California Tiered Registry Experiences (EXPERIENCES ONLY)

As of January 1, 2021 the California Tiered Registry Law became effective. In order to share information about the new law and help others with the petitions, please document your experiences with the process in the comments below.

Comments should pertain to actual experiences with the Tiered Registry only. In order to maximize the value to others, feel free to include as many details (city / county, conviction history, etc) as you feel comfortable.

All comments not directly relating to experiences with the de-registration process / new law can be added to one of the other articles about the Tiered Registry.

REMINDER: this section is for documenting ACTUAL EXPERIENCES with the Tiered Registry ONLY. All other comments should be made in the appropriate sections. Thank you for your cooperation. ***Moderator***

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I have 2 felony failure to register will my time be extended another six years???????

i was convicted of 311 pc misdemeanor 12 years ago called the agency they looked my name up and said i was tear 3 lifer Go figure am out of this country for good

Weird? A misdemeanor 311 pc? 311.11 a pc misdemeanor should be a tier 1 if im correct?

Janice, any progress with getting CP possession moved to Tier 1 to match federal SORNA? Also, if someone moves from another state where they have been convicted, what’s the rule in CA? Can you be tiered according to CA law based on matching you original crime with CA statute. Some states say yes, but some require you to serve same registration you would have in origin state.

I called my local registering LEO this morning and asked if they had my tier assignment yet. He really didn’t have an answer as to when it would be available, but said he would be looking into it as there will undoubtedly be more registrants wanting to get theirs as well. I kindly said I’d give him a call next week. We’ll see what he has for me then.

Anyone convicted of PC-288 a,b,1
They changed the code in 2019 to 287

Now 288 a,b,1 is lewd acts with force. Which I think would be a tier 3.

This had me confused for a while. I have a feeling the department of Justice is going to accidentally place some people in the wrong tear if they look at the original court records before 2019 reading PC-288 AB1

I haven’t got my tier yet the cop said it’s still pending

This site applies to this thread and what your new tier should be:

Registering Agency: San Diego County (Sheriffs)
Offense: Possess CP, single count
Jurisdiction: Federal
Corresponding California code: PC 311.11
Conviction date: 12/2003
Return to Community: 11/2005

Tier: “Tier-to-be-determined”

Called SD Sheriff’s Licensing on 1/5/21 and was able to secure an appointment for 1/6/21. SDSO has you complete a short form in person (name, address, SS#) to request your designation letter be mailed to you, make an appt to pick it up, or have it emailed.

I requested to have it emailed to me; however, since I was already there and had made an appointment (they only allow those with appts in) I could have my letter now.

The clerk was apologetic and provided me with a 9-page FAQ on the tiers and instructed me to just make another appointment when I wanted to for a new letter. She explained it was the DOJ that makes the determination and that their office was simply the gateway to receive it formally. The letter explains the DOJ has 24 months to finalize my tier placement.

I believe it was expected that those with Federal offenses would be TBD but at least the clock has started.

Everyone was masked, limited appointments, spread out seating in the waiting area. Temperature check before entering the building.

Just left Long Beach Police Department was told by the 290 registration officers that they cannot give out that information without a letter from the Department of Justice . I asked her there’s no way of getting ahold of the Department of Justice so how can I get a letter she said sorry we cant help you goodbye and slam the door 🤣

I’m over it

My husband registers at both Orange County Sheriff and Long Beach PD.

On Jan 4 OC stated that the letter will be provided with annual registration…

On Jan 5 LB stated that the letters are being mailed out but we haven’t received it yet, will keep an eye out.

Hopefully I can get the letter from one of these agencies.

Looking forward to the phone conference call to get any updates!

Most likely I’ll check in with both in February if I have not gotten a letter by then.

Has anyone got their tier for a misdemeanor PC 243.4a?

Just completed my over the phone annual with Santa Clara County SO through their Records Division
314 PC conviction
They do not have any process or information on the distribution of the Tiered letters. Took my number and will be calling me back.

Called my registry office. They are always very helpful. They said they had not yet received the tier letters, but were aware that they were being processed. She said she would call as soon as she had them.

Tried to ask for my information at the van nuys office. They officer had no idea what I was talking about, he said i had to requested from the DA at the courts. I explained what the law says but he was confused and stated that he has not been told anything about it. Sounded legit the confusion. Sounded like he really was clueless so I did no argue. How do I go about getting my information I need.

My conviction was 311.11 a pc misdeameanor, no jail with 1 year probation from 2011. Expunged in 2016.

You SHOULD be Tier 1. But for the moment, you may be Tier 3 as it seems DOJ is mis-classifying people. Your case is much more clear within the registry bill so you may luck out in not getting caught up in this. Try calling the DOJ and see what they say. It’s who you’d likely need to contact anyway should you eventually learn you’ve been classified as anything but Tier 1.

We really need to take everyone’s comments into account. We need to respect everyone’s opinions. Can (very important) anyone share how a 17B or expungement will affect our tier level? In summary, does a 17B or expungement affect your tier? Thank you

Hello all & everyone.
Has ANYONE received a copy of their Tier Assignment Letter??

New Person ~ I have been saying the same thing. For years the government “deprived” us of knowing who the real “dangerous” people are, and now these people are publicly listed. They could have harmed our children all these years (sarcasm inserted), so why are we not suing ML or the government that kept us in the dark about these “dangerous” criminals for all these years???

Can anyone share how a PC 17b or expungement will affect the tiers? I imagine for all intense purposes, a 17b should clearly make your charge a misdemeanor, but I might question an expungement? Please advise

Tier “assignment”. Not a judgement…the DoJ overstepping, breaching the separation of powers.

District attorneys going to the legislature and lobbying to introduce new laws. More of the same.

Prosecutors becoming judges, senators, or even Vice President. Still more of the same.

All to keep the gears turning in this expensive charade. A spectacle of mismanagement and misappropriation.

That’s terrible. I have a PC 243.4a that’s been reduced to a (wobbler) misdemeanor and later expunged with summary probation. I was truly under the impression a 17B was concrete. Very disturbing.

PC243.4a. So, I’ve gone from an other (non disclosable) to a Tier 3. That’s terrible.

I’ll make it easy for everybody,

No matter your offense, the state will find a way to make you a tier 3 offender. That was simple.

I can’t foresee the PC 17B not being taken into account. When granted, it’s the law and a copy is sent to the DOJ and your gun rights are re-instated. I have no doubt this will prevail

Here is the magic question. I have a 17B/expunged PC 243.4a COR in late February. The tier law came into affect January 1st. If granted, will I be relieved from registering still?