Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of February 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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The FBI is definitely gonna apply SORNA on all state’s now after a CP investigation lead to 2 FBI agents getting shot and killed one of them worked with children on Safety and awareness of predators on the internet and ironically she was killed by one.
The feds ain’t gonna let this one slide for the next 10/20 years their gonna apply pressure on every sex offender in America and you know Kamala Harris AKA (top cop) is gonna signe and pass the new SORNA Laws for shore now.
This should be a wakeup call for the federal government everybody knows that being placed on International Megan’s Law is A death sentence and people rather die then to be placed on it.
Also knowing ether way you look at it your life is over people are gonna say phuckit and become hostile
Good luck
In the news today against Donald Trump – “there is no constitutional right to incite violence”!
Hmmm… Legislators cannot claim they had no idea that sex offender registries would incite violence because most have actually included a vigilante section in the law! Wake up everyone!
So, being tired of being cooped up and isolated, it was time to binge something uplifting, like “Oz.” For those unfamiliar with the HBO series, it is a relatively realistic soap opera about life and death and murder in a max security prison. The theme running through it is the competition over law enforcement ambitions. Everyone rats on everyone to everyone during the struggle over who is going to be the top dog lawmaker and law enforcement body, official and unofficial.
Anyone seen it?
Thank you, Texas! 🤣 A worthy tribute to the value of the Amber Alert system:
(How many of the alerts are due to “kidnapping” by “non-custodial parents”? 90%? 95%? 98%?
Or is it actually designed just to continue stoking “stranger danger” fears?? 🙄)
Wait a minute all. I came back to ACSOL when this pandemic began and yes I am getting ready to leave it. Seems people on here don’t know what they are looking for at times. Giving reviews and insight, comments good or bad and even mind can take on another different dimension, thus putting the blame on something or others. Whether its government, prision unrest, women’s lib, as in women are better than men or who was deceived. Even this public safety sounds a bit one sided at times. Should it of been Adam being offered the temptation first or Eve?
Were not both mislead or misguided. Sure their is many things wrong with Government but when one is induced and seduced in much of this registry who’s to blame? Should we blame ourselves, our carnal nature, or this “top dog” as one has said. Either one gets over the “hump” or gets over the limp in one’s walk in life to make a better world for all.
Yes you can make a difference and I’m sure many have heard that on some cop show of the past but making a differnce in the right way is blessed. So who is enlightening who. This CP as some talk about shouldn’t be and yes many of you all shouldn’t have went to prison. And yes many of you all got down on me but I just take it with a grain of salt. So should we all “Erase the hate”, “Knock out injustice” or where is the common ground or does even church view’s play a part in many of these stumbling blocks.
Is there any case law out there pertaining to constitutionality of LE collection of internet identifiers?
Had to register moving (yay) and the station didn’t have a letter regarding tier via DOJ. The woman at the counter guessed after pulling up my record.
They’ve had 3 years to do this and they still cannot be bothered to look it up? It took my 10 minutes reading the bill to know I was tier 3. What a joke.
Right now every one of you all are in a unique position, and yes Janice, Catherine Carpenter, Boz and many more should be taking note also. Look at ths situation of Trump thats about to be played out in a court of law. Did his mouth or tongue get him in trouble. Sure I hate to say that but one reaps what they sow or who is sowing or who’s reaping?
Put this in prospective of the sex offender or where is the double indemnity clause in all this registry. This changing of laws, this tier registry, whether one is violent or crazy as a loon. Even my sister and her husband don’t even talk much after 40 yrs. And I’m sure its at times hard to live with a woman. Wonder why their are so many divorces today.
Sure its not easy in prison and yes kids are even on the registry for playing strip poker without a license. This getting entrapped via the internet is a bit much. Even the women caught in adultry can give examples so who is causing one to stumble by sending dirty pictures or by pushing one to come down to meet up for some sexual leaison with a teenage girl which is LE. Than if one has so many CP or other things on one’s computer one is in for a lifetime battle.
Hey one would of just been happy with 6 months in jail but no some LE want to make it lifetime or 20 or 30 yrs, So where does second chance come into play. So who is teaching who in all this pretense of LE playing the teenager. That is bearing the sword unworthy. Or who is evil today in much of this insurrection today… the one following the bouncing ball or the one that gets over the hump or the one still limping oe licking his or her wounds.
I’m our of here, you all have a nice life, and may you find what your looking for but remember truth will set you free or are under or over the law of Justice.
For those who live in SC, a number of registrant impacting bills have been filed in the current legislative session. Most of these bills have negative direct impacts, so stay informed and contact your representative to let them know your opinions….
