Number of Total CA Registrants Increases; Homeless and Registrants in Violation Decrease

The California Sex Offender Management Board (CASOMB) reported today that the number of registrants in California has increased slightly, from a total of 108,106 to a total of 108,189, during the past month. In addition, the number of registrants living in the community has increased from 82,526 to 82,585. There were slight decreases, however, in the number of registrants who are in violation (from 18,565 to 18,519) and the number who are homeless (from 6,994 to 6,938).

CASOMB also reported that there are 7,244 registrants currently on parole who are required to wear a GPS device. Of that total, 6,797 are undergoing treatment under the state’s containment model. Further, CASOMB reported that 3,916 of registrants on parole are considered high risk.

There are 926 registrants house in state hospitals, according to CASOMB. Of that total, 56 percent of the registrants have been totally committed as sexually violent predators while 43 percent of the registrants are considered detainees being held in accordance with Section 6602 of the Welfare and Institutions Code. During questioning, it was explained that there are 15 registrants now in a conditional release program for whom housing options are being identified. The number of registrants in the conditional release program is expected to continue increasing during the remainder of the year.

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Am I the only one who always reads these government “statistics” with doubt and skepticism?

I know government-furnished stats are often the “best we have”… but I can’t help but distrust any “data” provided by the government.

For the hell of it, I wrote this to CASOMB:


Could someone please reply back to my questions?

I am wondering what is the purpose of having a registry with 108,000 people? How does such a bloated database of people help anyone, especially when people with sex offenses can be searched and filtered within standard databases available to police already? Why have a second layer, ‘the registry’?

Wasn’t the original purpose to place repeat and primarily violent offenders back in 1994?

Why are tax dollars being grossly wasted and people’s families harmed, families of offenders who more than paid their dues to society?

Please reply back or direct me to the politician responsible. “

So .2% of the population was in violation of draconian registration laws that put no one in danger, meanwhile 2.5% of the population is considered violent and dangerous, but walk the streets harassing and harming citizens everyday with impunity.

The decrease is probably from alot of people passing away due to COVID-19 and people moving out of California I thought about leaving California but doing a little research I found that every state in America sex offender laws are pretty much the same if not worse
It doesn’t matter where you go in the USA you’ll still be labeled a sex offender Megan’s law was designed to make sure no one escapes lifetime hell on earth

This CASOMB is a bit statisical or who is more understanding in this whim of wisdom and blindness of achievement/understanding. While facts and figures are good and yes accounting is a good profession in many ways. Yes much of this incorporated with blind justice and this sex registry is a bit wavering to many.Thats your America or should we take a assistment of how many masks save others today.

Correction is good and that is what Janice and many other law and constutional lawyers are all about. See the enemy strikes at any time even in a court of law and true justice. This whole sex offender goes way above even jurist prudence and much of this is unethical and vain. This government of the USA is not perfect today yet we are suppose to obey unless it goes against the bible. So who’s maligning who in this malice way in this vain prevention in many ways. Vain deterrence is like the blind leading the blind.

I’m sure chapter 3 of Titus would be of value to Chance and others on the ACSOL team or do we all have the right answer for everything in our vaguness.