MI: Michigan Senate approves tightened restrictions in Sex Offender Registration Act

[mlive.com – 12/16/20]

The proposed amendments to SORA in House Bill 5679 are:

  • Giving sex offenders no more than three days to register or report status changes in person with local law enforcement.
  • Requiring offenders to report all email addresses, social media names or other forms of “internet identifiers.” That would not apply retroactively to offenders prior to July 1, 2011, but anyone required to register after that date must comply.
  • Requiring all telephone numbers and vehicles used by the offender to be reported. Previously, they didn’t need to report those used on a less regular basis.
  • Allowing email addresses, social media usernames and other identifiers to be published on a public sex offender registry.
  • Removing prohibitions for offenders from living, working or loitering near school property or “student safety zones.”
  • No longer requiring an offender’s tier classification to be included on the public website. Law enforcement personnel who willfully fail to periodically report on offenders would face a penalty.

Read the full article

Michigan legislature website – HB 5679


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Why Jojo … get back. Guess we all should leave our homes, if we are lucky to have one for some California grass. It seems like everyone is paranoid on here and so uptight. Yes it seems that many are uptight wanting to understand when some don’t actually understand. Even the one’s that just got involved in all this registry garbage as many would say.

Now it seems many of you men and women have been imprisoned or incarcerated a bit by this. Why. Some of you had as some say had to travel to registar. Why. Many of you all go out in public and have to wear a mask today. Why. Many don’t even understand this prison that many get into. Maybe we all should please ourselves as in “Went to a gaqrden pardy” or do we all learn lessons.

Are we all a bunch of complainers involved in this registry or are we taking the bad with the good or good with the bad. So were is the lesser of the two evils or who indites who in this habus corpus monster mash.
Lets see if one can piece this all together. You have to make phone calls, you have to know your rights, you have to know when to talk and wake the law way and yes for the next 10 years or so I’m your master. So what does the common man or women do, follow your dreams or heart or put it on holt because of this registry ordeal that you got mixed up in or someone “seduced” you into it.

Seduced, I don’t think one has ever used that word on here. Yes is the word seduced a bad word or a good word depending on one’s understanding of language. Seems like many want to make things more complicated than things are already in many cases. I’m sure I make no sense or does even government make any sense at many times.

While I’m sure many have a bone to pick with someone a law suit or I’m gonna sue the pants off of someone by upsetting my life with this registry who thinks today with the click of a button in many of these registry abuses.

You are absolutely right that you are under no obligation to register if you live in Michigan. Any person on the registry can move to Michigan and not be required to register if they wanted to take a break from the registry until the judge lifts his order. 16 block is only doing what’s prudent.
Even if Whitmer signs the bill, you still don’t have to register until the judge lifts the order. If you are affected by the Does II litigation and if it becomes final before the judge lifts his order, then you have already registered for the last time in your life. Good luck.

Detroit many can foam at the mouth over this registry as it is right now but at times one gets lost in his or her own thoughts. Myself I just call once a month and thats all I have to do. Of course ever 4 months I have to mail in finger prints. I don’t wouldn’t know about how other states tighten their pants or buckle their jeans.

All I know about the michanger is from what I have read or heard that it is more mative as a lot of natives live in that area or is every state a corn cob state but I’m sure the state has its problems just like every other state. I would like to say what we have here is “A failure to communicate” but were would that fit in in this drummed up registry. Course I’m sure it would fit in somewhere.

Sure if Michigan wants to tighten a few things on the registry thats their bag of beans or should one send some Ben Madlock. Of I like Raymond Burr… Judge Judy I think she’s was still on California grass for a long time.

I was convicted of 1 count of possession in federal court in June of 2006, sentenced to 5 years and placed on tier 1.

I have had no interaction with law enforcement since, other than a traffic ticket and my yearly check ins.
I don’t know what’s going on with everything in michigan but I do know I’m tired and it’s getting to me and my loved ones.

I am terrified daily that I will lose my job, my loved ones and my freedom because people don’t have enough common sense to see that the registry does not work.

My attorney in my case has since moved on to bigger and better things and I really don’t know who to contact concerning filing a 406 petition as it has now been 10 years since I was released and I’m worried about the one shot deal and would love to speak to counsel that is knowledgeable in these types of matters but don’t really know where to turn.

Any info on someone to speak to would be greatly appreciated.

I just got an email notification saying Whitmer has signed the BS sora bill. I guess we go back to court for another 6 years.

If you live in Michigan, you should be covered by Does II. I believe CP was a 10 year registration in 2006. If you were placed on the registry in 2011, you should be off in 2021. Wait until Does II becomes final and see if you will be removed. I’m not sure if there will be a hearing process to make individual determinations. We have to wait until we see how this whole thing plays out.

The Michigan registry has been placed on hold since February, i.e., you can spend some time in Michigan without having to register. Just remember you may be required to report your vacation in your home state. Michigan’s registry was placed on hold due to covid. It will probably be several months before this order is lifted. January and February are the only 2 bitterly cold months in southern Michigan. We just got our first snowfall covering most of the grass last night. December and March are tolerable. This December was quite nice.
I own several properties. If you want to take a vacation in Michigan and are looking for a place to stay, you can contact me at leonb7056@gmail.com

She Signed 5679 this morning , What can we expect from here ?

Disgusted in Michigan:
Whitmer can sign all the bills she wants. They don’t affect persons covered be these various court decisions. If you are covered by Does II you will either be removed after Does II becomes final or will receive a date certain for removal.
What we have to worry about are registrants not covered by Does II or other litigation. This is where we start a new round of litigation.

