NY: Endicott Sex Offender Fails to Register Email Accounts

[wnbf.com – 5/7/21]

An Endicott man is facing up to ten years in prison after he admitted failing to register his email accounts as a convicted sex offender.

72-year-old Thomas ____ was convicted in 2004 of child pornography and crossing a state line to engage in sex with a child under the age of 12.

He was required to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and report personal identifying information, including email accounts.

Officials with the U-S Attorney Northern District say ____ failed to register three email accounts in spite of being fully aware he was required to do so.

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This is a preview of our possible futures if we don’t defeat SORNA enhancements!

10 or less years + $250,000 (or less) for 3 emails = outrageous

****lowers shaking head****

The idiot police have arrested me and brought indictments more than once on this charge, and after months of “status hearings” the prosecutors office has always dropped the charges after they get all of the discovery from police and learn that I had covered my a** when I supplied the police with comprehensive and massive computer printouts of “every domain and email account that I use or plan to use” at every one of my last 23 annual registrations. And they realize that I left no possible email address not covered by those printouts. See, the law requires me to supply  “every domain and email account that I use or plan to use”, but it does not require me to explain to police what all that information means or why it is included on the annual registration. My policy is to not answer any questions that police ask, unless answers to those exact questions are required in the law. The law does not require me to say what each email address is for or what each domain is for or what the meaning of well established standard notation of such things means. I choose to remain silent, because I know that anything I say can and will be used against me in a court of law, and nothing I say can be used in my defense in a court of law. Why is it that incriminating hearsay is admissible but exculpatory hearsay is not admissible in court? But that is the way it is. Please watch this video:

I thought the First Amendment includes the right to anonymous free speech. The mandate that requires ‘internet identifier’ reporting seems aimed to chill free speech. Also, what if a person forgets to list and report an internet identifier? Does that open him/her to prosecution solely because of bad memory?

The flag doesn’t stand for freedom any more.

See this bugs me in NC it says only internet identitifiers. Yet my registration office requires each site I register or use that identifier with…. I’m like uhh a lot.. and is that a legal requirement? They always want more than is required by law. Makes me mad.

10 years in prison for failing to disclose your email and the hit list isn’t punishment. The country has gone mad with rabid politicians making names from themselves. Authoritarianism has landed on our shores from sea to shining sea; from Mexico to the Canadian border; and our territories. These people continue to violate human and civil rights because they can’t handle the truth about their beloved registry. Continue to enhance the prison industrial complex for the almighty dollar.

Can’t these be challenged as cruel and unsual punishment…? He’s not the only one.. a lot of registry violations get years of prison.. how can not submitting an email(that’s already public domain, look at background checks,) count for 10 years… That’s not right.. this is not right.. I knew a baby killer that got 8years.. child abusers that got probation, and the public one of the cop that walked into the wrong apartment and murdered the dude who got 10 years…how is not registering an email worst than strangling your own kid, hitting kids, and murder… This is not good..

This guy got 10 years in prison for trying to comply with registration requirements that are nearly impossible to comply with if I was required to give my internet information to law enforcement I wouldn’t even bother going online because this particular registration requirement is literally a set up.

Good luck 😬👌


A lot of these FTR’s are dismissed after defendants demand jury trials. These guys taking pleas make it more difficult to get an appellate decision on the constitutionality of these laws.

This is utterly absurd! He’s 72 years old! Please explain to me again how this is NOT punishment that he is facing 10 years imprisonment for not registering email addresses! Email addresses!!! Ridiculous!!! 😡😡😡

[I’m not a robot. I’m a taxi…or a bridge…or a crosswalk.🤗🥳👏]

Federal prison and possible $250,000 fine for not telling big brother you have an email. Wouldn’t it be easier to just behead him and drag his body through the streets so people could spit on him and throw rocks at his genitalia? Oh, wait. That is for the second violation.

I researched this case, suggest you all do the same. Some very serious stuff and no doubt they were watching him and he was, if guilty, playing with fire, sad.