NE: James Fairbanks sentenced: 40–70 years in murder of person listed on the registry

OMAHA, Neb. (KMTV) — James Fairbanks, who pleaded no contest to second-degree murder in the killing of  Mattieo Condoluci last year, was sentenced in a Douglas County on Wednesday morning.

3 News Now reporter, Jon Kipper was in the courtroom where a judge sentenced him to a total of 40–70 years on two counts: second-degree murder and possessing a firearm while committing a felony.

Condoluci’s daughter spoke in support of Fairbanks at the sentencing hearing and Condoluci’s son spoke against Fairbanks.

On May 16, 2020, Condoluci, 64, was found dead inside his home near 43rd & Pinkney St.

Fairbanks sent an anonymous email to the media, including KMTV, and later admitted he was the one who sent the letter in which he detailed why he killed Condoluci.


Dear Media,

I am writing this email to let you know that I killed Matteio Condoluci Thursday May 14th around 9:45 pm. While out apartment searching and checking the neighboorhoods I wanted to live in i stumbled across his Sex offense registry info. I read where he had molested (raped) two children and beem convicted twice yet only served two years in prison. For RAPING CHILDREN! I seen his address was right around the block from where i was looking to move. I drove by and to my horror he was standing in his driveway pretending to wash his truck (no soap or water just a rag) while staring at a group of children playing in the street. I watched him for a few minutes and just felt sick to my stomach. He just kept staring at them. The kids thankfully left and he went inside. I went to drive away and noticed to my amazement this twice convicted person had a playground set in his backyard! No fence. Just a slide and a play house. I felt sick to my stomach. Having had my own experience with these type of predators I knew the damage he would do to those kids. It agonized me for days. I coudnt sleep. I researched him more and more and found he had victimized dozens of kids in different states.  One kids mother had created a predator facebook page about him trying to warn people about him. Her son had been assaulted by him when he was 5 and the damage he did led the poor guy to die of a drug overdose years later and his mom directly bamed that incident on him.,,

I’ve worked with kids for years who have been victimized and i couldnt in good conscience allow him to do it to anyone else while I had the means to stop him. I’m willing to turn myself in even though im confident I woudn’t be caught because its my opionion that we need to fix this in our socitey. We can not let this continue to happen to out children. They must be stopped. I know in this messed up judicial system that means I will face far more severe punishment for stopping him then he did for raping KIDS. But I could no longer do nothing.

If you need proof the gun was a 9 milimeter, the front door was left open and the tv was on.

I’ll turn myself in as soon as I see this has beed released.



It said he was looking for an apartment in the area, knew of Condoluci’s past and saw him staring at children.

The letter stated he’d seen the impact abuse has on kids and couldn’t let Condoluci victimize anyone else.


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Isn’t it interesting that a man convicted of killing a registrant was sentenced to 40 years in prison. This is the same amount of time (40 years) that a man convicted of failing to register was sentenced to in Texas last month.

I’m sure we are all (a) disgusted and furious with the fact that this psycho chose to stalk and murder a registered citizen, (b) disgusted and furious with the crimes Condolucci committed in his past against all of his victims, and (c) disgusted and furious with the biased media coverage – a media that serves as cheerleaders for prosecutors, police, and others who seek to promote hysteria and hatred towards registered citizens, and who, as usual, overtly promoted and featured, in great detail, the late Mr. Condolucci’s past acts, with the obvious intent of justifying/mitigating this murderer’s crime.

I am also hopeful that, collectively, we (a) are all empathetic towards any and all of Condolucci’s past victims, (b) empathetic towards all those who mourn Condolucci’s passing, and (c) pleased with the comparatively long sentence that the judge handed down to this psycho, with the hope that it may serve as a deterrent to other like-minded individuals, and further serves to re-balance the scales of justice. We’ll see.

I’m glad my keeping on top of the DA’s office in Omaha paid off. In Nebraska he’ll be doing half his top and bottom numbers, unless the laws have changed.

I wonder what would have happened if I did not like a drug dealer in my neighbor and made a decision after stalking his daily activities to walk into his home while the tv was on and shoot him in cold blood? Would I have received more or less time than 40-70 years?

What I find interesting is the victim’s daughter speaking in support of the murderer. I’d like to hear her thought process in that. She must have some real hate towards her deceased Father.

This is a story for Dateline. A bunch of what appears to be some rather weird actions by all involved.

So just like the registry telling the public that the persons on the registry MAY DO the same thing again in the future (which is bull) this guy decided to kill him for what he MAY DO in the future.

Yes, he got 40 years for not providing proper registry information and that is terrible. This murderer got 40 to 70 years.

[MODERATORS NOTE: edited to follow policy guidelines]

…but to reward him puts an even bigger target on my back and yours.

This is another example of trolling until someone goes off the deep end at the expense of due process. The killer said it was the play set in Condoluci’s backyard that really set him off, but the play set was put there by Condoluci’s son for his child. So it was a deadly assumption. Now Fairbanks will spend at least 20 years in prison, and he now thinks he could have chosen “a better course of action.” Those that helped instigate the murder will not spend a day in prison.

I feel like my life is in danger everytime I walk out the door I never know who or what’s coming for me it could be A sex offender taskforce or some crazy neighbor i never met trying to kill me
I can’t own a firearm so how do I protect myself from people like this guy it’s extremely dangerous haveing your name and address on Megan’s law website for the world to see.

Last edited 3 years ago by Chad