Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of January 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of Registrants
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They are still requiring people to register in person in Merced.
If registries after a satisfied sentence truly protect children & the public in general, why not a registry for domestic violence or other high recidivism crimes?
Thanks for the report. This is very helpful.
While I’m happy for those of us that will be able to petition to get off the registry in July, I’ll still be on it because child porn possession is lifetime and my offense was charged as a felony. The courts seem to be sluggish on reducing felonies to misdemeanors at best, because of covid. Hopefully this year we can get to work on reducing this back to tier one where it belongs.
States should have to prove an individual is dangerous with evacuations by a psychiatrist not in bed with the state. If it’s determined the person is/was no longer a threat leave them alone. Stop moving the goalposts and filing loopholes to make it look like you are doing something. Only thing you’re doing is creating more problems that never existed before you stuck your neck out. Only offenders I know are politicians and judges who continue to ignore the constitution.
Seems everyone wants to either point fingers, give theories, about these internet sting confusions that these ordeals are not right and the sex registry should be disbanned. Yes the punishments can be harsh. I’m sure we all have been following this from the simple internet sex encounter to the more complex and seems everyone on here agrees that the registry must be eliminated in many ways.
Should we all look at the big picture or the wrongs as that is the best way at looking at something that is effecting the USA. Should an officer assume false identy on an internet in these ordeals or should an officer deceive another to induce or is this an ethical issue of outragous conduct by those police officers in this pretend type ordeal.
Officers are sworn to protect and serve but seem to envelope one in this seductive con game in this pretense that has ethical behavior written all over this encounter. Inducing to seduce one and by christian deception.
So should officers give false impressions in internet sting operations. Now if you type that in you will get a whole list of information which may help one that might be new to this registry ordeal. This ordeal is like forcing a bottle of boose down someone but they are using this sex situation as an advanage since one is on a sex site in the long run. Yes one may piece this puzzle together and than one may understand.
Nobody likes to go to jail or prison by this radical ordeal. After the police and law enforcement are Ministers and they are suspose to teach and not breach and they are breaching Commandments or are they teaching one with these unethical methods.
Janice that just may bring up a good suit against government. so who’s annuling the commandments with sexual inducement intent in this teenage prevention.
Half measures won’t work with these people. Our enemies are nazi bastards. We need to get the registry ruled unconstitutional as cruel and unusual punishment this year, and we don’t get a fair hearing should organize a revolt and have registrants fail to register nationwide as an act of civil disobedience.
I don’t care what anybody says I didn’t rape anybody I shouldn’t have to be on a registry or have been charged with a crime of any kind. Just because you’re having sex with somebody under 18 regardless of what any law says that doesn’t make it rape.
Jack what Revolt? Nazi Bastards, thats a good one to tell one’s PO or would that would be to get one locked up for defamation of character. Did we all get adaequate counsel, my public attorney dropped out of the case and I suppose I was holding the bag so to speak. Are many left holding the bag in this registry game or who’s holding half truths in this broken ordeal. Should one look at the registry in two ways than.
For authorities this is a method to prevent one from talking to teenagers and in another light its a way to evulate one in this game or was all this registry preconceived from the start. Those Authorities would not tell the public that as they have their honor and respect to uphold and if the general public knew well their goes distrust and that would present kayos as in this pandemic ordeal going on now.
Does this registry bring out envy and strife or is this the correct method to go about this via internet connection demise. Who is getting one’s goat or pig in the poke when they are poking or proding one to come down to this liaison type of preventional encounter trap or PET encounter. Guess too much thinking can damage one but we all make decisions
Jack and Lake County:
Back in 2008, a group of sex offenders in Detroit decided to refuse to register. Several went to the Detroit police to turn themselves in and the Detroit police sent them home. What they learned was the that the Detroit police don’t bother to look for them but the state police will. The Detroit police only show up at their door to support the state police. It got so bad that in 2015 over 60% of registrants in Detroit were in violation so the state police initiated sweeps and even the Sterling Heights police came from another county to help. They got the non-compliance rate down to about 20% by 2016. Here we are 4 years later, the Detroit strike petered out and Detroit’s non-compliance rate is back above 40%. I mentioned this to Derek when he was living in Cincinnati. Cincinnati’s non-compliance was below 2% because they take this registration scheme serious. You can check Detroit’s non-compliance rate by going to MIPSOR and putting in Detroit. I know one of the original strikers. When MSP came to his door he hid in a closet. The Detroit police looked around started to leave and a state trooper found him in the closet. He also had syringes sitting out and picked up a possession of heroin case as well and did about 3 or 4 months. They filled the Wayne County jail so full for a few months that the jail couldn’t take in persons for burglary charges and other low level offenses.