House Bill 3334 Ban the Box Act
House Bill 3474 Criminal convictions (related to job applications)
House Bill 3052 Sex Offenders (Provide The Circumstance In Which A Sex Offender May Have Contact Or Custody With His Or Any Other Minor Child)
House Bill 3044 Sex Offenders (Petition for removal and max limit of 15 yrs)
House Bill 3215 Sex Offender Registry (Court discretion for 14 yo offenders, limits to public access)
House Bill 3158 Juvenille Sex Offenders (removal or addition to registry)
House Bill 3099 Sex Offender Registry (switch resp from sheriffs to dept. of PPP)
Wondering what travel within the USA is like once off of probation… I want to take a vacation soon. I know that each state has their own timing as to registering when visiting. My question is about my own state or jurisdiction that I live in… When I recently went to register and asked about giving a notice to the office, they acted like they were overwhelmed and didnt have much time for my questions. He stated just send an email to me and you should be fine. According to him if I leave for 3 days or 7 days I need to email and let them know whereabouts. The state law clearly says 7 days or more and also does the paper I sign. Do you think there would be ramifications if I don’t and something were to happen. I have no problem notifying after 7 days like the law says, but not 3 days because I don’t believe they get to just make shit up. And also has anybody had to just send email or does your state require in person notification when going on vacation. Just curious about your experience. Thanks my state is Louisiana
Good for this guy whose crime was relatively minor and upon parole he won’t face a lifetime of public humiliation on the sex offender registry. It’s not like he was 18 and had consensual sex with his 17 year old girlfriend, or even worse, possessed an image of an unclothed human being under the age of 18, heaven forbid!
I am back but why is everyone so interested about the sex registry? or who is owning up to who for the next 10 yrs or more, slave or otherwise. Who is owning who. Sort of abusive isn’t it. Sure we heard of Derek’s little win but it wasn’t his forte he says. Yes Janice and so many can do just so much. Are we all looking for social change or trying to understand this two wrongs don’t make a right or who is killing who. So were does the good news come in. I guess it doesn’t matter on here. I guess Chance or others don’t even have a clue or where they imprisoned with many.
This e-mail I got several days ago from a lawyer that sums up much of what some are going thru :Mr. Townsend – the Virginia courts have had no trouble affirming the constitutionality of the Sex Offender Registry system. Although I personally think there are a lot of problems with the statutory scheme, the judges don’t agree with me. Sorry I can’t help you.
Is one wasting their time here. Some may say that also. Yes some of you have had to go thru prison and a lot more difficulties yet were is your faith, were is the truth, the true wisdom and understanding. May the answer is blowing in the wind. Seems repentance is out of the question and you all want it your way. Maybe it is time for me to leave or maybe we all should search our self and try and understand ourselves but that would be giving into self or who wants to be a macho man. Are three paragraphs are good enough for many on here.
And look I hate to say this to everyone but I believe its long over due. I don’t know any of you all on here. This guy that came on ACSOL one night and said he didn’t believe in God or the devil I’m sure was a bit troubled. Hey I’m not gonna force him or anyone to believe anything that they doesn’t want to believe in but I can or others can reason to him or tell him he or she is wrong. Its as if they didn’t understand themself in the frist place.
Are many on here like that and want it your way. Sure we are all in this whether one is free or still in bonds or slave to some paper, or master of one’s fate. Some of you all may not even watch some of Chances audio’s or cams on Redemption or second chance and yes thats a second chance term that counselors should use or should it go along with more. So who is blind. Ok so one still has to deal with their punishment.
I thought this forum was to talk about understanding this registry and the many loop holes it has to overcome another. Yes you all even talk about this tier level which is a bit one sided. A tier is man-made or what tier level is your Christiany if one has any? I hope I’m not making to many paragraphs or a 300 page journal as I’m sure that would be hard for the average person to read. I hope I’ not like Detroit or my friend Will Allen if thats Will’s name. Lets just all press on with these experiences and pick up the pieces.
Life has its ups and down’s and life’s journey isn’t easy. Even marriage can be rocky at times but one thing a little with righteousness goes a long ways and yes true Justice is always good if done correctly. I sometimes wonder why we even worry about it, guess its conscious or was the motive was a bit of a let down to all. And now we all ask questions to find the flaws.
Here’s a great example of more legislative garbage. You guessed it, outta Mississippi, making Alabama and Louisiana look good for 300 years. Here ya go:
(c) It is unlawful for a person required to register as a sex offender under Section 45-33-25 to register on a dating website or to attempt to pursue romantic or sexual interests using an online internet dating forum within ten (10) years of the date of conviction of an offense that triggers the registration requirement.
Even the Mississippi Legislature (which amend registry laws every year) didn’t pass it. It died in committee. Lord what’s next….
I read a comment on a forum and it went like this.
“I was at a gun show and a lady that identified as a sex offender had purchased a handgun. i thought ALL SEX OFFENSES were FEDERAL crimes, so THEY couldn’t own a gun.”
I highlighted the problems that contribute to the misinformation we have to deal with.
1. All sex offenses are a federal crime. people have no idea what is actually considered a sex offense.
2.’They’, like we are some alien race come to wipe out the human race. although not the worst idea.
18 years of being in a barn as a property slave because I can’t imagine being able to live any other way. Fortunate me. A new tenant comes on the property who hates men especially sex offender men who don’t piss in their pants at the thought of confronting a big boss bitch of a nurse who has no one left to boss around. She called 911 on me Saturday. Cop didn’t bother me at all while she ranted every nasty thing she could to get me strung up, he was very polite and left without any criticism of me, she became furious, stomping on the network cable I was running to second router kicked it, ground her feet in it. Bringing water bottles in threw them against my legs. Landlord and her live in the same house. Is there any magic I can get the body cam footage of the event before it’s purged as well as the 911 tape of the phone call to show my landlord? I already filed a request for public records, anything else I can do?
