General Comments April 2021

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You know what is really ironic and absolutely insane? So my Ex’s ex-husband rapes my stepdaughter when she was 13 and pleads it down to a 288(a) no prison time and now his ass is getting off the registry while I talked to some girl online and go to meet and leave before the meeting time even occurred and I get 5.4 in the pen and am on the hit list for life because I fought it and because they added the 288.2 because I would not take the deal.
Got to love America about now…

Last edited 3 years ago by mike r

Sexual misconduct attacks are a tool used and unequivocally the intent behind the prohibition upon Congressional use of ex post language in law contained on n Art 1 c 9, 10.

Targeted for extortion. Precisely because of his political opponents want to silence him. Gov. Cuomo is also caught up in his own drama as his opponents attack him with the same tool. Where were the complaint(s) just after they had presumably happened or occurred?

Obviously, being timely or fair can no longer be applied to the people’s disposition. The Rehnquist court looked it squarely in the eye and upheld it. Upholding plain vindictiveness via the use of public disgrace provided by law. And so the people follow.

⭐⭐ Warning! Phone SCAM! ⭐⭐
I just received a phone call from someone claiming to be Sergeant Scott Smith of my local police department and asking if I had received the summons they sent me regarding providing DNA samples. He said this was a step they were taking before my automatic removal from the Registry.
He sounded VERY, VERY convincing!… Until I asked why his phone number did not include the standard city exchange that all my City’s government & police phone lines have. He said he would call me back from the reception desk. He did call – but again, there was an incorrect exchange number. He said he would check with superiors. Then he called back, yet again, this time saying, “Well, I guess you just want to go to jail then, don’t you?”
Now how did we go from me providing DNA to be (supposedly) “automatically removed from the Registry” to going to jail??
Beware these scammers!! I am a fairly intelligent, sharp person, but they are VERY convincing!!

I have been on the reistory , over 35 years. In part i think it has forced me to concentrate on my work . My work has been my way to escape , socitity’s shunning . If people really need you and what you do , they tend to get over what you did. The effect for me has been , I worked hard , built a good business , sold out and retired , with a lot of money , And some how along the way I got a very good wife. ! Togather we have built a nice home.
I wanted to share this . I have had my days , and years of dispair , depression , including suicidal thoughts . As most of us have .
For me ,This , being branded , a _______ Sex offender , dosent have to , be the end . It is a debilitating thing , to be overcome. . just like any disability.
My life is very good now , I have found ways to deal with the trama , the hate , the people who , just want to put you down just for the fun of it, because they can. …. Fuck em’…
And Now , Be cause of Janice and the work she has done , it looks like , I’m going to get off the registory . next year.!

TLP v Pennsylvania State Police Case No 21-0343 (Pa Commw March 16, 2021)

Petitioner was convicted of indecent assault and corruption of minors in 2000. The SO Law that was in effect at that time required him required him to register with PSP for a period of ten years. SORNA went into effect in 2012 and required an individual like petitioner like petitioner to register for his or her lifetime. Petitioner was arrested for failing to comply with the requirements of SORNA. Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court ruled, in a 13 page opinion, that SORNA could not be applied to petitioner retroactively. Here is a link to the decision from Google Scholar,39

I have been living a lawful, very productive life in communities for decades. The criminal regimes haven’t arrested me and haven’t been able to. I don’t think they’ve tried very hard. But they’ve told everyone for decades that I am a monster. Is today the day I make good on that? Tomorrow? Or every day in the future forever?

Fuck every single person who thinks the Hit Lists are acceptable. They deserve consequences.

Janice, we would like the name and contact information for the person you spoke with at the D.O.J. regarding the supposedly eminent SORNA rule changes. I believe you said that this person was an attorney who is heading this rule change up. You said that this person was not a friend and is in fact a stranger to you, so this should not be a problem for you to give us this information.
I also think that you should give us the opportunity to submit legal issues that we believe may be pertinent to the supposedly eminent lawsuit you have planned that may not have been raised in your comments to the D.O.J. and that may not have been thought of to include in the upcoming lawsuit. This will be one of the most important lawsuits regarding the registry that may affect close to a million people, so we would like to be consulted and given the opportunity to contribute to the legal arguments. This forum would be a good place for this as there is nothing to hide at this point regarding the legal issues of the proposed rule changes, and gives people the opportunity to propose and discuss legal issues that may affect them.
Thank you for your cooperation,

Unfounded fears about sex trafficking did not begin with QAnon and go far beyond it.

Scammers are getting brazen because the government allows these criminals to get away with it. Most states’ registries state not to harass anyone on the hit list( something along those lines). Government harasses us every chance they get without a shred of evidence. Heck even immigrants are accused of sex trafficking. Only people I know that are accused of that are Republican Matt Gaetz and Former Seminole County Tax collector. Wonder what Chris Smith thinks or maybe he’s thinking oh crap I’m next to get caught.

Oh look, another ridiculous Amber Alert in which the alleged abducter is the non-custodial parent. Why is this headline news?? And how many of these Amber Alerts actually involve family and members especially non-custodial parents?? Are these Amber Alert truly intended to improve child safety or are they intended to inflame and encourage the public’s false belief in a “stranger danger”??

“Personal data of 533 million Facebook users leaks online –
Phone numbers, email addresses, and more are included”

‘Happy NOT to have a FaceBook account! 🙂👍

This is an fyi thing, if everybody already knows this then I apologize, however if not it could be very useful info?
The english dictionary is about 80% words derived from latin so, having said that the word pain comes from the latin word poena which means punishment or penalty! So, if there is even an ounce of pain from the registry, which most everyone would agree there is at least that much pain being on the registry? Then the registry is punishment or a penalty???