16 block:
It sounds like you are covered by Does II so you are not affected by anything that Whitmer signs. You most likely will be off of the registry after Does II becomes final which we are hoping will occur in 2021.
Remember that if you are removed from the Michigan registry that you will have to register if you move to another state.

16 block:
If you were on 16 block you probably remember the 10 block New year’s party of 1991-1992 where the fire department had to be called out.

@ 16 Block, if you were in 16 Block at Parnell back in 1992 to 1994 I was there as well. I was on the base, main floor cell 63. You and I are covered under Does ll from what I understand, and from what @ Detroit has said and also from what Ms. Aukerman and Tim from the ACLU has told me. Now it’s just a matter of when we get removed from the registry.

16 block:
It sounds like you are covered by Does II so things are going to start moving for you within a few months.

New Years night 91-92, they burned down the common area of 10 block. New Years night of 92-93, they removed the picnic tables, movie screen, tables, microwaves, benches and chairs and everything else, but there was no repeat.

16 block was lucky because they had the pool tables and all the other stuff. I believe they were paying 17 cents an hour back then.

Bobby S.
My old neighbor, Hal Nemecheck was on 10 block in 1991-1993. He had the same cell number for the whole time. Did you know him? I put money on his books to buy a TV. He said it was a black and white with a small screen. I was under the impression that they turned off the electricity at 11 p.m. I visited him several times and remember how the prison looked but it was remodeled after he was released and I think they were supposed to tear down 16 block.

Bobby S.:
I didn’t hear about the weight room in 16 block. I thought it was outside. The only 2 blocks I can remember are 10 and 16. I had a friend and a neighbor’s kid in 10. One of my little brother’s friends I think was in 16 block. I actually walked into the prison one time by accident. I went into the waiting room and the chairs were all moved around liked they were cleaning the floor and there was no one at the desk. I walked through the hallway and out the back door. I didn’t know it went into the prison. I ran into an inmate and asked where 10 block was at and he pointed to the block in the wall. I thought the prison was where the wall started because their was a huge secure gate. I walked into 10 block. The phones were on the right and there was an office right after the phones with cheap plexiglass. I asked the guy behind the plexiglass where Hal Nemecheck was at. He came flying out of the office and asked why I was in civilian clothes. He made me give him my I.D. and one of the guards checked my name and then he walked me back out the visitor’s door.
On the west side of the prison is the administrative offices. I went there to straighten something out with Hal. There’s no receptionist in that building so I wandered around looking for someone to talk to. I opened a door to a large room that looked like a warehouse and 2 or 3 ladies were sorting mail at a table. They didn’t acknowledge me and I closed the door because it looked like I was somewhere I wasn’t supposed to be. I wandered around a while and wound up leaving without talking to anyone. So I went to the MDOC office in Lansing. The guard took my I.D. and had me sign a book but refused to let me talk to anyone.
The prison was called SPSM. I think Parnell is the prison across the street.
To me, SPSM doesn’t seem secure except behind the wall.

Bobby S.:
I don’t know if you ever saw the old Jackson prison or not. They knocked 1/2 it down and turned it into a national guard depot. I took pictures of the remaining prison and sent them to Hal. At that time, prisoners could receive photos. I would like to go back and take more photos. If they actually turned part of that prison into a museum, I would like to go in there and take pictures as well. I’m a bit of a history buff. When I was in college I used to go to ghost towns and pan for gold.
How all of these registrants will be taken off of the registry is a big question. You have to remember that different laws apply to different registrants according to which law was in effect at their time of offense and they have to make 44,000 individual determinations. I believe they should just take down the whole registry and place registrants back on that are required. I don’t believe the ACLU will ask for that. I believe they will work with Michigan to develop a game plan to review each registrant’s individual case. If they commit sufficient resources, this could be done in less than a year. Most likely, this will be a process stretched out over 2 or 3 years. I honestly believe it will be completed no later than 2026.
Also, stay in touch. In 1997, Michigan ended expungement for all registry cases except a few CSC 4’s and then, later, excluded them as well. During my foray into this I have already run into at least 2 or 3 who had their convictions expunged after 1997. I have kept their names and hope to address expungement of pre-1997 offenders as well. First, I want to attack the concept of registration and am hoping to have an out of state offender case going also.
I am definately aware of Tim and his volunteer work for the ACLU. I’m not sure if his emails came from an attorney or not. I’m going to have to wait for his response. He’s actually taken on a pretty difficult task with the ACLU and registrants should be thankful for his and other volunteers giving their time to an incredibly unpopular cause.
A lot of pre-2012 offenders don’t understand the bill that Whitmer just signed. I don’t know where the rumor came from that Whitmer placed these registrants back on the registry for life. The 2011 changes placed tier III’s on for life. The 6th Circuit ruled that the registry is punishment so this shouldn’t affect pre- July 1, 2011 offenders unless they are brought in under the recapture provision. We will know the exact perimeters after Does II becomes final. I have a copy of the bill on my desk and there are no changes to tier III’s lifetime registry.

Detroit can you tell me what year the recapture provision was enacted ? i was charged n found guilty in 92 was sentenced in 93 got released in 96, was retroactively tossed on the hit list because i was still in jail at the time of the 95 amendments , i had a 25 year max on it then they turned it into life via letter from post master “LMAO” Sad but true, so i fell under the law of the registry only because i was still incarcerated, but in 2005 i got a false pretense charge for not finishing a job because i was in jail for O.U.I.l charge . would this effect me in the does 2 ruling ? from getting off ? Tnx 🙂

The recapture provision was enacted in 2011 so you shouldn’t be affected by any 2005 conviction.