Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of June 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
Related posts
AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
Source: 3/5/25 WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — An Arkansas man who was convicted of rape... -
FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
3/5/25 UPDATE: “Tents housing sex offenders behind Putnam County Sheriff’s Office headquarters taken down” 3/3/25... -
Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
NJ is shutting down its only women’ prison due to rampant sexual abuse by the guards and staff,N.J.,abusive%20incidents%2C%22%20he%20said
So I was watching the movie FELON
and happened to be reading “An explication of Nietzsche’s views on punishment.”
And the two intersect somewhere that I’m still trying to figure out. Both are time well spent, that much I know.
More profound, perhaps, is the mystery of why sometimes we can highlight and link and sometimes not. Where did the comment toolbar go?
Vigilante Group that Removed Kids from ‘Sexually Abusive Parents’ to Stand Trial
The syndicate, run by an Australian doctor, is accused of abducting children from their custodial fathers and unlawfully returning them to their mothers.
Hey all, my daughter is going to be starting preschool (held on a K-12 campus) this fall, and I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to approach the principal about being able to be on campus to drop off and pick her up. Should I call first and follow up in writing? Is email good enough or does it have to be snail mail?
Does anyone know what’s going on with the premise restriction lawsuit in NC? Narsol nor Ncrsol have posed about it in over a year.
I can’t find anything online about it. Narsol has the case listed as pending. It was filed back in 2017.
NCRSOL v. Stein, Case No. 1:18-cv-597
So the Director of the Utah Sentencing Commission, who helped push through the law this last year that allows lifetime offenders to petition for removal after 20-years (was 15-years prior to floor amendment and who released a study in Utah showing a recidivism rate of 2% has been sidelined and silenced.
After this session she was appointed to and confirmed as a Juvenile Court Judge. This is the second attorney in my area who was making positive change on offender laws who were subsequently appointed to bench.
@Will Allen:
A “friend” recently did some things that are right out of your playbook and probably will warm your heart.
Over Memorial Day weekend, my “friend” rented a car, didn’t register the car, crossed state lines, hung out in a tourist trap–including where minors congregate, drove onto Tribal Lands, and generally lived the life of a “normal” person. My “friend” reports that not one thing went awry, nobody was alerted to her/his presence, and the Tribal Lands seem to have survived invasion by someone guilty of moral turpitude.
Somehow thousands of people managed to avoid the trauma of being around my “friend” and apparently none herded their wee ones away.
I will be required to travel to Kentucky for a week (5 business days) as a business trip and I am nervous since I have been avoiding traveling to any state so that I don’t trigger a registration requirement in more than one place. I have heard that I will not be required to register in Kentucky if I am only visiting, I tried to look this up but found contradicting information.
Can anyone help with a link confirming which is true?
I am also on probation so I will need to ask for permission though my probation officer has been very helpful and is not strict as others are. If anyone has any other advice or recommendations on what I should lookout for or research please let me know, I have high anxiety just thinking about it but I will have to figure this out somehow.
In recent years several states have made an effort to protect the public from “sexual psychopaths” (“persons with criminal propensities to the commission of sex offenses”) by authorizing their commitment to mental institutions.” Implicit in these laws is an ideology which has been made explicit in an extensive popular literature.2 This ideology contains the following propositions:
1. Women and children are in great danger in American society because serious sex crimes are very prevalent and are increasing more rapidly than any other type of crime. J. Edgar Hoover wrote, “The most rapidly increasing type of crime is that perpetrated by degenerate sex offenders …. (It) is taking its toll at the rate of a criminal assault every 43minutes, day and night, in the United States.”
2. Practically all of these serious sex crimes are committed by “degenerates,” “sex fiends,” or “sexual psychopaths.” Wittels wrote, “Most of the so-called sex killers are psychopathic personalities …. No one knows or can even closely estimate how many such creatures there are, but at least tens of thousands of them are loose in the country today.”
3. These sexual psychopaths continue to commit serious sex crimes throughout life because they have no control over their sexual impulses; they have a mental malady and are not responsible for their behavior.
4. A sexual psychopath can be identified with a high degree of precision even before he has committed any sex crimes.
5. A society which punishes sex criminals, even with severe penalties, and then releases them to prey again upon women and children is failing in its duty.
6. Laws should be enacted to segregate such persons, preferably before but at least after their sex crimes, and to keep them confined as irresponsible patients until their malady has been completely and permanently cured.
7. Since sexual psychopathy is a mental malady, the professional advice as to the diagnosis, the treatment, and the release of patients as cured should come exclusively from psychiatrists.
All of these propositions, which are implicit in the laws and explicit in the popular literature, are either false or question-able. Some of the errors in these propositions will be indicated.
Footnotes excluded.
Cannot highlight and link.
Janice, as things are starting to open up is there any hope for in person ACSOL meetings starting up latter this year? I really miss them.
21 days until the California tier law goes into effect it’s kinda hard to believe after being told by Law Enforcement for 21 years that I would have to register till the day I die.
There’s 100.000 sex offenders living in California that’s not including the one’s incarcerated.
If people in California really wanted to dismantle IML website all they need to do is start organizing, Lobbying, protesting and speaking out.
