IL: Apartment building where sex offenders have stayed should be shut down, Englewood residents say

[ – 3/8/21]

Englewood residents protested outside an apartment building Monday that they said had become a frequent home to paroled sex offenders.

The latest to move-in is Cayce ____, convicted in the 1997 sexual assault and murder of 20-month-old Quortney Kley. ____moved to the 6600 block of South Perry Avenue last week from Crystal Lake after residents in that McHenry County city petitioned for his removal.

____ is on mandatory supervised release — got out of prison in February after serving 24 years of a 48-year sentence, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections.

“Why would you dump your pedophilia in Englewood?” Darryl Smith said Monday. “We don’t need any added problems here.”

Smith said he and others in Englewood want local officials to investigate the apartment building, which is just down the street from a park and also near schools. According to the Chicago Police Department, the building’s proximity to the park does not prohibit parolees or sex offenders from living at the address.

Englewood residents distributed fliers outside Williams’ apartment Sunday, urging people to complain to their elected officials and demand residents be notified when sex offenders move into the neighborhood.

Residents gathered there again Monday to demand that the building be shut down, because they believe several released sex offenders live there. According to the National Sex Offender Public Website, over 30 sex offenders have stayed at the building.

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They created this public notification system for the public and look how thry act not only do the police department have to deal with these SVP’S now they gotta deal with these crazy residence in the neighborhood.
I’m glad their protesting for the government to shut down this apartment building I bet law enforcement heads are spinning right now trying figure out what to do with theses SVP’S this is gonna cost the local police department alot of time and money trying to appease the public.
Lilittle do these protesters know they’re hurting their Community more than they’re helping it forcing SVP’S or any sex offenders out of their homes and into streets dont mean their nolong in your community now you guys dont know where in the community these SVP’S are and the pressures of homelessness causes people to feel hopeless this frustration creates a situation where offenders feel like they have nothing to lose and end up reoffending and going back to prison.

Good luck

Just another example of how the hate continues. This is so sad!!

Elected officials created this mess and they should lay in the bed they made out of fear, hate, and profit. After a person has finished their sentence society and law enforcement should leave them the hell alone. Americans are truly the most ignorant people; while our government is rotten to its core and many don’t care.

Betting they just want the space for the pimps, dope dealers, and gangbangers. No recidivism from them…

Yes, shut it down and move any remaining occupants closer to the complainants lol. Before this “label” was created that destroyed lives people had the decency to stay out of each other’s business. But the social engineering had to happen, born from the efforts of politicians who bent to the demands of “victim’s rights” groups and other proxies of this systemic corruption.

They can’t leave people alone because they don’t have anything else more important to do. In other words they’re fighting to use every penny of their budget in order to sell their illusion of “prevention”.


My god, we’re talking about gangland war zone. Do a Google search find out for yourself.
Anywhere Bronzeville (35 th st.)& South, especially along the MLK Jr. blvd corridor all the way to Midway Airport is ghetto. In recent years the population has decreased as sane folk are getting the hell out. Lots of unionized labor opportunity though.

Sorry to make an off topic comment but has any one here heard anything regarding the DOJ in california and their honoring the law regarding sex offenses reduced to misdemeanors? Any help you’re willing to provide would be greatly appreciated.

I guess they’d rather the registrants be destabilized, homeless and living under bridges, eh?