Fear not Janice may not be a Johnny Cochran side but she does have a lot on the ball from me just talking to her once by phone. Remember the main purpose of her goal. While I never got into football that much the Juice was pretty good in his day. Course that was a whole different circumstance.
I Cant believe i made it to see A tier registry after being told by law enforcement since I was 18 that no matter what I do or where I go I’ll always have to register for life I would laugh in their faces and say hurry up I got more important things to do The 290 registration officers would get so angry they would send out the officer of the day to shake me down and get in my face all aggresive I loved it
Before the California tier law we were all hopelessly lumped together as one which made the website completely useless and very dangerous I believe separating sex offenders in tiers was a strategic move by the DOJ to divide and concur but as I said many times before I support the registery to a certain extent I believe some people should have to register for the rest of their lives for the things they have done that’s just my opinion in 5 months I hope i get to see people and their families go free after 10 or 20 years on the registery in California
Good luck
Well, I’m still on the website no matter what. So, I’d rather have it be useless to the general public than useful.
And I’d like to have everybody know, that various fascist supporters around the country are now calling for muslim, and jewish registries as well. We all know how they got that idea. The longer the sex offender registry exists the more likely it is that eventually it will spread to other marginalized groups.
“People” who support Registries aren’t smart or decent. They are anti-American, anti-reality, dangerous, harassing terrorists. Harassers who cannot mind their own business or leave other families alone. Those harassers need to be listed on the Sex Offense Registries for life. Just to harass them for fun and keep them busy so they can’t harass others. But no matter, they are too dumb to do much useful so they’ll suffer through life in any imaginable case.
Here is a thought for everyone publicly listed with no underlying conviction. Only PC1203.4 is on record and nothing else.
As I understand it the Ca DOJ lists the offense online with no notation of subsequent post conviction relief. So those with no record of crime are posted online with no differentiation from others that do own an underlying conviction.
Isn’t that a substantive due process constitutional violation? In addition, it seems to infringe on the contract of dismissal where the language “the court shall thereupon dismiss the accusations or information against the defendant “.
Seems like everybody has their own rhyme and reason about this registry. One wonders who is right. Is it Will Allen with his strong hold views, or this Detroit with his own stance, or is that little girl still crying in the heat of the night, or maybe those Authority that want to use subtil trickery and schemes to ovecome another.
What a fine way to start a New Year off with views of ones vantage point. Should one go back in time to understand these ordeals or the snare’s that brought them to this site or should one wallow in his or her own dung. Are people so induced by this computer age that they cannot find “Rest” in these complications of life or are they imprisoned by their own self conceited mind thoughts.
Should we all go back to the “One tin Sholdier” or are we all prepared to face these types of Jungle Love fever. One wonders if we all see clearly or where is one’s vision. I don’t want to preach to any of you as that really didn’t work in many views. So who starts their own vision.
So in the end one has to say as Janice put it in her words in a way…. Where their is no Vision the people parish and yes we all have to have a vision and also a learning experience at times. And don’t be so wrapped up in oneself. Isn’t Janice thinking of others and yes that is a blessing.
“ Every breath you take, every move you make, I’ll be watching you.” Never thought the lyrics of a song would ring true in registration laws.
