Faces Class Action for Falsely Implying Man Was a Sex Offender

[ – 3/24/21]

A website that offers to show you someone’s “reputation” and criminal history for a fee must face class action claims, after it allegedly suggested a Minnesota man was a sex offender when he only has traffic tickets. In a Tuesday ruling, Minnesota federal Judge Susan Nelson rejected’s motion to dismiss Plaintiff Brion Finlay’s proposed class action against the public information company.

Nelson said MyLife’s profiles and “Reputation Scores” amount to a consumer report, while MyLife operates as a consumer reporting agency, so it can also be sued under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, as well as for defamation.Finlay brought the class action in May, claiming his MyLife profile incorrectly implied he had both a criminal and sex offender background, and alleging a similar situation has likely happened to many others.

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I hope they and other companies like them are sued into oblivion and the main heads behind them into poverty. Destroying people’s lives like this for profit deserves no quarter.

What kind of person decides to start a company getting data on other people to make money? Grown up bullies who can’t mind their own business, shouldn’t exploit people for money. When a person has wrong information on them and gets assaulted or killed by vigilante street justice encouraged by government… lawsuits need to fly frighteningly high. Hopefully land on Justice Roberts lap.

“sex offender background.”

What in the hell does that even mean? Part-time bad guy?

If anything, at least this guy knows how it feels to be vilified and marginalized for votes!

Tech companies benefit from their immunity. Last year they unleashed on the president without remorse or fear of retribution. It just goes to show you what the real gain is here, politicians love the easy votes just like how people love views likes and retweets. We’re all just part of their easy path to retirement so maybe it’s past time to break free from big tech’s influence and hold them accountable.

Can I make t shirts with, “ Earth would be a better place if your dad would of covered his pickle. Aka used a condom One less moron.” Probably wouldn’t sell on the public square.

Facts should matter. Truth is what is important even in criminal corporational, or constutional law. So were is truth today? Who know’s a person’s life or is the sex offender the public enemy # 1 today. Now John Dillinger was dabbed that back in the day. Sure one can offend in many ways today or do some offend in thought and deed.. Much of this registry is way off base.

Now these tech companies want to try their best to out do another or have # 1 ratings. Seems some Presidents wanted to have # 1 ratings and I won’t mention names. While their is a point to everything even all of us studying American History in High School or even stock markets where does government draw the line in this registry market.

We can talk human lives even how many have been lost in this Covid ordeal going on. Yes I’m sure everyone is tired of wearig a mask. Does internet wear a mask or who is overseeing the right or wrong. Why do even people think we have Constitutional lawyers or is it to correct spelling errors or governmental errors in many cases.

Now we can all buy into a pig in the poke. Sure their were several lawyers that came out of my original class but back in the early 70 their was no sex registry so to speak. Did internet blossom out of the space race or hi tech facebook or others just as liable of their standard as in much of this government rest or unrest issues of the sex registry.

Government is doing unjust in many of these registry issues or is anaylizing trying another in vain ways.