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That headline is part of a right wing media explosion.

It takes a little effort to find it, but here is the rest of the story.

“New Biden rules for ICE point to fewer arrests and deportations, and a more restrained agency”

You know after I learned that Dennis Hastert, the republican who passed SORNA under the bush administration had let’s just say deviant sexual tendencies it made it all so clear. Republicans had to go harder than anybody else so they could be sure nobody would suspect them. As Biden is making clear now, the projection has to end at some point.

Well, I am very glad that my tax dollars will now be going to better uses. The hypocrites can kiss those GOP relics like “law & order”, “family values”, etc. goodbye. They made their deal the Devil. 😈

When I first read about this, my instinct was that it was fake from the get-go. ICE is (supposedly) concerned with immigration across the board, not simply those accused of any particular kind of crime. I found then (and now) that it was unlikely that ICE was only looking for illegal immigrants with sex crime convictions or arrests. Besides that, if they had the resources to only find illegal immigrants with sex crime convictions or accusations, why wouldn’t they work for finding illegal immigrant gang members (for example)?

I bet it’s more likely that Biden simply ordered ICE to stop deporting overall, and the “sex offender” bit from the order’s opposition was thrown in to garner public support.

I never understood why it was ICE that came after me with CP charges back in 2009. I’m a citizen and my case took place in Los Angeles…

The Lifetime Achievement for Fear Mongering award goes to… Fox News, where all other news is fake yet we use fear to win your minds and hearts.

Ok Brandon so were is democracy today or even true truth and justice or should we discuss politics or say no news is good news or who is making ICE castles in the sky. Today I’m sure one doesn’t know when to cheer or be on guard. Oh and I was corrected on my view by others… Its justice delayed is justice denied and not the other way around.

ICE is A federal law enforcement agency so I’m not surprised there after SEX OFFENDERS too
What ICE and the federal government need to be worried about is all those children and babies they lost/stolen at the border. The federal government prides itself on protecting innocent women and children from human trafficking and sexual predators so why are women and children living in conservation camps policed by Border patrol.
They literally have 10 and 11 year old kids taking care of babies and sleeping with those tin foil blankets cold and hungry with very bad hygiene it’s sad that their fighting to keep these camps opened.
This literally has nothing to do with SEX OFFENDERS they just thrue that in there for public support what ICE should be doing is opening and investigation on all them daam missing kids they lost while in federal custody.
Is Border Patrol even required to were body cameras I dont think so can u imagine what really goes on out in the middle of nowhere when they come across people hiding in the desert

Good luck

I am curious what impact this would have on ICE adjudication of Adam Walsh Immigration petitions by America petitioners who have a conviction for a sex crime that is more than 10-years old?

“Immigrants should be considered public safety threats if they have an institutional record of violent behavior, well-documented gang affiliations or aggravated felony convictions, Johnson told senior staff. Such crimes would include murder, rape, child abuse and major drug offenses, and agents should prioritize those released after the issuance of the Jan. 20 memo, he wrote.

In instances where the aggravated felony is more than 10 years old and not the reason for a recent arrest, that individual would not be considered a public safety threat, Johnson indicated. “

As soon as the woman in the video said she use to be a Fed prosecutor” I said to my self oh well all we ever hear is from your side of the circle” now its time to pass the stick and hear what everyone else thinks about your one sided war in the name of “safety” vs natural rights ! I want freedom !!! our 4th amendment should be the same as everyone else after our time is over , all rights should be replaced , not just the few that never belong to them to begin with , those rights were not for sale or trade , and they still are not ! NOT ! ! article 18 US 241 apply’s to them , (Conspiracy Against Rights)