its music that sooth’s. So where is the snare or the brink of silence. I’m sure many are ready to fight.

I even mentioned to a pastor I couldn’t go to church because that is one of the stipulations of my probation and he said you should take them to court on that. This being in at 4 pm on Halloween, well with this virus going on their may not be any Halloween but I’m sure the authorities or big government wouldn’t mind as long as it doesn’t effect them or their conscience.

Are authorities playing this act of malice? So are we past our limits or on the brink of standing up for our individual rights to this registry ruse in this discriminating type of injustice by premeditation means of behavior in many respects. One can be angry about all this but the truth will set you free.

So: SORNA’s international travel notice provisions apply only to states as a condition for states to be SORNA compliant. The international travel notice requirement is not actually a direct requirement on individuals as the California form says, if there’s no STATE law requiring registrants to provide notice of intended international travel.

But I’m confused: I thought that the IML, which applies if you’re are presently required to register under federal SORNA, imposed this Notice requirement directly on registrants, with serious penalties for failure to comply.

So does this mean that the IML itself doesn’t apply unless your state also requires their registrants to provide this notice of intended international travel? If so, then this travel notice requirement wouldn’t apply if you’re not required to register in your state any longer?

What if your state doesn’t require you to register but federal sorna does?

Confused here.

Hello, I have read a good portion of the comments on here. First off, I am tier 3, but being a dumbass about law I was charged and convicted. I would first like to say that where I am from the MSP has been extremely professional and have even said what B.S. this was. Now remember, around 97% of all new sex crimes are committed by family, friends or someone close. Recidivism for convicted offenders is under 3% after 5 years. Now let’s talk SORNA. This is not a legal law or a religious law, it is solely based on uninformed emotion. Now legally, there is nothing in the Constitution or anywhere else that supports registration, Religiously, depending on how you believe, the Bible states we started with Adam and Eve. OK, Where did everyone else come from? Adam and Eve had kids and those kids had sex and those kids had sex. Pretty much kills the incest will give you deformed kids thing. OK, going on, the Great Rain. 40 days and 40 nights with only Noah, his wife and kids on a Ark along with each sex of every thing else. OK, again, where did everyone else come from? Both sets of parents had a lot of sex with their kids and the kids had a lot of sex with each other to make the world we have today. And no I am not advocating incest, just putting out there what the Bible says. Now the biggest point, emotion, everyone got scared about stranger danger. Don’t quote me but I believe that Nancy Reagan really pushed this one. The problem is that following all the studies and reports, the stranger is not the problem. Your Daddy or Uncle or Cousin or next door neighbor is. Yes there are people who prey on young kids, personally I call them sick fucks. To make a point, while in group therapy, I put out the question, can you look at a baby or toddler and say they are cute without feeling something sexual? A couple of guys said no. I told them they would never get enough therapy to help them. (I’m putting this nicely here, my words were a bit more vulgar to them). We have problems in this world. Labeling people is the worst one. Let’s try to get past that and see the good. Most everyone has something good about them, maybe not much, but something

Janice, let me add one more word to this “brink” type episode. We are all more than conquerors. After reading this underdog’s bit of story plus his ordeal in prison it seems a bit uncanny for registry and probation be overshadowed to this injustice. Course I don’t even know his offense but saying that it seems that authorities are wanting the victory or does the victory go to the victor or spoil?

While we all should rise above our circumstances change will come if you only look for the good in this bad situation. What more can I say. Its not over till its over. Seems like to many people have been watching the twilight zone to much. Learn to think positive that good will come out of bad.

We generally stay away from getting to political on these forums, with good reason. But since we have sort of in fair minded way noted what the two parties have done I would like to point out there is really only one current political party that recognizes the registry is wrong. And the only party that would actually do something about it, I believe, if given the chance, is the Libertarian party. In the mean time we keep doing what we do, support wonderful people like this organization and keep sharing our stories and advocating as best we can.

Since we certainly are on the “brink” of a variety of things, I offer up this light-hearted poem as a form of levity while we continue our campaign against injustice:

Oh Halloween! Oh Halloween!
On this day I’m never seen.
Parole dictates I stay inside;
No lights, no candy to provide.
I’ll re-offend is what “they” claim;
But that’s not true; it’s all to shame.
No stats exist to back their charge;
But facts are null and lies rule large.
The ones who stoke the flames of fear,
Will one day fall from their tall “tier.”
So hide today is what I’ll do,
And allow Casper to howl, “Boo.”
But when Sunday’s sun arises,
I’ll be out there, no disguises.

I have learned one thing for sure from this whole ordeal that I fell into, and that is to be pessimistic. I always hope for the best, but as much I expect the worst. The laws have been like the tide. It might draw some laws and ordinances out to sea, but it always brings new ones in with it on the next surge. And like the tide, the laws slowly erode the foundation we are standing on until it crumbles beneath our feet and we fall into the dark waters below us and eventually drown in them.