I joined facebook to participate in a motorcycle group I ride with. They always post pics and group activities are posted. Rides, track days, BBQs, etc. It’s the only way the secretary informs the members of scheduled gatherings. Well, I went for almost a month before I logged in and was told my account had been suspended.
I was asked why I didn’t show at the last gathering, which I didn’t find out about due to the draconian policies facebook has. I made up some excuse, then told them I would be too busy going forward to participate in the activities. The old “work” and “traveling” excuse.
Social media is the lifeline for most of today’s activities. Yet we are banned from it, and by extension, from society. No wonder I don’t look up when I’m walking my dog, or stay by myself when doing something I enjoy, like surfing or Mtn. Biking. I pretend I am the only person left on Earth when I do stuff now. Just makes it easier to deal with. I am certain that the time will come that I will just leave the water one morning, walk to my stuff, pull my gun out and end it. I carry it just for that reason.

General question about local laws vs. state laws- I live in a city that passed a local law that doesn’t allow ANY persons convicted of a SO into a city run park. But State law only bans folks with a offense involving a person age 13 or under. My happening involved an adult so by state law I can go anywhere. Are they allowed to pass laws more strict than state law? Are they worth challenging? What’s to stop them from banning city run bingo or city run patty cake? Where’s the due process I guess is what I’m saying

I am preparing a report on the national sex offender registries for my local lawmaker, and I’m looking for some examples of crazy laws that we could not possibly be aware of in our normal travels that are on the books anywhere in the US, eg, staying at a hotel somewhere could be a felony if it’s within 1,000 feet of a day care center, or having lunch at a McDonalds somewhere is a felony if there is a Playland on site, stuff like that.
Does anyone have any examples like this that I could reference by including a link to the particular statute or ordinance to show that it’s real?
Thank you.

Tennessee federal court judge describes sex offender registry as unconstitutional:

Just heard from a source that extortionist Chuck Rodrick has been arrested in Phoenix by the FBI as he reentered the country on a flight from Costa Rica. If you are a victim of his criminal activity, contact your attorney.

I know we have some boaters among us. Has anyone had issues renting a boat slip? I’m “this close” to making a purchase, but worry about being rejected or being accepted then kicked out later on.

Can a marina legally deny me from renting a slip based on my past in the same way they deny apartment rentals?

Thank you.

Anyone in California registered recently? I will do my annual registration in about a month and am curious to what degree people are being asked to come in versus over the phone like last year in the midst of the pandemic.

Hi – Would anyone be able to advise our family on the pros and cons regarding parole and transferring from California to NV? Most of our family is now residing in NV and when our incarcerated family member is paroled his elderly parents would like him to interstate compact to Nevada from California to be their main caregiver. 2 Questions we can not get a straight answer on:
1) Incarcerated family member was told by counselor that while on parole in California there would be no cost. However, if he was to transfer parole to Nevada then parole would have to be paid for by the parolee. Would anyone have knowledge on this?
2) Incarcerated family member was told if he was to be GPS monitored Nevada has been heard to have been monitoring for life all transferring registrants from other states, even for non-violent offenses?

Any advise from anyone is appreciated? Or a recommendation for an SO attorney in Nevada. If you prefer you may email me at
Thank you

Any tips or experience on how to get in front of this new change to the law? The “SEX OFFENDER”stamp in my state was ruled unconstitutional. Now they are trying to pass this new law that says “classification T1” in highlighter orange color. Wonder if this could also effect the passport marking?

⭐Phone Scam!!⭐ Aransas County, TX:

SUGGESTION: Friends, be prepared for these scumbags’ scam calls! Know, in advance, a few specific details about your local police department/Registry office, so you can ask the caller certain questions, such as: “Last time I was there, they were moving the Registration office to Bond Street. Have they moved the office yet?”, “Is Officer O’Malley still in charge of registration?”, “Did the police department get those new automated license plate readers they wanted?”, “How is the new sheriff working out? Is she better than Sheriff Johnson was?”
Do some research and get some details to ask the caller. Throw them off their game. If the caller gets irritated, tell them there have been a lot of scams going on lately and you just want to make sure everything the caller is legitimate. Good luck! 👍

watch a video where a woman verbal abused store employees, flipped off a person filming the incident, then walked over and coughed in the person’s face. The person she coughed on is going through cancer treatments and has an immune deficiency issue.
the judge gave her 30 days in jail and I think a $500 fine along with 6 months probation.
I actually got no jail time for my misdemeanor, paid $1000 and got 3 yrs probation, of which I was released early after 2 1/2 yrs.
My point being that from a judicial viewpoint, the two offenses are similar in regards to the punishment. Why then do I have to wear my offense for 10 yrs and be banned from going to so many places, possibly for the rest of my life, as well as lose my professional licenses.
This woman purposely and physically put another life in danger. My offense did none of that.
Not ranting. I have accepted my fate. Just pointing out the continued disparity of society’s idea of morality.

Maybe there should be a special registry for dangerous individuals like this:

Oh, did I mention that he is a LEO??
(Maybe there should be another registry for his colleagues who swept it under the rug and hid it away from the public.)

I’m reminded of the guy who recently posted about CPS trying take his kids. If only they’d instead spent their time taking the kids away from this lunatic as the father had requeated.

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