Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of February 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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The US Marshall’s are known for playing dirty in the last 15 years they’ve specialized in catching sex offenders and I have to admit their pretty good at it.
I was reading and article yesterday about A sex offender from LA who was arrested as he was boarding A plane to Egypt he’s now facing 10/15 years in prison for trying to leave the country.
I guess every time A person buys A plane ticket the airline companys do background checks on everyone flying on their planes and notifies the Police Department that a sex offender is flying from point A to point B and if it’s A around trip ticket how long he/she will be out of state.
I wouldn’t be surprised if all Flight Attendants are notified that a sex offender is on board and to be cautious and keep A eye on that guy and make sure he’s not seated next to any children to avoid A lawsuit if he does something wrong .
Good luck
And then Enforcing a clearly unconstitutional edict like the registry , how do they keep getting away with this registry trash ?
@ David who are we fighting against. Constitutional or unconstitutional Justice or True Justice. I’m still on probation as I’m sure we all are in some ways, means, and forms. Should everyone take a deep breathe and exhale slowly.
Janice’s book, Show Up, Stand Up, Speak Up was in the top 50 in the Civil Rights Law category but it has dropped to 211.
Can we give it a boost again? Kindle or paperback.
I’m reading Janice’s book right now and even took notes on particular areas, so when I give it someone to read they can see the whole story. Hopefully another book is in the future with Janice’s journal, Professor Carpenter’s articles, Ira and his wife’s paper, and other facts for the misinformed.
I recently obtained my cert of rehab, thanks to Chance. Is there a list, similar to the registration laws list, that tells what other states you can move to from California, without having to worry about registering in that new state? I’m no longer required to register here in Cali, but have been advised that some states may still require me to register in their state, despite my expungement and cert. of rehab. here in CA.
Or, anyone know from experience any states that would be registration free to move to? For instance, AZ, NV, etc…
I’m sure its time we all get to the bottom of all this registry issue stuff. Here is an article that may be of interest to all. As for myself I take a different view of all this entrapment issue but many others have suffered lomg enough. Its time to stand up, speak out and seek truth and justice. Some of you all might of read this link and some may want to refresh on it.
That article is 3 years old…… And 3 years later, here we are: no change at all. 😖😡
⭐⭐ PPP Small Business Loans ⭐⭐
The news just reported that the new PPP loan applications will be revised to remove many restrictions including felony convictions. Hopefully, this will free up some PPP loans for some registrants running their own small businesses.👍
David how simple does the registry have to be or should we all say who invented plea deals and even plea barrgains can run amuck or were you thrown to some wind and the lion with your have your cake and eat it too emotion button type opportunity. Justice can be a slow process. Even back in the civil rights days was it always fair, or should should one go back to “The Fugitive”.
Should we ban the registry all together or say those without sin cast the first stone in many cases or who has a double jeapordy mentality for biblicial, civil, or even constutional justice. Maybe Will Alan has something with this stand up to big business bureaucracy .
Today the Utah Senate Judiciary and Law Enforcement Committee will hear and vote on SB 215, which will allow lifetime offenders to petition the court for removal 15 years. However, it comes with some pretty steep requirements that look like conditions for parole termination.
Please indulge me with this hypothetical scenario, and discuss if you would. I have a reason for posing this question.
Let’s say that i could get Medical Experts (Neurologist, Psychologists, Therapists) to testify in court, along with CT Scans and other Brain Imaging Evidence to the fact that the Sex Offender Registry is causing me verifiable “Physical Brain Damage” that is clearly shown on Imaging (similar to signs of Brain Cancer) , and that this Physical Brain Damage is causing me Pain, Depression, Anxiety, Social Anxiety Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Severe PTSD, Relationship Issues, poor quality of life, limited ability to work, Etc.
Would a Judge, Court, or Jury, find this to be simply a collateral consequence of the Sex Offender Registry? Could they get away with saying in essence “tough luck for your Brain Damage, and everything else that comes from it?
If not, what might be the fallout, and or the remedy?
Interesting question. My guess would be 1. very expensive. 2. For it to have a wide effect, it would require multiple individuals tested. 3. There would have to be a control group, like convicted murderers. for comparison.
