CA DOJ Issues New Proof of Registration Form

Source: ACSOL

The California Department of Justice (CA DOJ) has issued a new proof of registration form, Form CJIS 8050.  The new form is one page long and includes standard registration information such as name and address.  The new form also includes a registrant’s Tier Level.

“We do not yet know if this form must be filed along with an individual’s petition in order to be removed from the registry,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “At least one county this week required a registrant to request and obtain the form as a supplement to his petition.”

ACSOL has posed this question to CA DOJ earlier today, however, the agency has not yet provided an answer.

“In the meantime, we recommend that every person who goes to register this year asks for a copy of Form CJIS 8050 that has been filled out and signed by a Registration Officer,” stated Bellucci.

Traditional registration forms are six pages long and require registrants to initial each and every registration requirement as well as sign the form on the bottom of each page.  By comparison, the new form does not require a registrant’s initials or signature.

Download the form PDF:

Proof of Current Registration Form CJIS 8050


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It’s 2021. I can get almost any information I want via the internet within minutes from anywhere in the world. Why can’t the court verify all this information from other LE systems? Are they still communicating via carrier pigeon? (frustratingly joking at the ineptitude of the legal systems communication; anyone still awaiting the DOJ to catch up to the courts having released people from registering knows this)

Would using this new form waive any disagreement with the assigned Tier?

More evidence of government incompetence. The California Department of Injustice fails to respond to a simple question regarding the bogus and unconstitutional Megan’s Law that it enforces, daily, like the Nazi and fascist organization it is. What a scam.

The public SERVANTS at the California Department of Injustice might as well don a swastika, put on a Hitler mustache, and yell “Heil Hitler!” as this eroding society begins to prepare for the next round of post-pandemic protests after the new strain of COVID takes ahold of this shit show of a country.

No wonder the California Department of Injustice has earned 1.5 out of 5 stars on Yelp. They, with former leader Kkkamala Harris, earned every bit of that 1.5 stars. If the California Department of Injustice was a restaurant, the Crooks at the California Department of Injustice would have been out of a job, and on food stamps, waiting for their next EBT payment to come in to blow at Walmart on shitty junk food, because no one would want the food they are serving at the California Department of Injustice Diner.

We should expect more from our public servants, especially when we, as “Registered Sex Offenders,” are paying the highest sales tax, highest income tax (if you are lucky enough to have a job in this Scam of an economy), and property tax (if you are lucky enough to own a place to live in this overpriced Scam of a state) in the United States of America.

Again, California has the HIGHEST tax rates in the country, and the fools in government can’t even do their jobs as public servants.

If we’re all paying premium on taxes, regardless of whether we are “Registered” Citizens, we must expect premium service from these scumbag public servants.

Government is a failure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dean

I’m actually going to do my yearly registration Friday the 30th of July, 24 years now *PD*
(police) still very chill. informed me I’m tier 2 PD stated this should/will be my last year to register. I inquired if this is my last year why do I need to register? PD stated I will register like normal & will get paperwork with tier assignment, than will need to take that to the courthouse to information, pretty much *my opinion* will get confused well,,,, its a courthouse!?!?!? & im sure they are still not prepared, but I can be wrong. I inquired with PD if I needed to do livedcan & the answer was no, sooo I’m OK with that, PD stated within 3 months everything should be done & over. PD stated I still needed to register until the DOJ sends info to courthouse. courthouse than sends to local PD via email, im thinking either PD will either call me or I will get a letter pertaining to. PD is new to this de-registration & I’m the 1st of her registrants to do this so PD is still well,,, learning this step/process, I will find out more on Friday my dob is on 31 but that’s a Saturday, ahhhh no,,,!!! another day, I pass. will give more info as I also learn/share. GOOD LUCK TO ALL.

Still no tier has been assigned.. been over a decade now.
I guess I will see this document next year

The district attorney office uses those forms with the initials on it in court to convict people of knowingly and willfully failing to to comply with all the terms and conditions of his/her 290 registration.
Here in long Beach they even make you initial by your phone# and home address.
I thought things were getting better but no things are getting worse especially for people who cant find a place to live because of 290 registration.
California has officially made homelessness illegal so 290 registrants will have to be designated to one specific location or area or be out of compliance.
This is the loophole LE has been crying about for years sex offender hiding amongst the homeless people to avoid detection.

Good luck

I’m pretty disgusted with the California Department of Injustice.

