How a suicidal pizza man found himself ensnared in an FBI sting

This isn’t a story about the police stings that we are all too familiar with. But it is another example of how the FBI goes too far with sting operations.
This is based on a story on back in 2017

Every day was the same for Rayyan, 21, a depressed pizza delivery man from Dearborn Heights, Michigan. Working for a pizzeria in Detroit, he’d drive late nights on desolate inner city streets, smoking pot hoping to keep boredom at bay. He carried a pistol to protect himself from robbers.

Rayyan wished he could meet a girl but his strict Muslim parents didn’t allow him to date.

In the fall of 2017, at the age of 21, Ryyan found himself deeply depressed and contemplating suicide. Pouring out his feelings to strangers on the internet. He posted pictures of himself with a rifle and suggested he might want to wage jihad.

When he did that, out of the blue, he got a response from a woman he’d never heard of called Ghaada. The two never actually met in person, but over time, a very intense relationship developed. Ghaada professed her love for Ryyan. They courted online for weeks. Then, one day, Ghaada stopped writing. She simply disappeared. A new woman took her place and began texting Ryyan too. This woman’s name was Jannah. Jannah wasn’t interested in romance. She wanted to wage violent jihad.

She told Ryyan that if he planned to kill himself, he should take out some infidels along with him.

“When it’s jihad, or when it’s based on our creed or for a cause, that’s the only time Allah allows it,” she wrote. Eventually, Ryyan admitted to Jannah that he had fantasized about killing people in the church near his pizza shop, though he stressed that he would never actually do it. In fact, he encouraged Jannah not to hurt anyone.

Days after he wrote that, FBI agents swooped in and arrested Ryyan. That’s when he learned that the women he’d been texting didn’t exist. Ghaada and Jannah were fake, pure creations of the FBI. The bureau had spent an entire year working to entrap a depressed pizza delivery boy and created a honey trap to do it. But it still didn’t work. After all that work, the feds still didn’t have enough evidence to file terrorism charges against him. Nothing Ryyan had said was criminal. He could have gone free, but they couldn’t let him go free. That’d be too embarrassing to the government. So they charged him with an absurd non-crime — “unlawful possession of a firearm while under the influence of a controlled substance.” He didn’t shoot anyone or brandish a gun, he just had it — and sent him to prison for five years.

The FBI often does more than stop crimes. Sometimes, the FBI creates crimes.  A law enforcement agency should never encourage anyone to break the law. It’s grotesque, and yet, they routinely do that every day.

Based on a story found on

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I remember this story, this guy wasn’t the only person targeted by the FBI they did the same thing to this American guy who converted to Islam and was posting he wanted to wage violent Jihad on the United States government they got his az too
People convicted of a sex offense in America have gotta be extremely careful not only do they have to worry about being killed in prison or by some crazy Neighbor they also have to worry about the District attorney’s office, U.S. Marshals, local law enforcement and the FBI.
A couple years back I went into the Irvine Police Station to do my annual registration and was arrested for a misdemeanor traffic violation for not to paying A red light ticket that resulted in a warrant for my arrest.
I remember sitting in the back of the police car on my way to Santa Ana Jail and seeing my face and all my personal information on his computer screen and it said FBI database I dont know why but it really made me feel hopeless and trapped.
California has 100,000 people listed on the registry and not all of them have cases involving minors not all of them are rapist some people just got cought up in the system.
For instance A 17 year old high school kid accidentally getting his 15 year old girlfriend pregnant and continues to remain in a relationship with her after his 18th birthday has passed should not be posted on Megan’s law for the rest of his life.
These are the stories the the media don’t report or cover these are the types of stories the public don’t know about if the public knew that their fathers, husbands, sons, nephews, uncles and brothers were under attack by FBI they would be looking at Megan’s law in a whole different light

Good luck 🗣

Come on, FBI. Go ahead and make it official. Change your name to KGB already!

So the Federal Bureau of Investigation wishes to utilise the database driven infrastructure in unconstitutional ways to make their bones.

J. Edgar is smiling from the depths of hell at this and the office he created.

Just to be clear any law enforcement agency with the authority to operate in the United States can and does setup elaborate operations. They don’t care about the collateral consequences of dragging more people than they’ll ever catch. It doesn’t matter if it’s weapons, drugs, obscene material and items (not necessarily child pornography), child pornography, cars and other vehicles, aircraft, boats, electronics, mechanical or electrical parts and components, human trafficking, or anything else. If one bad person or a person they want to portray as bad is caught then success. Simultaneously other individuals might very well be getting away with far worse than the one or small number prosecuted. Sometimes it’s multiple years spent in collaboration with international agencies for results that really make rational people wonder what could’ve occurred if those resources were utilized more efficiently.

This is just another example about how law enforcement is a big business. It’s no longer about actually preventing and/or locking up criminals but about making sure there are enough criminals to make sure they receive plenty of taxpayer money and make their work relevant. Obviously sometimes this goal of theirs occasionally nets a real serious criminal anyway (which only helps their goals even more).

I’m only surprised that they didn’t try to claim the fictional women they created were only 15. That really would have strung him up.