Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2021. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of... -
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Trump administration creates registry for immigrants who are in the US illegally
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It’s August, one year since the Proposed DOJ/SMART Rules were introduced. Bracing for that foot to drop.
There is a bigger picture that serves as a higher power.
Opinion: It’s time to repeal the worst criminal justice law of the past 30 years
Humble suggestion to join “abolitionist” groups such as Critical Resistance and DSA. We need RSO voices in those rooms.
Went yesterday for annual. As usual, procedural changes made by dept. that we as local registrants were not informed about. So process took longer than expected. But finished all the same.
I asked about my tier designation letter and they begrudgingly retrieved it. Not a surprise that it said ‘Tier 1’, but is a nice to see it on an official document.
As I left the office I noticed a young man sitting on steps looking over his registration. I stopped and offered him some assistance and encouragement. I could tell by his look he was new to this circus. He initially resisted, but I told him I had gone through this a few times and it doesn’t get easier, but does get more tolerable. Ended up he had the same charge as me. We sat and spoke for a few minutes and then I excused myself. He thanked me for being understanding. I responded that none of us understand this, but we can still get through it.
Also finally won the email battle with City-Data and was removed from their listing. They had identified my address on their site and finally admitted they had made an error due to some ‘ over zealous employee’ and had removed my listing. What ever.
So all in all, a good start to August.
HOW MANY HAVE ALREADY APPLIED FOR REMOVAL, having July/Aug3rd Bday and rec’d late letter T B D (To Be Determined) besides Frank ? So you canNOT apply even though it’s your TIME to but with that TBD Ltr, it relates to an Auto Denial even if you send out copies to orig locale in CA DA and Co. of Arrest AND copies to current Co. DA/County applying in Registering Removal with copy of your latest Proof of Reg. plus DL/ID ???
Dying to find out (IF-it’s most of us old folk on for more than 30 yrs plus ) how many?
Its kool hearing storys about people reaching out to help one another in this phuct up situation especially the new ones 10-15 years ago registrant’s just kept to themselves out of fear I feel like the veterans on the hit list are starting to form a community of 290 registrant’s and don’t even know it.
The veterans are the ones debunking the myths about people on the registry by being productive members of Society for so long.
Me personally iv been registering for 22 years now hopefully on my birthday next year I can petition to be done with all this BS I’m over it.
Good luck
Has anyone here received a COR in California and relieved of the duty to register that moved to a state outside of CA? I know there are quite a few states that will make you register regardless if it was terminated in CA. I had a misdemeanor 647.6 that was dismissed and expunged. COR was received this year. Looking to move out of CA but don’t want to walk into another nightmare.
Calling all 288.2 registrants! I’m planning to send this letter to the Safety Committee. I think there will be more impact if more people send their letters as well. I’m angry and wiling to file a lawsuite if I have to and welcome anyone to join.
Dear Senate Member
I’m writing to voice my frustration and anger with the amended sex offender registry law 290, effective as of January 1, 2021, In the amended registry law, PC 288.2 “Sending of harmful matter to a minor” is categorized under Tier 3. This is a non-violent, no contact offense, but it’s categorized at the same level as the most violent sex crimes such rape. There is no factual basis for the extreme classification and I urge the lawmakers to amend PC 290 AND move PC 288.2 from Tier 3 to Tier 1. I’d like to explain how it’s negatively affecting my family and why I’m writing to you.
– My husband now has lifetime obligation to register until his death. We can never rebuild and plan our future together due to the copious restrictions placed on travel and residence on the registrant.
– As a tier 3 registrant, our family home address, where we’ve lived for 25 years, will be published on Megan’s website, accessible to the public, neighbors, relative, friends, and colleagues.
– In addition to my husband, my children and myself will be subject to public shaming, harassment, loss of friends, property damage to our home, and potential loss of employment. This damage can never be rectified.
– This has a PUNISHING effect and negates all principles of rehabilitation.
– As innocent parties, for my children and me, it is a CLEAR VIOLATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS AND PRIVACY.
– PC 288.2 is a non-contact, non-violent offense but the registry requirement is the same as violent sex crimes offenders at the highest risk level. This violates the fair treatment clause.
– In the pre-amended version of PC 290, PC 288.2 was explicitly excluded from Megan’s website.