Does anybody in SoCal have a recommendation for an employment law lawyer who would be familiar with 290 discrimination in employment. Thank you
So lets go with Tim in WI with his preached data base theory or Trumps theory of creating an insurrection in an apoloclyps or even ths Bernie madoff or made-off that made off with millions, or this discrimination about jobs. One could also go with Nixon but he bowed out to avoid retribution. so were does that leave many in this sex offender ordeal. Guess none of those were that big of an offender were they.
No I can’t blame Janice, Chance, Ms. Carpenter or others fightening for truth, but I can blame myself for getting caught up in my little sex offender ordeal. Some have even said on here I didn’t have any porn pics on my computer but was still given jail time, probation or other. Yes one could talk about the physical aspects of many of these ordeals but its the searing of one’s conscious.
Myself I even wonder why I was given a proposition by the very person that induced me into this whole sex-capade by offering me a little plea deal (with a wink in his eyes). Yes I always thought that was to be worked out by the DA and the Public attorney guess I was wrong. Still we press on to end much of this registry.
Seems everyone struggles with this registery whether placed on supervised probation, incarcerated or otherwise. Sure one would question even one’s plea of guilty and the methods used. Sure those in Authority don’t care as they can call the shots anyway they want. Is it for their vanity, to give them a bragers rights, or to outdue the others, or maybe get more money for a stimulus package to fight this induced type crime.
I’m sure officers get paid well even doing monthly check ups by phone or however they do it today. So were do breaking the commandments come in. Nobody ever thinks of that in these ordeals. I’m sure they are still doing these internet sex things during this pandemic ordeal. Probably even more so than ever before. Than theirs’ the fines, sex classes, lie detector test, Driver license stigma, plus the stigma of the ordeal which amounts to $$$’s and worries.
Looking at one of my papers from 2014. they had an operation “porch lights out” for halloween and I was suppose to be home at 5 PM. Didn’t get home untill 6:45. A PB-15 warrant was issued that night. Yes they wanted me to go to jail but it was lifted, and that was lifted by the officer after I spoke up. So yes speaking is very good. I could of ask to speak after my guilty plea but it wasn’t the right time. I also knew Janice and a few other groups were working on things also.
Even this past year during this pandemic they came to the house knocked on the door with their surgical masks and yes I was even suprised than. So attempted indecnt Liberties, Solicitation and traveling all to prove a point that it wasn’t a teenage person. Its funny how authorities can write something in law that is so “vain” and fabricated to justify their own actions. Yes every case is a bit different.
Currently, France is going through a big public reaction to incest and sexual offenses against minors – especially highlighted by cases involving famous writers and intellectuals. I’m hoping France will have a reasonable and appropriate response (unlike the eternal mass hysteria from which America suffers.)
I got my letter from the Dept.Of Justice . Tier 2 , I was 288(a) for 36 years !
Thank you Janice , With out your help this would not have happened.
Few questions for you guys…
What’s Wyoming like to live for us registrants? Owner of place I work at has a place out there and is wanting me to drive over and see how I like it. Might stay a couple of days. He might have a job for me there. I’m in California now.
Also, on the drive over I’d have to drive through Nevada, Utah, and possibly Idaho. Any gotchas about traveling through those places? I looked at the state matrix and it looks like Utah has a thing where I’d have to register there no matter how long I stay. The way I see it it’s too long of a drive to make in 1 day so I’d probably have to spend a night halfway through which means Utah. I wouldn’t want to fly for now with the covid thing still going on.
Also… just to confirm… there’s no way registrants can ever get a security clearance right? I keep seeing jobs where clearances are required or you’d have to get one soon after being hired. Just want to be sure I can ignore those.
I lost the thread about U. S. Marshals and compliance checks, but here’s an article that mentions them:
Of course, they make a big deal out of “getting dangerous offenders off the streets”, but 7 of the 8 were busted for FTR, not for any new crime. Oh, here’s an even more sensational headline:
“Sweep of fugitive sex offenders in Indianapolis results in 8 arrests”
I read the articles posted here about various states and municipalities introducing new legislation to increase challenges to registrants and I realize this is more of a chess match than a marathon race as some here have described our situation. At least in a race you have some idea if you are going to win or lose, but this chess match is always going to end in a draw. The other side waits for us to make a move and just takes action to block it.
We get housing restrictions removed and they impose visitation restrictions.
We get a tiered registry and they reclassify offenses to label them as tier 3, simply negating the purpose of the system.
We find countries that allow visitation and immigration, and they pressure those countries to reject us.
The actions of NARSOl, ACSOL, and FAC can be looked on as pawn moves. Our opponents aren’t worried about them because they have bigger pieces. They will be happy with getting a draw, because that’s a win for them.
We are the visiting team with no fans to support us. Even the referees won’t call penalties for us. Sorry to mix metaphors.