Let us remember that the Megan’s Law Scam originated as a registration scam that required gays to register as “offenders” in the first half of the 20th century. Yes, California once criminalized homosexuality, interracial marriages, and enforced racial segregation. When the government labels you as a “Registered Sex Offender,” just remember that our perverted “government” has done much worse than you, on a scale of epic proportion. Remember that this is the same California Department of Injustice that has placed innocent people on Death Row.

Let us remember the times we’ve wasted setting up appointments for these annual registration Scams, how we’re forced to fingerprint and initial six-plus pages of continuously changing forms, as well as how we are forced to communicate with shady law enforcement, even after we’ve paid our dues to society.

Let us remember how the DOJ continues to perpetuate the enforcement of the Megan’s Law Scam. At this point, unless the DOJ employees are complete buffoons, they must get the hint that they are enforcing crap laws that make ZERO common sense.

Our taxes fund these shit hole escapades and we’re relegated to third-class citizens, treated like crap by loser bureaucrats who couldn’t do anything in life other than rubber stamp crap policy and law!!!

Over 105,000 Registered Sex Offenders in California. About one million Registered Sex Offenders in the United States of America. This country seems like a House of Cards bound to collapse because of government incompetence.

Let’s remember the names of the corrupt government scumbags who enforced the Megan’s Law Scam when the check eventually comes due.

People that work for the California Department of Justice were not good enough at smuggling drugs into prisons to work for CDCR, and lack foresight to work for the DMV. That’s why they ended up in the California Department of Justice.

America is a gigantic scam. I truly believe America will fail because the “people” in our government have failed to govern properly. In this regard I completely agree with my boyfriend!

The way the government has failed to manage Megan’s Law, and how it has skyrocketed to a million “sex offenders” in the entire country, is just a microcosm of everything gone wrong with the United States.

I have absolutely zero confidence in the United Scams of America. America is the land of scams, not land of the free. It’s led by the land of COWARDS… not the “home of the brave.” The “American Dream” has turned to the American Nightmare and American Scam. We have and will always be lied to by our government and mainstream news.

America is completely overrated. Even some third-world nations rank better than America when it comes to things like quality of life and life expectancy. And if you work hard, you’ll be taxed like shit for third-rate government services.

All the United States is good for is producing bullies, war machines, selfish coward politicians and laws, greedy corporations, and the most incarcerated per capita population compared to even China, Russia, and North Korea. Then America has the audacity to bully other countries, act as the “world police,” and wage war or start theatrics when it can’t even take care of its own shit. American arrogance.

”God bless America?” Nah.

Shame on America. Shame.

1. These DOJ idiots were given months to correct all the errors in the Registry and never did it.
2. They were given a year+ (plus 60+ new hires!) to prepare for the Tiered Registry and provide each Registrant with their Tier level and were unable to do it. And…..
3. Now these j*ck*sses NEED PROOF that somebody is ON their Registry?? WTF!!?? 😡😡😡

*UPDATE* went to PD to register, this time no picture was taken simply filled out the paperwork (initials & sign) I got my paperwork, has file control #, has cii #, of course my info & where it say *registrant status* TIER 2, second page also states the doj has designated me as a tier 2, this page also has a fcn #, PD stated I simply go to court, go to information center, petetion/file, PD says after I file I wait for documentation from court, I will receive something in the mail, than I contact my local PD, serve my document(s) there’s also a # if you would like to review/receive your criminal history *GOOD LUCK TO ALL*

when I registered this year *24 years* on registry, normally I would get that tiny receipt, since this was/is my last year its a full complete page stating on top *proof of current registration*

Registered today(Annual) w my local Police Dept.(26th year now) Officer handed me the 6 pages(Form CJIS 8102S) that had my name, date of birth & a few other boxes already filled in only . Informed me I needed to fill in ALL the rest myself for “auditing” reasons. They no longer pre-fill them in. When I shared w him about the “new” form he was not interested(Form CJIS 8050).
When the other form was completed; I thumb printed ALL 6 pages & he gave me a copy to take w me. He also took several photos.

God willing this will be my last time. Tier 2 here.

*UPDATE* so went to courthouse to file/petition 8/5/21 clerk had no idea ? he told me u need to petition *ahhh yeah * I told clerk PD ask me to come to courthouse & petition, in which clerk had my paperwork, so he asked fellow clerk, clerk came back with 10 papers but 7 of them were me to fill in, clerk also gave me a public defenders # to help with paperwork, so I called all 4 numbers & know couldn’t help? I’m just a little curious so next week I will go to a different courthouse & see what type of response I will get * GOOD LUCK TO ALL *