As a taxpayer and parent, I want laws passed to protect my children from violent sexual predators, not a blanket insurance against all sex offenders, who are otherwise law-abiding, non-violent, and non-predatory. My children and I are hurt directly by the new Tier Registry. In addition, my husband is depressed and has no hope for his future. Lawmakers must consider the family of the offenders, who have no choice in the matter but is nevertheless subject to unconstitutional punishment, even after the sentence of the crime has been served by their loved one. I urge you to amend PC 290 and move PC 288.2 to Tier 1. By making this small change, it will impact all these registrants and their families, like mine, in a positive way without sacrificing public safety.
I am seeking anyone who may have already went through this process of Filing for SSDI; and any guidance they can possibly offer me (such as what-to-expect; and any ‘pro’s & con’s’ to consider).
I am preparing to obtain an attorney to help me with Filing my Initial Application, etc. I have substantial medical records from my doctors over the years to include back problems, PTSD, Severe Anxiety, Depression, etc etc etc.
I lost my full time employment years ago (from conviction of course) and since have been trying to perform some simple/small work projects as being “self-employed”. I NEVER make enough that would affect the SSDI ‘Substantial Gainful Employment’ consideration (so that’s not going to be an issue). I can only work very limited (as my mind and body allows) each month ….. maybe around $600.00 a Month. I have applied TWICE over the past couple of years; and denied both times, so wondering for this Third Attempt with the following.
My question and guidance is regarding if (besides my Medical complications) if being a “Registered Person” would help my chances of gaining Approval ? Specifically; if/when it would get to the process of meeting with the Administrative Law Judge, and when they are trying to “determine” if I am capable of performing any other type of jobs, being a ‘Registered Person’ is a “Disabling” condition itself…… because (likely most) employers won’t/refuse to hire a ‘registered person’. So I would think that could/should be taken into consideration.
I’m in Pennsylvania; Age 50. If anyone has any experience with SSDI and being ‘registered’ person. Sincerely and Thank You
Guess I finely got back on here as Janice and the others have wanted me to come back. While I use an old system of micro soft I am still not familiar with a lot of computer language, computers do have their drawbacks and the registry is one of them in a deceptive way. While one seeks applying and being removed I have even asked for removal, not only for myself but for others such as a pardon, instead they send me my civil rights back with a notice I am still on probation from VA. After making a decision I sent the Secratary a letter saying I did not want my rights back at this time due to this ordeal of this registry.
While we don’t know who is on the other end of a computer setting one up even by this ruse is no good for any in America therefore I am with Janice’s team and many others all the way. I hope you all welcome me back. I am sure Will Allen and others will. Yet the fight for truth and justice and standing up still goes on.
Minnesota prosecutor charged with sexually assaulting child.–MbvlGQ5N-bOHWsXGel3XXNULpLq7kX0F6jZAV_4
The most overzealous cops and prosecutors are typically twisted individuals haunted by their own guilt, twisted through their inherently fascist, power-hungry and hypocritical personalities. No one should be surprised by this.
dub, it needs a lot of rethinking!!!
Wow! WTF!? )And people should be afraid of us!!?)
This is probably old news to some, but it is worth another read if so. And those who never read it, well, you’re in for a surprise.
Sex Offender Laws Are Broken. These Women Are Working To Fix Them. Standing up for the rights of a widely reviled group isn’t for the faint of heart.
Andrew Cuomo is facing many allegations of sexual misconduct.
-Back in 2009, while he was New York Attorney General, he was the one who started the nonsense that causes all registrants to be barred by Facebook and other social media companies:
-Then, in 2016, he tried to get registrants to be barred from playing Pokemon! Seriously, an effing video game!!!
-And, in early 2020, he tried to get registrants kicked off of MTA Mass Transit (like they are trying to do in Washington D.C.)
You can’t make this shit up!!! It’s like these politicians deal with their own demons by throwing registrants and their families under the bus. I’m so sick of it!!!
Politicians like him are a cancer to this country!
Now seven weeks since getting my CoR and still haven’t been removed from the registry. At what point should I sue the DOJ for failing to follow a court order???
As we are slowly hearing more from Michigan, there’s this decision:
“District of Columbia Court of Appeals opinion holding that D.C.’s SORA law does not violate Ex Post Facto prohibitions as applied to an individual convicted prior to its passage and required to register.”
Very frustrating! When is the torturously slow SCOTUS going to address these forever contradictory court decisions???
(Minor note to D.C. judge: HOW IS IT NOT PUNISHMENT!!?? 😡)
If you want clear examples of how completely screwed up the information is that is being posted concerning tiers, Megan’s Listing and exclusions, you don’t have to look any further than the official CASOMB & DOJ sites. They post completely contradictory information from each other.