@ Collateral Consequences: I’m sorry, but I would also point out that it would be an extremely expensive legal battle. You would have difficulty finding an attorney who would take the case on because – even if successful – there would be no damages awarded in the end, so It couldn’t be paid on a contingency basis (as with a car accident or wrongful death case). So you would have to pay for that attorneys’ fees out of your own pocket. Additionally, the professional witnesses you would plan to call would also be very expensive and would also need to be paid out of pocket. 😕
How many of you with misdemeanor convictions have had residency checks? Just wondering since I have never had one other than my 1st yr of probation, and I think that was due to the probation officer assigned to me being new and never having done one. Her supervisor came with her and walked her through the whole process. I don’t expect to get one with the pandemic issues anyway, but was still wondering.
COR update: went today. DA (2nd delay) requested a 30 day extension? They haven’t done my reference check? (My counsel and him our friends?) I was informed they will run me (background) and he just wants a reference check? (My counsel stated they could request a static 99 test/psych evaluation/etc)? Has anyone heard of this? Then, my counsel asked if they could delay my request for the 2nd time for 30 days? A retired cop comes in once a week to call references? Then, she informed me I didn’t even need to show up in 30 days? She would handle it??? Oh, I was then informed I could simply come back after July to request removal because of the new law??
I was convicted in 2004, served 14 years in prison, completed parole and am now discharged. I applied for a passport and have received BOTH the passport and the passport ID card. No markings are on it and I am assuming that I may not have to register for IML? Is this a mistake and what will happen now? Any advice would be helpful!
Thank you!
There is a posting on this at the National Office’s website, but I took the time to read the article in full and think it is worthy of its own posting here because the discussion topic has been discussed in this forum previously with great content. I hope it would generate the same again. The comment at the bottom of the page is interesting by Rudy101 too.
Denver DA asks Supreme Court to resolve uncertainty of sex offender sentences
Looks like NY Governor Cuomo got hit by a second allegation of sexual harassment from a much younger female aide.
Just remember this is Cuomo 2 years ago:
I feel like I’ve seen so many cases like this, men who aggressive court the female vote and attack sex criminals and end up having very unsavory, predatory tendencies themselves. As far as I can tell it’s just a subtype of masculine tendencies where some men try to eliminate all competition to “save” the women for themselves. I know the media-friendly sheriff who staged my sting arrest later married a much younger woman whom he began dating when she was a student of his in some college law enforcement seminar.
Any legal minds know if this recent ruling by U.S. District Judge J. Campbell Barker could be used in the Federal registration situation? Seems like a similar Federal powers over states type thing. Here’s a link to the ruling:
My, my, my… and the beat goes on. Either its federal or state but who’s bearing false wittness. One would guess nobody lies’ anymore in a court of law. Thats a new one on me and many. Sure we all lie but when those in authority lie than someone’s been smoking in the boys room. Much of what we all have been discussing on here should of never been. Courts making deals with plea deals or other measures to avoid the real truth of the sex registry stings.
Sure Janice is a constitutional lawyer but one wonders whats criminal today in justice. Seems that most on here should of solved that problem with the registry long ago. Even at times respect can go so far and judges seem to try to avoid issues when it comes to sex entrapment by this inducement. Stand your ground.
Don’t really know how to follow that , but here it goes……..
Is removal from the Ca Megans public site automatic upon a 17b, or do you still have to file the form. I have been told both. I want to address the listing on other sites and want to be sure I am on solid ground when asking for my name to be removed from places like ‘Homefacts’.
From Florida Action Committee website: (VA) Win in Virginia as 4th Circuit reverses and remands ex-post-facto registration case.
Out of Virginia where an Ex-Post-Facto case was reversed and remanded after being dismissed by the trial court.
In 1994, Prynne was convicted and sentenced to probation for having sex with a 15-year old for which she served as the family nanny. The following year the Virginia registry was enacted, a few years later the length of time one had to register for was extended and over the course of 25 years since, the finish line kept moving for Ms. Prynne.
The court used the expression from the 6th Circuit, that Smith v. Doe should not be seen as a blank check for states to enact harsher and harsher registration requirements and that the Plaintiffs complaint alleged sufficient arguments to proceed and she should have her day in court.