NE: [18 year old] Grand Island man sentenced to 10 years in prison [for CP]

[ – 3/28/21]

LINCOLN — Max _____ of Grand Island was sentenced Friday in Lincoln by Chief U.S. District Judge John M. Gerrard for possession of child pornography.

Max _____, who turns 19 on May 29, was sentenced to 10 years in prison and then will serve 12 years on supervised release. There is no parole in the federal system. After serving his prison sentence, Max _____will be required to register as a sex offender. He also was ordered to pay $8,000 in special assessments.

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There is a lot more to his crime than just viewing CP. He was misleading people, use someone else’s name and account, and extorting people once he got the images. He is a real criminal. When I was incarcerated the thing was that you could spot the SO’s out immediately because although they did a crime, they weren’t generally criminal minded people like 90% of the population. Most followed the rules, worked jobs, were in the library and just trying to get through their sentence. Most had never been in trouble before, but they made a poor decision based on their human sexuality. That was certainly not the case here. This young man was deliberately setting people up so he could extort them. His sentence was enhanced for numerous reasons.

While I agree the registry is crap, this guy is extremely lucky that he’s only doing 10 years for the crimes he committed. He must’ve had a very good lawyer. He had multiple victims that he had manipulated into sending nude photographs through extortion. I honestly hope he and his victims get the help they all need to be better after this awful act.

He’s gotta lot of time to think about what he’s done obviously he was getting some kind of kick out of it because he kept having them send more and more images I also believed over the years this guy’s crimes would have progressed into more serious severe dangerous crimes .
These are very strategic and planned out crimes even for an 18 year old my only question is if he was extorting adults and not high school students would he had got such a harsh sentence .

Good luck

Regardless of how one thinks about this specific person or any other registrant… whether hands on or behind the screen our society seems to feel and punishes “Sex” related crimes more harsher than any other crime committed, even on a first offense. There are other options besides such harsh sentencing that could be utilized when dealing with such a young person. As a parent of teenagers… I do not believe any 18 year old understands the severity of his/her mis-guided actions whether that person is a perpetrator, victim or yes indeed in some cases a willing victim (which is the case in many charges of sexting, chatting on line or sharing of illicit images) …especially when science tells us the brain isn’t even fully developed until 24 – 26 years of age.

The twelve years supervised release is likely one of the main factors for him only getting a 120 month sentence. He’s lucky to have gotten just that amount of time In federal prison based on the limited details In the article for the case. In total that’s 22 years combined between prison and supervision. Prison might actually be easier than supervised release for him, not that either of them will be easy. Also he better not screw around in prison because as much as it will suck both the federal bureau of prisons and other inmates can make it much worse.

Since this is a Federal Case he will do 8 and a half out of those 10 years in prison (as long as he stays out of trouble in there). There’s a good chance he can file a petition for release from supervision in about 5 years of supervised release as long he doesn’t violate his conditions.

Unfortunately that’s the easier part of the situation. It’s life after prison that’s the real bitch thanks to the Registry…