No brink, no tipping point, because the supporters are in their own world and they are allowed to run the system…you are talking outside their range and location, sort of speaking !
Example, Laws are meaningless unless they are enforced, same with ideas or viewpoints or facts….once a spoiled child “The Law” has been allowed such mistreating behavior the harder it is to correct !
We must return to how an excessive amount of plea deals and punishment that did not fit the crimes were allowed to run rampant and keep forcing those in power to see this was, is and now and forever to be UNACCEPTABLE BASED ON CONSTITUTIONAL, CIVIL AND HUMANE GROUNDS AND THEREFORE NOTHING MORE THAN TOTAL DISMISSAL OF PREVIOUS AND CURRENT PUNISHMENTS, ETC..
If not done, the Course will continue because there is not enough FOCUSED force to sway this Rolling Stone !

Hello, I just wanted to comment and say that registrants are facing the same issues as others with discrimination in the criminal justice system as a whole. Before I was ever involved myself I assumed motive and intent were important and the laws were written with thought and consideration with little way to abuse the system. From my experience I realize that prosecutors have to much ability to navigate the laws as they are and through plea deals rendered any defense useless. Justice in my case was only to punish with no regard for facts. It was based on what opinion one person or office had of me and everyone else including the judge was a gear in the system. I’m all for protecting victims. But, there not being intent or motive needed, the victims testimony does not need to be proved or corroborated, and vague laws that determine criminality out of otherwise innocent or law abiding behavior is what has cost me a regular life. I am in Michigan by the way. This is just one prong of the problem. I lost an additional year of my life to bureaucracy and a system that does not consider time once you are incarcerated to mean anything, you are fortunate to be released before your max date I was informed when trying to inquire as to why I had to spend extra time paying for my crime while waiting for programming. Then the third prong and main topic the registry itself. While in michigan in I think 2019 they reformed the registry to make it easier for us to be able to find housing by eliminating the parks, daycare and other frivolous additions that once looking at a map by there is a nice bridge with your name on it like florida, I am still concerned because I never thought of the United States as a police country. I have been a victim of burglary and of robbery at gunpoint, in both cases the case was never solved paperwork was done and the police were less then motivated or even respectful assuming that some nefarious reason was behind the crime. But when it comes to sexual based crimes our government thinks that parents do not tech children and women do not know how to protect themselves. Of course the overarching theme of well of you did something once you will do everything possible again if not monitored is an absolute contradiction to what all other agencies are trying to tell people during and post incarceration. Finally, when you are pushed to a lower rung in society, how being a marginalized and discriminated person are you able to organize and fight for change when you are to concerned with abiding by extra standards, and working mundane jobs with long hours to support yourself. Not to mention those just attempting to live a normal life in spite and others who want to fight but there is no outlet because the support is small. Political gain is often made by using rso or these laws to show protection of society and moderators or the press don’t even say anything about how the focus is mismatched to real problems facing a particular area or the country as a whole. As I finish my rant I will just say this. We do need to organize as a people, more and more smaller areas are understanding and granting a protected class to rso even though it is in smaller areas, research Ypsilanti michigan and discriminatory protection for housing. If we can attain that along with major support and the weight of medical and professional opinion that is to afraid to speak then we could see some real progress. I would almost like to see these other registries passed for domestic violence, child abuse, drug abuse, and drunk driving. Because the litigation on those would be the pandora’s box to finally make some headway to truly dismantling a system that is doing nothing then hurting one group and providing false security to another.

Doesn’t matter who’s elected, we’ll all still be slaves to public opinion.

Just expect things to get dumber and more brazen.

Really YOU are just getting the left right paradime??? HAHAHAHhahah what a joke!
just askin’ times up! CONSTITUTION IS THE RULE ..all else is a MOB!

Voting? Left Right Para-dime… If Anyone thinks That left or right matters,,,, They are delusional.. There is Citizens the CONSTITUTION UNDILUTED and a Government is so saturated with CORRUPTION… The separation is the Division created BY THE Government! Tell me that over the last 40 -50 Years Things have gotten better? Especially for Us ? I Think Not.,, If I didn’t know better these laws were designed to cause everyone to look over there at THEM/ US.. while THEY/ GOV. do as bad if not much worse crimes. Crimes and Still causing division destroying the family unit if not under these UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS,,, They Implemented endorsed and signed off on them”Laws”, while all the time flying on a certain plane MANY TIMES to a small island in the Virgin Isles,,, and J.E. didn’t kill himself…….Welcome to the matrix, take the red pill or the blue pill!
I KNOW what I Believe and it isn’t the GOVERNMENT EVER!

Voting? Left Right Para-dime… If Anyone thinks That left or right matters,,,, They are delusional.. There is Citizens the CONSTITUTION UNDILUTED and a Government is so saturated with CORRUPTION… The separation is the Division created BY THE Government! Tell me that over the last 40 -50 Years Things have gotten better? Especially for Us ? I Think Not.,, If I didn’t know better these laws were designed to cause everyone to look over there at THEM/ US.. while THEY/ GOV. do as bad if not much worse crimes. Crimes and Still causing division destroying the family unit if not under these UNCONSTITUTIONAL LAWS,,, They Implemented endorsed and signed off on them”Laws”, while all the time flying on a certain plane MANY TIMES to a small island in the Virgin Isles,,, and J.E. didn’t kill himself…….Welcome to the matrix, take the red pill or the blue pill! YES ,,,,TIMES UP!