. DOJ ( clearly states on page 6 that tier designation will NOT be posted.
. CASOMB ( on point #4 clearly states that tier designation WILL be posted.
The DOJ is the more recent of the two posting ( 2/21 vs. 2/20), but never the less they should be consistent.
Left hand ? This is Right hand, WTF are you doing……..
Thank you Will Allen. You sure I didn’t see you and some of the others in the movie “Stir Crazy”. J/k Concerned lady write those letters.. I have written to my governors and president and even the New President. Be not ashamed. How many are overzealous or even money or power hungry, or were does that leave the little person today in this registry issue. Seems like sting operations are the wave of the last 20 years or so, or should we all say is justice still blind on the statue of Liberty or who is the brood of vipers today?
Doing evil for evil to overcome another is like “Taunting” another and is only making matters worse. Sure we all can take views and comments with a grain of salt in many respects but its the confusion of a lot of this paper chase we all strive to understand via this computer base or a touch type of ordeal. While protecting and serving is good pretending and taunting are not. Their is even an old saying the proof is in the pudding and proving is good.
I wish a case would happen in NV. The AWA has left my husband in constant fear. He was only 2 years away from being able to petition to be removed while a tier 1. Now he is a tier 3. Hes afraid for our child. We have been harrassed by police time and time again since the AWA was implemented. We don’t have alot of money or else I would try to fight this. He works, comes home and takes care of his family. But yet he’s a tier 3, tier worse of the worse….this is bs and something needs to change for everyone involved. It saddens me everyday and I worry everyday. We want to move but to where?!? Where can we go that the rules of NV won’t follow him?!? Ughhhh its so unfair what NV has done to so many people who are just try living their lives and get past their past.
Found at Sentencing Law and Policy
“Newspaper Expungement”
Thursday, July 01, 2021
“Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Laws: An Empirical Evaluation”
No Will Allen I never did like “Blazing Saddles” but my real name is James. Course that movie was a bit different than what was expected but the treatment was there in an off colored way. Are many of these registry ordeals Blazing or brazing with an oppressed got ya climax, or do we all look for the next coming attraction.? If the comic relief is on someone its the one that got involved by governments hit man if you would like to say. And their justification is we are only doing our job. So who is taunting and who is hurting or who is carnal minded and who is above reproach? I hope the name James is still in the bible to help teach and encourage double minded people or governments. Those who have ears let him hear.
Sure we all could look at this registry in many different angles or strive in some proper perspectives or should we would all understand … its all part of the game as one detective told me. I’m sure that this registry experiment has deep holes in it, or is man compounding mankind in some civil war way, or did the devil really go down to Georgia for some vain reason. One can read about that in the bible. In the past on here I given some Christian understanding as many remember on here. Why did I do that? Well doesn’t love cover a multitude of sins or are we to love thy neighbor today?
Is this registry a give and take ordeal of only the strong survive. Yes Jerry Butler had a lot to say if you listen and open your ears. One wonders are the blind still leading the blind? Sure Janice and her team are doing a good job to help those at times that don’t have any were to turn to even try to understand, so one has to show respect when respect is due or should many go back to ones own mole hole in this one way unethical one size fits all or take a True stand as Janice team is striving to do.
Apple is breaking its commitment to privacy and will now start scanning all encrypted photos and messages on iPhones — for the announced purpose of detecting any known child porn, that is, any photos that match child porn in a US national database. It also will analyze all messages for sexual content and decide whether they think it is related to children. Any “hits” will be turned over to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in the US, which is not even supposedly focused on photos but on actual children, but clearly they are focused on other things.
This is wildly wrong and very dangerous, in my opinion. And apparently, it’s going to be just a part of the OS. I have no interest in child porn, but this is how through history spying has been started, it’s how the Nazis got started in Germany, they screamed about sex offenders and built the party on that before they bothered with Jews. Once you can do something to sex offenders, you can do it to anyone. It’s not just sex offenders phones being scanned, everyone’s phone will be scanned. Also, be clear, this is not about any actual children in trouble or missing, it is simply about people looking at photos, photos already in a national database, so those people did not take them. (But despite that limit to photos in a national database the story notes, I expect any photos of children that might seem sexual to some people will be turned over.) Mind you, in the US, a child is anyone under age 18.
Again, everything on your phone will be scanned to see if it meets this criteria — don’t count on everything else being ignored, especially when the government spies or the police come in and demand it, something they do regularly, and now they can be demanding everything on phones.
I don’t know how this might affect phones outside the US, especially for US travelers in other countries.