If just 500 people in California showed up at the state Capitol in peaceful protest that would literally scare the Hell out of these politicians here in California. California politicians, District Attorneys and Law Enforcement agencies have no respect for people on IML but I’m not surprised you can’t just go around demanding respect from people you have to earn it and sex offenders in California are to scared to stand up for themselves so they get no respect
Good luck ✌😎
AJ and Others – Just saw this on another site. Can someone read through this case: Powell vs Keel. Does it look like the S.C Supreme Court ruled lifetime registration and Internet Disclosure unconstitutional?? I will read through it later myself, but I am caught up with another task at the moment.
Can anyone explain to me how this man’s previous sex offense conviction has anything to do with his lousy driving skills??
Just using that “sex offender” label to get eyeballs, I guess!! 😡
Facebook is a hub of sex trafficking recruitment in the US, report says
So he’s being charged with not registering his Jeep…. But the article states that the officer knew the Jeep was his. So if they have redundant records – other ways of tying a vehicle to a registrant, why is it necessary for a register to register a vehicle which they apparently already know about? 🤔
Again, if registries are non-criminal and non-punitive, why isn’t he simply being given a fine for failing to provide the information? I think a $500 fine would certainly drive the point home – without getting the entire prosecutorial-judicial-carceral system involved to charge him with another felony.
It’s incredibly frustrating that efforts are made to find alternatives to incarceration for all other offenders – drug offenders, DUI drivers, etc.- but no such efforts are made for registration violations, many of which may be simple oversights or errors.
Am I the only registrant in So. Cal that has not received any notification on their place in the tier system?
Quandary – a 16 yr old female teen and her male 18 year old lover are charged with murdering her father in NV. However, a therapist says they may not know what the consequences were due to social media influence (
That’s a new defense tactic.
So, can minors or young adults (till say 26) use that when they’re busted for taking racy selfies or other sexually related legally problematic issues? Their brains are not mature so this works too? Combo defense?
When I think of my time in college many years ago, one lecture in one class always comes to the forefront of my mind. The class was Sociology 101. The lecture talked about the decriminalization of possession of marijuana laws and increased the amount of marijuana to one ounce needed for a felony possession. The reason for the change in Utah law was upper middle class and upper class members of the Church of Latter Day Saints (this demographic is mostly wealthy white people) were getting arrested for possessing In addition to the recent SC Supreme Court ruling and the ALI to the model penal code, the recent plea deal of Joel Greenberg could also be a catalyst to change the registrant laws because now you have a family with tens of millions of dollars and political connections that will likely lobby for changes in the law in Florida when they begin to realize the impact Florida’s sex offender laws have on their son after his incarceration. If Matt Gaetz is charged and found guilty after his due process, it will be one more wealthy and politically connected family that will likely lobby against Florida’s laws too. Hopefully the laws will change much sooner than it takes for these two scenarios to play out.
It doesn’t matter what state you live in if your controlling case resulted in a felony conviction then your FTR charge will also result in A felony conviction.
Every sex offender living in America are scared as HELL of catching a FTR charge because they know a charge like that would definitely send them to the Slaughter house.
And if they do make it out of prison they still gotta deal with probation/parole and GPS ankle monitors for 5 years.
When the feds passed the Adam Walsh act making FTR charges a felony Law Enforcement agencies went crazy rounding up sex offenders through out the whole country it was a modern day wich hunt.
So I’m not surprised the new California teir Law has more punishment in it for people with FTR charges I think its 3 more years on IML for felony FTR and 1 more year for misdemeanor FTR.
Can you imagine how many sex offenders in California have been convicted for FTR between 2006 and 2021 I bet is a lot
Good luck 🥱
This is an interesting idea: if you are hassled by neighbors and are concerned they may vandalize your property, put some cheap potted plants (repurposed weeds?) in plastic pots in your front yard on an old bench. Maybe vandals will take out their aggression on worthless plants instead of your house!
The FBI has released a memo warning of Q anon extremists targeting Democrats and perceived enemies with violence. Please be aware of this. We qualify as those “Perceived enemies” since Q anon members hold as their one of their core beliefs a world wide cabal of child traffickers and Pedophiles.
We are much easier to approach than elected officials since we have no real protection from law enforcement or the justice system. Actually, L.E.O.s have shown to be involved in Q anon and as such are not to be trusted.
The world has become a much more dangerous place over the last 20 yrs., and even more so for those on the public registry. Please be careful and safe.
365 birthdays in a year
There are 251 working days in 2021, with 10 public holidays, 104 weekend days for a total of 365 days in 2021.
There are 46 Courts in Los Angeles County
251 + 46 * y = equal average number of courts receiving petitions per day.
Every court day there will be y number of eligible to petition in LA County.
Solve for y.
Or fix the equation so it is solvable. 🙂
I filled out two applications in the last two months for volunteer emergency response ( firefighting) and county rescue recovery diver . With my “particular set of skills” ( haha movie reference) I am actually over qualified for both ( contra costa and L.A. county sheriff tried to hire me straight out of military for S.W.A.T. ) yet Both apps have been “Thank you”ed due to my misdemeanor conviction.
I guess with all this hot weather, I will just have to enjoy watching the Bay Area burn to the ground while sipping Tea from my patio.
Do any one know who is Amanda Meek is?