With the new Tiered CA system isn’t it about time to go after those of us convicted in a STING? More and more crimes are being reversed and why is it still legal to TRICK someone into committing a crime? If the STING convictions were erased how many would be set free from Registration and get off the Megan List? Has ACSOL given any review to STINGS and how and why we need to go after those convictions
So just got a new jury duty mailer. Noticed they asked if you are a sex offender. Is that new?
With all of the controversy swirling around due to the Department of Justice’s highly-debatable application of the new tiered registry, I just wanted to take a moment to commend Chance Oberstein for something that would never make a headline.
What Mr. Oberstein was able to accomplish for my adult, developmentally disabled son is nothing short of a miracle. My son was facing multiple years in state prison after being charged with having a relationship with an underage girl. After a nearly four year journey, Chance negotiated a probationary sentence to a single misdemeanor that did not require registration as a sex offender. This outcome is literally unheard of. Had we retained a lesser attorney, or worse, relied on a public defender, my son would have been packed off to state prison with a felony conviction and a life sentence as a registered citizen.
From our very first meeting, Chance realized my son’s life-long developmental disability was a key factor in his offense, and he never wavered in his belief that he could find a path to a resolution that would give my son a chance at having a normal life some day.
Over nearly four years, Chance was with us every step of the way, through multiple judges, court rooms, prosecutors and appeals. With expert precision, he convinced the court and prosecutors to see my son through different, more compassionate eyes. This was a battle full of small wins that ultimately led up to a major victory.
Despite his brilliance, Chance never talks down to you. He maintains exceptional communication with his clients and treats you with respect and compassion. Even though he is a very busy attorney, he always made me feel that my son’s case to be his highest priority.
My son still has a ways to go, as he must complete his probationary term without incident. But I can say without hesitation, that if it were not for Chance Oberstein, my son would never have received this once-in-a lifetime opportunity.
Does anyone on here know if Gavin Newsom’s executive order regarding in person registration is still in effect or not? Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
So, rumor is Biden plans to nominate former Circuit Court Judge Merick Garland as USAG. Thoughts? Comments?
There’s an old episode of The Simpsons where a law is passed banning the teaching of evolution. When Lisa is arrested for doing just that, she complains to the cops, “Aren’t there more serious crimes you should be stopping?” Wiggum replies, “Well, we only have the manpower to enforce the last law passed. It’s not a good policy … actually, it’s the worst.” I think of this when I see CP and other Internet-based crimes being taken so seriously by US law enforcement, now being treated as Tier 3 in California. Maybe we can get a new Law and Order: Internet Victims Unit show. Should be exciting!
Another thing we can thank registry paranoia for–the Capitol Hill riot! Most of those folks were QAnon true believers, including the young woman who was shot to death who believed the election was stolen by a cabal of pedophiles and rapists. If you truly believed a cabal of elitist pedophiles and rapists were stealing the country, wouldn’t you have an obligation to stop it? These insane conspiracy theories are a clear result of our insane national paranoia over sex crimes, pedophilia, rape, and registries, all of which fails to “trust the science” and recognize that 1. sex crimes are not an epidemic, 2. most sex crimes are not more harmful for society than other crimes, and 3. most people convicted of sex crimes do not re-offend, and re-offend at lower rates than people convicted of most other crimes. When centrist, “law and order” types promote wild conspiracy theories about widespread human trafficking, “pedo islands,” institutional endorsement of pedophilia rape in the Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts, and at major universities, why is it that surprising that QAnon people believe it also exists in political parties and the “deep state?” The Capitol Hill riot wasn’t a Trump-supporter riot: It was a QAnon riot, and people who have promoted conspiracy theories and sex crime hysteria are just as responsible for it as Trump himself is. Maybe America can look in the mirror, realize that violent crime is up 200-300% in many major cities, and come to grips with its own collective failure to understand crime, to obsess over salacious crimes while ignoring deeper, more impactful forms of criminality, and try to lower the temperature of the national conversation so we’re not all utterly paranoid about one another. America is tearing itself apart, and it starts with the government-led unscientific doxing of “sex criminals” to satisfy its most paranoid citizens.