Action Alert for CA: Support for the release of Mr. Badger to San Diego County by April 9

San Diego County residents are fighting the supervised release of Douglas Badger, a 78-year-old registrant designated as a sexually violent predator, to a community in that county.  A judge previously granted Mr. Badger’s release from Coalinga State Hospital provided that he is able to find housing.

ACSOL requests that members of the registrant community state their support for the release of Mr. Badger to San Diego County,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The deadline for doing so is April 9.”

San Diego County will conduct a public meeting on April 20 to discuss this matter.  Prior to the meeting and no later than April 9, provide comments to the county’s SAFE Task Force by phone, email and U.S. mail.

For phone comments, call (858) 495-3619.

For email comments, send to

For U.S. mail send letters to SAFE Task Force, 9425 Chesapeake Drive, San Diego, CA 92123.

According to media reports, Mr. Badger was convicted of a sex offense and sentenced in 1991.  The sole offense for which he was convicted is Penal Code Section 288a(d), oral copulation in concert.  Instead of being released from prison, Mr. Badger was sent to civil commitment in 1997.  Immediately upon his release, Mr. Badger registrant will be under surveillance 24 hours a day seven days a week.  Surveillance includes, but is not limited, to wearing a GPS device, drug testing, polygraph exams and in-person meetings.  If the registrant fails to follow treatment guidelines, he will be returned to Coalinga State Hospital.

Following are talking points for your comments:

  • Mr. Badger was convicted of a single offense about 30 years ago.
  • Mr. Badger is currently 78 years old and according to experts is unlikely to commit a new sex offense based solely upon his age.
  • Mr. Badger will be under surveillance for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week which is greater supervision than parole or probation.
  • Mr. Badger will be required to undergo drug tests and polygraph exams.
  • A superior court judge has agreed to Mr. Badger’s release from civil commitment.
  • Individuals who are civilly committed must be deemed as “stable” by the Department of State Hospitals in order to be released.
  • The residence to which Mr. Badger could be released is more than 2,000 feet from schools or parks.

Thank you for taking action by April 9

SVP – Report – 2009 PDF download

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I just emailed my “letter” (actually, an email message) in support of Mr. Badger’s release and housing.
I hope it will help. 🤞🙏

Please, everyone, let’s join together to assist this fellow as he endeavors to re-enter society.

David, I will also make calls and a message.

We all need to take part, even if this issue does not affect us directly. After all, we all want others to support us when there are issues that affect our specific situations.

United we stand and make change.

Like David, I have sent an email in support of Mr. Badger’s release and housing in San Diego. I have tried the phone number several times and so far no one has answered. In my email, I asked for the time and place of the public hearing on April 20. I also asked if the public will be able to attend in person or via another method such as phone and/or Zoom. I will report their answers shortly after I receive them on this website. And it’s OK if others try to obtain this information as well and post it in a comment.

So that this man will reside at a location that is “more than 2,000 feet from schools or parks” increases public safety? Interesting….


Certificate of Rehabilitation: I was awarded a COR on 04/02. The deadline was July 1st. 24 years registering with a misdemeanor pc 243.4a – expunged. I confirmed via the minute order. Best wishes to everyone

As a Wisconsinite! FREE THE BADGER!

This guy is still being prosecuted for a crime he committed 30 years ago i cant believe these people society literally has declared war on people with past sex crimes.
I agree together we stand and divided we fall so i respect everyone showing support for this guy.
Me personally i could careless about this guy i got my own problems to deal with.
im still tryin find out what the hell he did 30 years ago that would cause him to be locked up so long and would cause such a uproar once released into the public.

Good luck ✌😁

I just emailed my support for Da Badger. Good “cheer” from Tim in Wisconsin. If “rehabilitation” is actually on the agenda then this legally earned release should be granted.

Thanks Cancel. On the COR, there is bold writing: the court further orders the petitioner is no longer required to register pursuant to PC 290.05. It’s documented on the minute order. The law firm I used is well known/the owner has contacted attorneys throughout several jurisdictions and he seems to know the outcome prior? He has a 90/95 % success rate. The clerk asked why I was in (blank blank LA) when the court proceedings took place at a different court in LA? Furthermore, with the new DA in LA, I think things are now easier? I never stepped foot in the court? I’m overwhelmed, very grateful and a 5 minute story that Janice shared with me got the ball rolling. Had I not spoken to her, none of this would be possible: I’m re-applying for my professional license Monday and I wish everyone all the best. Best regards

Emailed and done. =)

No one’s proud of what Mr. Badger committed 3 decades ago, but I, among many, I’m sure, are more than confident that he is a safe return to the community.

What horrid re-offense can a 78-year-old disabled elder substantially perform to society, anyhow? 😉

Give him the chance to see the sun again beyond the bars of Coalinga.