Colorado’s 23-year-old sex offender sentencing law is in the hands of the state Supreme Court, as the justices on Wednesday considered whether the Court should strike down a common method of sentencing those defendants charged with felony sex crimes.
The Denver District Attorney’s Office appealed a pair of cases to the Court following the 2019 decision of Allman v. People, in which the justices barred people from receiving both prison terms and probation when they are convicted of multiple offenses in a single case. The court reasoned that probation should take place instead of imprisonment, not in addition to it.
By requiring someone who receives a prison term with parole to also complete probation, the court labeled it a way of skirting the legal time limits on parole, and subjecting the defendant simultaneously to two supervisory authorities: the executive branch for their parole and the judicial branch for their probation.
Read the full article [UPDATE LINK 3/12/21]
Unfort the link to full article to a “subscribe only” site. Didn’t find another site with more background on this case. Anyone know more details?
Different URL but same article: